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Aquatic Species at Risk, Black Redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei)

Release date: August 2023
Infographic: Aquatic Species at Risk, Black Redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei)
Description: Aquatic Species at Risk, Black Redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei)

Description: Aquatic Species at Risk, Black Redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei)

SARA Status: Threatened

Several horizontal sections on this infographic show the following:

An illustration of the Black Redhorse, © Joseph R. Tomelleri, with the following aspects labelled:

  • lack of transverse grooves on the lips and a snout that overhands the mouth
  • tail and dorsal fin are slate grey
  • 44 to 47 lateral line scales

The next section lists threats, including:

  • contaminants
  • sediment and nutrient loading
  • climate change
  • invasive species

A further section with an overall map of Ontario and a separate magnified map of southern Ontario notes that Canadian population exist in:

  • lake Huron drainage including the Ausable, Bayfield, Maitland, Saugeen and Sauble rivers
  • lake St. Clair drainage in the Thames River
  • lake Erie drainage in the Grand River

A final section on the infographic notes that activities in or near water can harm aquatic species and lists what you can do:

  • prevent contaminants from entering the water
  • report any invasive species sightings to DFO
  • protect sensitive habitat
  • contact DFO before doing any in-water work

Version 2021-04

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