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Application for introduction or transfer of salmon to marine finfish aquaculture facilities

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1. Applicant information

2. Purpose of transfer


3. Species information for introduction or transfer

Please complete the information for the species you wish to transfer in the two tables below. Attach information of additional species if required. For example Row 1. should reflect information regarding the same species across both tables.

Species common name(s)        
Species scientific name        
Life stage
Brood year        
Proposed number for transfer        
Proposed transfer date        
Stock origin        
Genetic status
Source location of fish (facility reference #)        
Salmonid transfer zone
Nearest town (city, province/state)        

4. Introduction and/or transfer of fish

4a. Rationale for introduction or transfer


4b. List any intermediate sites and transfer dates, if any

Facility reference number: Arrival and departure date:

4c. Final destination of introduction or transfer

Complete all applicable items below. In item i, animals placed within tenure in natural waters, under an aquaculture licence, must not be released beyond the licensed area.

i. Destination aquaculture facilit(ies)

Company name: Facility reference #: Salmonid transfer zone: Designated contact person: Provincial landfile #:

Please attach additional documentation in support of this application, especially issues in regard to risks and mitigation measures.


By typing or signing my name below, I certify that the information that I have provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that it is an offence to provide false information.

Date of application:


Submitting your application

For further information regarding the application process or to submit your transfer application, please contact:

ITC Salmon Coordinator
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
#200 – 401 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3S4

This permit does not release the holder from any obligations under the Fisheries Act or any other federal or provincial legislation or of any other regulatory agencies.

Permit(s) cannot be issued for activities that are contrary to the proper management of the Fisheries Act.

Privacy notice statement

The information you provide on this form is collected under the authority of the Fisheries Act and Fishery (General) Regulations for the purpose of obtaining an Introduction or Transfer Licence to move aquatic organisms within a province, between provinces, or import from sources outside of Canada. Information may be shared with the Introductions and Transfers Committee (ITC) comprised of members from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and corresponding provincial authorities. The ITC assesses applications for genetic, ecological, and disease risks. Information may be shared with neighbouring jurisdictions on proposals to introduce exotic species, to extend the range of organisms in shared watersheds or if an introduction, transfer or range extension proposals that might impact stocks within watershed outside the receiving province. Information may be shared with interested parties (local groups, Aboriginal Groups, commercial fishermen and aquaculturists) for consultation purposes prior to the introduction of an exotic species. Formal risk assessments may be shared with external experts (e.g. academia) to further strengthen the risk assessment process if the provincial and federal government authorities lack the required subject matter expertise. Aggregate data pertaining to the proposed and approved intentional movements of aquatic organisms is tabulated annually to fulfill domestic and international (ICES - International Council for Exploration of the Sea) reporting requirements. Information may also be used or disclosed for program planning or management, reporting, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation, statistical, research, policy development, administration or enforcement of a law and/or the detection, prevention, or suppression of crime, or investigative purposes.

Failure to provide the requested information may result in your application being denied. You have the right to the correction of, access to, and protection of, your personal information under the Privacy Act and to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada over DFO’s handling of your information. Personal information collected through the processing of your application is described in the Introductions and Transfers Personal Information Bank DFO PPU 095 and can be accessed and assessed for accuracy. For more information visit Info Source.

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