How far is 400 metres?

Description: How far is 400 metres?
An illustration of three beluga whales in the water, in the foreground, with three boats in the distance, in the background. In the open space between the whales and the boats are the words “400 metres away”. In that same open space there are also a series of images that represent a distance of 400 metres, showing that the boats are the appropriate distance away from the whales.
The first image between the whales and the boats, closest to the whales, is of a football field. Next to image are the words “4 football fields”
The second image between the whales and the boats is of a school bus. The words “30 school buses” appear beside the image of the bus.
The third image between the whales and the boats is of a Boeing 747 airplane. Next to the image are the words “6 Boeing 747s”.
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