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Aquatic Species at Risk, Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus)

Release date: March 2023
Infographic: Aquatic Species at Risk, Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus)
Description: Aquatic Species at Risk, Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus)

Aquatic Species at Risk, Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus)

SARA Status: Endangered

Several horizontal sections on this infographic show the following:

The logo for DFO in the bottom left corner of the infographic.

An illustration of the Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus), with the following aspects labelled:

  • snout length is equal to eye diameter
  • gill covers and cheeks may be pinkish
  • black pigment outlines the dorsal scales
  • slender body with an average length of 51-76 mm

Another horizontal section has an illustration of the Carmine Shiner, © Joseph R. Tomelleri, with a notation that spawning adults often develop a reddish tinge.

The next section lists threats, including:

  • climate change
  • water level and flow management
  • landscape changes
  • habitat degradation

A further section notes that in Canada, Carmine Shiner is found only in the Whitemouth, Birch, and Winnipeg river watersheds in southern Manitoba.

To the left of the infographic, a map of southern Manitoba shows, by an overlaying square, where the related population is found. Another map slightly to the right of the first map shows a magnified view of where the population is found by use of splotch markings.

A final section on the infographic notes that activities in or near water can harm aquatic species, and lists what you can do:

  • prevent contaminants from entering water
  • keep your shorelines natural
  • do not clear aquatic vegetation
  • protect sensitive habitat; contact DFO before doing any in-water work

Version 2021-04

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