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Gender-based analysis plus

Institutional GBA Plus capacity


Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Canadian Coast Guard (DFO) is committed to making GBA Plus an integral part of its policies, programs, and initiatives to understand impacts and effects on diverse population groups in order to make better decisions and achieve better results for clients, stakeholders, and all Canadians.

DFO’s GBA Plus Centre of Expertise (GBA Plus CoE), housed within its Strategic Policy Branch, supports the implementation of its GBA Plus policy, including increasing information resources and providing strategic guidance on mainstreaming GBA Plus principles into common work practices and the development and implementation of policies, programs, and operations. The GBA Plus CoE works closely with colleagues responsible for developing and reviewing Cabinet proposals, submissions to Treasury Board, regulatory proposals, and other significant initiatives to strengthen these proposals and their outcomes. The CoE operates with the support of a Director General, the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister of Strategic Policy, and Assistant Deputy Minister Co-Champions, as well as a GBA Plus Ambassador’s network.


In 2023, DFO launched a Gender-Based Analysis Plus 2023-2025 Action Plan which prioritizes the deliberate mainstreaming of GBA Plus analysis and considerations across all departmental activities. The action plan sought to strengthen the integration of intersecting social and identity factors (such as sex, gender, age, racialization, Indigeneity, and income level) in all initiatives being led by the Department. The five interdependent foundational pillars of the action plan are outlined below, and are being implemented through a phased approach (having begun in 2022-23), which will enable the Department to measure and demonstrate progress through iterative and ongoing improvements and course correct as appropriate. These improvements are expected to reinforce the value of GBA Plus and build capacity to implement and sustain equitable Government services that are supportive of diversity and inclusion.

In 2023, the action plan focused on the first three of these pillars by outlining strategies which will provide a solid foundation to build from in realizing additional activities under the latter two pillars, currently scheduled for introduction in 2024 and 2025.

Progress to highlight this year includes:

Highlights of GBA Plus results reporting by program

Program Does this program collect sufficient data to enable it to monitor and/or report program impacts by gender and diversity (GBA Plus)? If no, please describe what actions (activities will be undertaken and the related timelines) are being taken to enable future monitoring or reporting of the program’s impacts by gender and diversity. If yes, please describe (as relevant) any notable future initiatives to expand the program’s capacity to report on impacts by gender and diversity and timelines.
Fisheries Management No The Economic Statistics and Data Governance Directorate holds data that is relevant to the fishing industry on behalf of the Department. As the data relevant to fisheries management is collected by and housed in that directorate, Fisheries Management doesn’t collect information. It is possible for Economic Statistics and Governance to obtain additional data that is available as a result of the census that the Fisheries Management Program may require. -
Aboriginal Programs and Treaties No

At this time, the Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative is the only subprogram that tracks GBA Plus statistics. Work is underway to develop similar statistics for the other Indigenous commercial and collaborative management programs.

The Reconciliation Agreement Program and Treaty-Related Measures programs, which support Indigenous communities in implementing reconciliation agreements and/or treaty-related measures with respect to fisheries access and/or management, do not collect GBA Plus data. However, GBA Plus assessments are completed during the development of negotiation mandates.

Aquaculture Management No While there generally is a gender bias in natural resource sectors with men making up a majority of the workforce, the program does not create any further barriers nor reinforce existing gender imbalances. -
Salmonid Enhancement No The Salmonid Enhancement Program (SEP) is an operational program whose main objective is to enhance salmon populations and engage citizens in a culture of salmon and ecosystem stewardship. By contributing to ecosystem health and sustainable economic, social, and cultural harvest opportunities, the positive impacts from SEP benefit all Canadians, including Indigenous communities and local populations. The current program data collected is biological and salmon-focused. The program outputs (i.e. fish production from SEP facilities, salmon stock assessment information, restored and maintained fish habitat, educational materials, and funded and supported salmon stewardship partners and projects) require collaboration from different stakeholders. Rather than focusing on specific demographic groups or individuals, SEP supports community stewardship, partnership, and volunteerism to achieve salmon sustainability. -
International Engagement Yes -

The Shared Ocean Fund initiative under the Indo-Pacific Strategy will benefit the Canadian population as a whole, including women, and Indigenous peoples. It will also benefit people, governments, and civil society in the Indo-Pacific region. In particular, this will support progress towards Sustainable Develop Goal #14 – Life Below Water and the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.

DFO considers Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy and GBA Plus priorities when and where possible. As DFO moves to disbursing grants and contributions under the Shared Ocean Fund in 2024, the Department will request that program partners identify any GBA Plus implications during reporting.

In addition to merit-based and institution-specific criteria, DFO will further consider GBA Plus considerations when nominating and supporting leaders at Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and when forming delegations representing Canada on the international stage.

Small Craft Harbours Yes - As part of the 2022-23 Small Craft Harbours Performance Information Profile review, the program reviewed its GBA Plus data holdings and developed a GBA Plus data collection strategy. In addition, the Program has initiated a review of its main database on harbour users to identify GBA Plus information gaps, and will look at strategies in 2024-25 to expand its data holdings through engagement with its user base within a broader information management exercise.
Conservation and Protection No The Conservation and Protection Program (C&P) has not engaged in data collection and analysis to specifically measure and assess GBA Plus impacts. C&P is in the process of redesigning its main data and activity tracking system to better measure activity and compliance actions across regions. C&P is also updating its fishery officer recruitment strategy and cadet training curricula following its transition to a new training partner in 2022-23. These efforts reflect C&P’s ongoing commitment to being an inclusive, equitable, and diverse workplace, both in attracting and recruiting new talent but also in supporting them in training and throughout their career progression. -
Fish and Seafood Sector Yes The Quebec Fisheries Fund (QFF) application form may be updated to include a voluntary self-identification section following discussions with the province. It is hoped that applicants will be able to indicate if they are Indigenous (or represent an Indigenous-owned business, i.e. a business that is 51% or more Indigenous-owned) or if they identify as a woman (or represent a woman-owned business - 51% or more of the business must be owned by a woman or by women). Changes to the application may also consider questions about income, age cohort, and ethnic, religious, or cultural minority status. This data will be collected beginning when and if the QFF is renewed to increase the analytical reporting capability of the GBA Plus program.

The Atlantic Fisheries Fund (AFF) collects self-identified GBA Plus data for woman-owned and/or Indigenous-owned organizations. It also collects geographic data on every applicant to the program to identify which communities its investments are located in. This geographic information is important as it allows the program to demonstrate its positive impact on rural and coastal communities, which is also a component of GBA Plus intersectionality. AFF does not collect other GBA Plus data directly as it is not pertinent to the program’s eligibility criteria and it is very personal information to request without having a coordinated department-wide approach. The program is considering the use of Statistics Canada tables to fill GBA Plus data gaps but sees a potential opportunity to take a more economical approach by requesting these tables on a department-wide scale rather than program-by-program.

Through annual results surveying, the British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund (BCSRIF) offers recipient organizations the opportunity to provide details on the demographic make-up of their project team (including women, students / youth, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, or religious groups, Indigenous peoples, new Canadians, veterans, persons with disabilities, 2SLGBTQIA+, and seniors). Annual results reporting is expected to become more robust as all Phase 1 projects complete in March 2024 and as BCSRIF ratifies new contribution agreements through Phase 2 of the program (completing March 2026).

Aquatic Animal Health No The National Aquatic Animal Health Program is not currently collecting data for GBA Plus analysis. The program generates scientific information on aquatic animal health to support decision-making at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Although the applicability of GBA Plus is unclear with respect to distribution of benefits, the program will increase its understanding of GBA Plus to better incorporate data collection and analysis concepts for more effective assessment of program impact. -
Biotechnology and Genomics No The Biotechnology and Genomics Program is not currently collecting data for GBA Plus analysis. Genomics research and tools are undertaken for the conservation and management of fisheries and aquatic ecosystems. As well, DFO conducts research and risk assessment on fish products of biotechnology. Although the applicability of GBA Plus is unclear with respect to distribution of benefits, the program will increase its understanding of GBA Plus to better incorporate data collection and analysis concepts for more effective assessment of program impact. -
Aquaculture Science No The Aquaculture Science Program has met with the GBA Plus Centre of Expertise to discuss what GBA Plus activities may be undertaken going forward to address desired outcomes and impacts, and will continue to consult as necessary. -
Fisheries Science No The Fisheries Science program conducts scientific research and monitoring activities to support decision-making in the protection of fish stocks and the sustainable management of fisheries. Since these activities are for the benefit of all Canadians, the program currently does not collect data related to program impacts by gender and diversity. The Fisheries Science program will discuss the applicability of this analysis for the program. -
Economics and Statistics Not relevant

The Economics and Statistics program relies heavily on data collected by other DFO programs, as well as data collected by other Departments (e.g., Statistics Canada) and relevant international bodies (OECD, UN, World Bank, etc.), to deliver the analysis required to inform policy, regulatory, and program activities, including the conduct of GBA+ analysis.

The Economics and Statistics program has minimal direct interaction with stakeholders and the public. Indirectly, since the program provides economic advice and statistics to other departmental programs, the GBA Plus analyses conducted by these programs would be sufficient to monitor and/or report on impacts by gender and diversity. In general, one of the key challenges in terms of GBA Plus analysis has been the availability of more detailed data at a smaller / more local geographic scale.

Fish and Fish Habitat Protection N/A The role of the Fish and Fish Habitat Protection program is to regulate projects from a fish and fish habitat protection perspective. With respect to transfer payment programs, they are accessible by all Canadians, regardless of gender or diversity. The entirety of the Indigenous Habitat Protection Program is, however, directed to Indigenous peoples. Information tracked includes the number of Indigenous led projects, the number of Indigenous people trained through agreements / arrangements, as well as the number of Indigenous partners. -
Aquatic Invasive Species Yes - Not available at this time (Please contact if you have any questions.)
Species at Risk Yes - The federal government’s policy agenda and the analysis of gender and other demographic factors influenced the design and is influencing the delivery and implementation of the Nature Legacy for Canada, including, but not limited to, the Canada Nature Fund, Indigenous engagement, communications, and recruitment. The anticipated impact is that initiatives and communications will be well-received by Canadians regardless of gender, age, or other characteristics.
Marine Planning and Conservation Not available at this time (Please contact if you have any questions.) - -
Aquatic Ecosystem Science No This program provides science advice to support the health and sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems. To this end, monitoring and research is directed towards understanding the interrelated elements of aquatic ecosystems and threats to species and habitats. These scientific efforts will increase our knowledge of key ecosystem relationships and linkages to human activities to ensure the prosperity of aquatic resources. The program will pursue measures and strategies that will continue to benefit all Canadians, with increased focus on Indigenous peoples or any segment of the population that may be more vulnerable to biodiversity loss. -
Oceans and Climate Change Science No The Oceans and Climate Change Science Program is not currently collecting data for GBA Plus analysis. The Program conducts ocean monitoring and observation, research, and modelling, and manages the resulting data for the timely provision of knowledge, advice, and forecasts of changes in ocean conditions that impact fisheries, ecosystems, the maritime economy, and the health and security of all Canadians in Canada’s three oceans. Although the applicability of GBA Plus is unclear with respect to distribution of benefits, the program will increase its understanding of GBA Plus to better incorporate data collection and analysis concepts for more effective assessment of program impact. -
Icebreaking Services No While the program does not collect GBA Plus data, GBA Plus considerations will be included in future proposals for the modernization and digitalization of marine navigation programs, including Icebreaking Services. -
Aids to Navigation No While the program does not collect GBA Plus data, GBA Plus considerations will be included in future proposals for the modernization and digitalization of marine navigation programs, including Aids to Navigation. -
Waterways Management No While the program does not collect GBA Plus data, GBA Plus considerations will be included in future proposals for the modernization and digitalization of marine navigation programs, including Waterways Management. -
Marine Communications and Traffic Services No While the program does not collect GBA Plus data, GBA Plus considerations will be included in future proposals for the modernization and digitalization of marine navigation programs, including Marine Communications and Traffic Services. -
Shore-based Asset Readiness No The CCG will develop a plan in the coming months to ensure GBA Plus considerations are included in infrastructure construction activities. -
Hydrographic Services, Data and Science No The Canadian Hydrographic Service produces navigational charts for marine safety. The program is not currently collecting data from its operational activities for GBA Plus analysis. The team will consult the GBA Plus Centre of Expertise to increase its understanding and to assess if/how to incorporate data collection and analysis concepts for eventual impact assessment. -
Search and Rescue No The Search and Rescue program does not track its client base, consisting of those who need access to its services. Search and Rescue services are available to all Canadians and non-Canadian mariners. -
Marine Environmental and Hazards Response No Marine Environmental and Hazards Response is responsible for responding to all marine pollution emergencies in its mandate and mitigating the risks posed by hazardous vessels in Canadian waters. As such, the services provided to Canadians are not gender or race-based and do not target specific populations. However, the partner base is currently expanding to include federal, provincial, and municipal partners, coastal communities, Indigenous groups, and non-governmental organizations, which could be leveraged to provide data to support future GBA Plus analysis. -
Maritime Security Yes - GBA Plus is implemented in the selection of the Maritime Security capacity-building teams. The program adheres to the departmental guidelines on GBA Plus policy.
Fleet Operational Capability No

Considering the operational nature of Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) programs, there is currently a lack of consistent and fulsome metrics to collect data and/or report on program impacts pertaining to GBA Plus and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

In order to remedy this as an organization, the CCG is committed to establishing a new Fleet and Maritime Services GBA Plus Working Group in 2024 that will equip programs and regions with the tools to ensure that GBA Plus and DEI become key considerations in program delivery and in day-to-day operations in both the shore-based and seagoing workforces.

Other initiatives to promote GBA Plus in the CCG will include various recruitment and engagement initiatives to present students across the country with the career opportunities available at the CCG, GBA Plus assessments for new vessel design, and the inclusion of GBA Plus / DEI policy considerations when developing or reviewing CCG operational publications.

Fleet Maintenance No The CCG will further integrate a plan in the coming months to ensure GBA Plus considerations are included in refurbishment and Vessel Life Extension activities. -
Fleet Procurement Yes -

The Fleet Procurement Program conducts assessments for each new ship construction to address operational requirements for ship personnel to maximize and integrate all GBA Plus intersecting identity factors into the design.

While there are individual GBA Plus assessment reports for new vessels or classes of vessels, standardized design guidance as well as standard requirements to be applied for future ship construction are being developed.

The Fleet Procurement Program also supports the various CCG Programs as required for the development of access procedures.

Canadian Coast Guard College Yes -

The Canadian Coast Guard College collects data from the Officer Training Program (OTP) selection process, i.e. from candidates who self-identify. The OTP selection process is open from October to February of any given year.

The college relies on data collected from staffing reports, which helps to identify employment equity gaps. Staffing processes are held at various times throughout the year based on organizational needs.

The college actively promotes the CCG as an inclusive organization and strives to increase the gender and diversity balance in the college community. The college continues to work with its current resources to ensure daily operations are viewed through the GBA Plus lens.

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