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Canada’s Oceans Now. Copyright Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Canada’s Oceans Now. © Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Canada’s State of the Ocean reports are annual summaries of the current status and trends in Canada’s oceans. DFO has committed to report annually on the State of Canada’s Oceans so that Canadians are more informed on the current and future state of our three oceans. Monitoring the status of Canada’s three oceans is key to the ongoing assessment of the state and trends of ocean ecosystems.

These reports summarize the state of ocean ecosystems that make up each of Canada’s Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic marine territories and rely on long term and recent observations to report trends that are impacting the health of our oceans. The ongoing reporting cycle focuses on one ocean each year, followed by a National report.

Various communications products are being developed alongside plain-language summary reports, including infographics, videos, and interactive E-books to further engage Canadian citizens on the health of Canada’s oceans.


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