Infographic 1 — The Canadian Arctic: Canada's largest ocean area

Long description
An infographic shows a simplified Canadian Arctic coastal scene with various facts written in blue bubbles and throughout. A human figure stands by a small community on the shoreline where a beluga swims by the coastal ice. Several islands are depicted in the water along with pieces of ice. The sky at top is split between day and night. The left sky has a sun and is yellow with birds flying, the right sky is black with northern lights and a moon.
- extreme seasons with periods of 24h daylight in summer 24h darkness in winter
- total ocean area of 4 million km2
- equal to 41% of Canada's land area
- in summer ~30% of all old ice in the Arctic Ocean is in Canadian waters
- ocean area on continental shelf 3.2million km2 (excluding islands)
- >70% of Canada's coastline is in the Arctic
- >176,000 km of mainland coastline Yukon to Labrador
- 94 large islands ~36,470 small islands
- 51 communities >70,000 people
- majority are Inuit
- sea ice affects all life and it is changing
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