Defining a Canadian blueprint for the Ocean Decade : UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Release date: August 2021

Description: Defining a Canadian blueprint for the Ocean Decade : UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Discussing priority, areas, actions, contributions for the ocean decade.
- Clean ocean
- Healthy and resilient ocean
- Production ocean
- Predicted ocean
- Safe ocean
- Accessible ocean
- Inspiring and engaging ocean
We care about…
- Climate change solutions and resilience
- Collaboration in knowledge production
- Two-eye seeing and inclusivity
- Accessible and open data (when appropriate)
- Coordinated monitoring
- Invest in tools, infrastructure and capacity building for science
- Indigenous leadership
- Opportunities for coastal communities
- Build on existing infrastructure
- Conservation and ocean safety
- Cumulative effects
- Education, outreach and ocean literacy
- Utilizing Canadas diverse ecosystems and three ocean basins
- And so much more!
Caring for our oceans.
- Capacity building
- Access
- Equity, inclusion and diversity
- Co-design and co-deliver information, data and knowledge
- Communication
Next steps
- Finalize blueprint!
- Coordinate discussions
- support collaborative projects
- establish national decade committee
- funding for new projects and much more!
Made by Savanna Jaye
- Date modified: