No fishing in the Strait of Georgia and Howe Sound glass sponge reef marine refuges

Description: No fishing in the Strait of Georgia and Howe Sound glass sponge reef marine refuges
British Columbia's glass sponge reefs are globally unique ecosystems that provide important habitat for marine life.
Glass sponge reefs are very fragile! To protect and conserve these reefs, do not fish and avoid anchoring in closed areas.
- No bottom-contact fishing (trap, trawl, and groundfish hook-and-line)
- No use of downrigger gear (in some reefs)
- Avoid anchoring (whenever possible)
Prohibited fisheries in the Rockfish Conservation Areas include hook-and-line, commercial shrimp and groundfish bottom-trawl, commercial sablefish trap, and recreational spearfishing.
It is illegal to fish for rockfish and lingcod in area 28 (Howe Sound) and portions of area 29 (Strait of Georgia).
For more information, visit Strait of Georgia and Howe Sound Glass Sponge Reef Conservation Initiative to view detailed maps online.
Report fishing violations to Fisheries and Oceans Canada's observe, record, and report 24 hour hotline: 1-800-465-4336.
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