Canada's Oceans Now: Pacific Ecosystems, 2021 - Ecosystem pressures on Pacific herring life history
Release date: June 2022

Description: Canada’s Oceans Now: Pacific Ecosystems, 2021 - Ecosystem pressures on Pacific herring life history
An infographic showing the ecosystem pressures on Pacific herring life cycle. A simplified graphic of the herring lifecycle shows fish at different stages with icons of ecosystem pressures at each stage.
At left is a legend describing each ecosystem pressure.
Eggs – fisheries, ocean conditions, predation, habitat, harvest
Larvae - ocean conditions, food, predation, competition, habitat
Juveniles - ocean conditions, food, predation, competition, habitat
Adults - ocean conditions, food, predation, competition, fisheries
Spawners - ocean conditions, fisheries, predation, habitat
Ecosystem pressures on Pacific herring life history
- Pacific herring live in a variety of habitats and many different pressures impact them at each stage of their life history.
Eggs, hatching, larvae, growth and development, juveniles, offshore migration, adults, inshore migration, spawners, spawning
Ecosystem Pressures
Changes in:
- Ocean conditions - Temperature, salinity, oxygen, upwelling, river flow, sea level
- Food - Abundance, timing, and quality
- Predation – Herring are consumed by fish, seabirds, marine mammals, and more
- Competition – Herring can compete for food with other small fish
- Habitat – Kelp and eelgrass habitats are important to the herring life cycle
- Fisheries - Adult food and bait fishery, pre-spawn sac roe fishery
- Harvest – Food/social/ceremonial harvest of spawn on kelp and spawn on boughs
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