Requirements for shellfish aquaculture tags in BC

Description: Requirements for shellfish aquaculture tags in BC
Shellfish harvest tags are required to identify and track shellfish from the harvest area through to the consumer. Along with product movement records and Annual Aquaculture Statistical Reports, harvest tags are a key component of a robust traceability system.
Illustration of a tag, showing space for recording:
- species
- licence holder name
- pacific fishery management area
- land file number of facility reference number
- date of harvest
Shellfish harvest tags help ensure that shellfish are harvested:
- from an open and approved area (unless as licensed under the Management of Contaminated Fisheries Regulations) and
- by a licensed harvester.
In the case of an illness outbreak, biotoxin closure, or a contamination event, tags are a principle mechanism to trace shellfish back to their source in order to:
- support public health and regulatory decisions (including clsoures) and
- support removal of product from distribution.
- must be affixed prior to leave licensed area
- must be legible and complete
- must be waterproof and in water resistant ink
Flagging tape is not an acceptable means of tagging. Industry associations might be able to provide support in sourcing appropriate materials or accessing tagging technology
For more information, please contact:
DFO shellfish aquaculture conditions of licence
12.1 In respect of tagging containers of shellfish:- Prior to leaving the licensed facility, all containers holding harvested shellfish that are destined for market sale shall be marked with a visible tag identifying the following:
- licence holder name;
- species;
- Pacific Fishery Management Area;
- BC Land File number or DFO Facility Reference number; and
- date of harvest.
- Tags shall be waterproof and all information on shall be written in water resistant ink and legible.
- The licence holder shall not use flagging tape as a tag, unless as part of a tagging plan that is authorized by DFO, as part of this licence.
- For the purpose of bulk tagging of shellfish destined for market sale, the licence holder shall not bulk tag harvested shellfish destined for market sale, unless as part of a tagging plan that is authorized by DFO, as part of this licence.
- Date modified: