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Infographic 2 — The Canadian Arctic: Climate change is affecting marine ecosystems in many ways

Infographic 2: Climate change is affecting marine ecosystems in many ways
Long description

An infographic shows a simplified Canadian Arctic coastal scene showing the various types of climate change effects on ecosystems. A small community is depicted on the shore with one house slipping close to the waterline due to erosion along the coastline. An Arctic char is shown swimming from freshwater river to the ocean with eroded shoreline possibly blocking its path. A killer whale swims through several pieces of ice as it enters the Arctic. Four bivalves are shown near the shoreline beside a down-arrow indicating lower pH levels. A Greenland halibut and a shrimp are off the coast. Darker coloured water indicates deeper water. An arrow pointing upwards represents upwelling of deep water towards the coast. Several Arctic Cod are in the deep water by a group of plankton. In the distance a cruise ship is shown with noise symbols coming from it towards a beluga that is swimming away. Birds fly at the top of the scene with a sunset sky. A dark box floats over the Canadian Arctic coastal scene with text describing the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on the ecosystem. Icons that describe each piece of information are shown alongside the text.

  • Climate change directly and indirectly affects:
  • Environmental conditions for life
  • Multiple changes in ice and water habitats
  • Environmental Stressors
  • Acidified waters
  • Coastal slumping and erosion
  • Marine traffic
  • How Ecosystems Function
  • Multiple changes in species interactions
  • The drivers of these changes originate inside and outside the Canadian Arctic
  • Upwelling
  • pH

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