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2015 reporting escapes for farmed fish

Information on escapes is collected by:

There are no marine net-pens in Quebec (QC) or Prince Edward Island (PEI).

The number of escapes is based on best estimates. Exact numbers are often difficult to obtain and can sometimes only be verified when fish are harvested.

The average size of fish is based on codes of containment and is a more accurate measurement than life stage.

The result refers to using recapture methods as detailed in the relevant code of containment and summarizes the results of the recapture attempt.

Date of escape information has been collected since 2011 in BC and since 2013 in the Atlantic provinces.

2015 reporting escapes for farmed fish
Species Number Average size of fish Location Result Cause of escape Date of escape
Atlantic salmon 40,000 6.5 kg BMA 2B Grand Manan, NB No data Extreme weather, 3 cages January 27, 2015
Atlantic salmon No data Average 3 kg
non-maturing post-smolts
Fortune Bay, NL Recapture efforts commenced as a result of reports of farmed fish sightings; biological characteristics of sampled farm-origin fish and the geographic proximity of the impacted sites enabled the conclusion that fish had escaped; approximately 200 fish were recovered Predator strikes; net holes were repaired upon detection during preparation for a sea lice treatment; given location and size of the holes and absence of any change in feeding responses at the affected site, no loss was suspected at the time August 2015
Atlantic salmon 1 0.77 kg Cox Point, BC No recapture Fish escaped during a controlled cull of non-performers March 26, 2015
Atlantic salmon 1 4.9 kg Bare Bluff, BC No recapture Fish jumped out of the containment net during a mortality dive May 19, 2015
Chinook salmon 1 0.47 kg Estevan Point, BC No recapture Fish escaped during a routine smolt delivery September 2, 2015
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