Electronic logbooks (ELOGs)
What are ELOGs?
ELOGs (electronic logbooks) are an important part of the fisheries information management cycle. They collect data from fish harvesters on their fishing activities. All of this information helps Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to determine measures like licence conditions, annual quotas for species and ensures good fisheries management and protection across Canada.

ELOGs at a glance.
- An unlabeled map of Canada is overlaid with four sections. Going clockwise from the top, these sections are "National ELOG Program", "DFO", "Providers", and "Commercial Fishers". There are up and down arrows between "National ELOG Program" and "Providers, indicating that information flows between these two. There are arrows moving from left to right between "Commercial Fishers" and "DFO", indicating that information flows from the fishers to the department.
- There are icons and text below each section title. Going clockwise from the top, under "National ELOG Program", there is an icon of a notebook and the words "establishes requirements for development". Under "DFO", there is a graphic of three people looking at a line graph on a screen, and the words "receives real-time date for decision making". Under "Providers" are icons of a cell phone, tablet, and laptop, with the words "develops qualified client applications". Under "Commercial Fishers" are icons of a ship, a rowboat with a person fishing in it, and a motorboat. Under those icons are the words "required to purchase or obtain qualified applications"
Historically, fish harvesters have provided this data to DFO via paper logbooks. However, this format presents challenges to data integrity and timely decision making around fisheries management and protection.
In recent years, DFO’s National Electronic Logbook Program has made progress on streamlining the sharing and collecting of catch and effort information through more modern ELOGs. ELOGs are a digital solution that make catch reporting faster and more efficient for harvesters. With ELOGs, harvesters can submit their data in near-real time, helping DFO to get accurate, effective, and consistent catch and effort data from across the country. This means better business and fisheries management, conservation, and protection of our precious ocean resources.
Are ELOGs mandatory for all harvesters?
In 2024, the use of ELOGs nationally is still voluntary for all species, except for some select fisheries in Quebec (i.e., crab, lobster and select herring fishing areas) where they have been mandatory for a number of years.
DFO remains committed to working with industry as we continue to improve and enhance our catch reporting services. We’re putting a lot of effort on moving to electronic data collection, and it will be mandatory to use electronic logbooks (ELOGs) in select fisheries in DFO’s Gulf and Quebec regions as of January 1, 2025. Mandatory ELOGs will also be rolled out in select fisheries in the Maritimes Region and Newfoundland and Labrador in the spring, 2025.
The national mandatory roll-out of ELOGs will follow a phased approach, advancing as regional fisheries are ready to come on board. This phased national approach will also ensure that ELOG options are available for harvesters to choose from and that all fisheries are covered by an ELOG application (app).
Harvesters who voluntarily use ELOGs now for any species may do so under the following conditions:
- A qualified ELOG product exists; and
- License conditions approve the use of ELOGs for a given fishery.
For fish harvesters
If you would like to start using ELOGs, please visit the following links:
- Electronic logbooks (ELOGs) – Get started!
- Find qualified ELOG client applications
- Find ELOGS fishing area maps
- Frequently asked questions
Have questions about timelines for ELOGs in your region? Or looking for support in making the switch from paper logbooks? You can contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada directly by:
- Telephone: 1-877-535-7307
- Telephone support is available Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 20:00 (Eastern time) excluding holidays.
- Email: fishing-peche@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
For developers
The ELOGs Program positions Canada on the leading edge of catch data reporting in the fishing industry.
Companies interested in developing ELOG applications must enroll with our program to be considered for qualification.
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