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Overview of the Proposed Changes to the Fisheries Act

February 2018

Overview of the Proposed Changes to the Fisheries Act (PDF)

Introducing Bill C-68

Engagement to date

Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)

DFO engagement

Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples

Overview of the Bill

8 Key Areas

  1. Provisions to modernize the Fisheries Act
  2. Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples
  3. Fish and fish habitat protection provisions
  4. Enforcement provisions
  5. Fisheries management provisions
  6. Provisions to create a fisheries management order power
  7. Biodiversity protection provisions
  8. Cetaceans in captivity provisions

Provisions to modernize the Fisheries Act

A new purpose for the Fisheries Act (section 2.1)

A purpose for the Fisheries Act is included in the Bill to guide the Minister in applying the Act.

Section 2.1 - The purpose of this Act is to provide a framework for:

  1. the proper management and control of fisheries; and
  2. the conservation and protection of fish and fish habitat, including by preventing pollution.

New considerations for decision-making (section 2.5)

Section 2.5 - Except as otherwise provided in this Act, when making a decision under this Act, the Minister may consider, among other things:

  1. the application of a precautionary approach and an ecosystem approach;
  2. the sustainability of fisheries;
  3. scientific information;
  4. traditional knowledge of the Indigenous peoples of Canada that has been provided to the Minister;
  5. community knowledge;
  6. cooperation with any government of a province, any Indigenous governing body and any body - including a co-management body - established under a land claims agreement;
  7. social, economic and cultural factors in the management of fisheries;
  8. the preservation or promotion of the independence of licence holders in commercial inshore fisheries; and
  9. the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors.

Other provisions to modernize the Act (sections 4.01,12 and 92)

Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples

Rights of Indigenous peoples (sections 2.3 and 2.4)

Traditional knowledge (TK) of Indigenous peoples of Canada (sections 2.5, 34.1 and 61.2)

Partnering with Indigenous Peoples of Canada (sections 4.1 and 4.2)

Other provisions (section 7)

Fish and fish habitat protection provisions


Definition for fish habitat (section 2)

Factors to consider (section 34.1)

The factors that the Minister must consider prior to recommending to the Governor-in-Council regulations or the Minister exercising powers related to authorizations, permits, orders or Ministerial regulations.

  1. the contribution to the productivity of relevant fisheries by the fish or fish habitat that is likely to be affected;
  2. fisheries management objectives;
  3. whether there are measures and standards:
    1. to avoid the death of fish or to mitigate the extent of their death or offset the effects of their death;
    2. to avoid, mitigate or offset the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat;
  4. the cumulative effects of the carrying on of the work, undertaking or activity referred to in a recommendation or an exercise of power, in combination with other works, undertakings or activities that have been or are being carried on, on fish and fish habitat;
  5. any fish habitat banks, within the meaning of section 42.01, that may be affected;
  6. whether any measures and standards to offset the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat give priority to the restoration of degraded fish habitat;
  7. traditional knowledge of the Indigenous peoples of Canada that has been provided to the Minister; and
  8. any other factor that the Minister considers relevant.

Standards and codes of practice (section 34.2)

Prohibition against the death of fish and the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat (sections 34.4 and 35)

Permits and designated projects (section 35.1)

Ecologically significant areas (ESA) (section 35.2)

Habitat banking (sections 42.01, 42.02, 42.03 and 42.04)

New provisions establish a proponent-led fish habitat banking scheme including:

Public registry (sections 42.2 - 42.5)

Other fish and fish habitat protection provisions (sections 34.3, 37, and 43, Clauses 51 and 52)

Other changes to the fish and fish habitat provisions include:

Enforcement provisions


Enforcement powers and designations (sections 38, 49, 56.1, 79.61 and 87.1)

Enhance fishing gear compliance (sections 24, 29 and 43)

Default of payment of fines (sections 7 and 9)

Authority of courts (sections 71, 71.01 and 72)

Alternative measures agreements (sections 86.1 to 86.96)

Fisheries management provisions

Strengthening the inshore policies (sections 2.5 and 9)

Strengthening the inshore policies (section 43)

Rebuilding fish stocks (sections 6.1 and 43)

Provisions to create a fisheries management order power

Objective (section 9.1)

Fisheries management order power (section 9.3)

Considerations/implementation (section 9.3)

Biodiversity protection provisions

Creating marine refuges (section 43.3)

Cetaceans in captivity provisions

Cetaceans in captivity (section 23.1 and 43)

Looking forward

Timing of amendments

Parliamentary process

Parliamentary process

  1. First Reading
    • Introduction of Bill in Parliament
  2. Second Reading
    • Bill is debated
    • House of Commons accepts or rejects Bill
  3. Committee Study
    • Committee study of Bill
    • Committee Report (Amendments)
  4. Report Stage
    • Amendments debated
  5. Third Reading
    • Review of Bill
    • Vote on Bill
    • Amendments proposed or Bill sent back to Committee for further review
  6. Royal Assent
    • Passage by Senate (similar process, multiple readings)
    • Governor General gives Royal Assent

Participating in the parliamentary process

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