Archived – Canadian Aquaculture R&D Review 2011
Table of Contents

This issue represents a turning point in our ongoing efforts to mobilise aquaculture knowledge in Canada. Since the outset of this initiative, the support of Dr. Al Castledine, the partnership with BC Innovation Council (BCIC through the BC Aquaculture R&D Committee - BCARDC) and contributions of Peter Chettleburgh, Dr. Tim DeJager and others were critical in positioning the R&D Review as an important vehicle in articulating our collective national research efforts in facilitating a sustainable aquaculture sector in Canada. With the retirement of Al and refocus of the BCIC, we have now evolved to the development of a partnership with the Aquaculture Association of Canada (AAC) in the production of this issue of the review. This new partnership is ideal, highly relevant and mutually beneficial to our roles in the area of knowledge mobilisation for both the AAC and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and has allowed us to produce this 2011 edition in a new format as an AAC Special Publication.
The AAC is the only national organisation that focuses on the education, scientific and technological development and advancement of aquaculture in Canada. The two principal ways by which the AAC does this is through the annual Aquaculture Canada conference and through publications like this one and the regular AAC Bulletin series. Publishing the Canadian Aquaculture R&D Review helps fulfill this mandate to members, while also providing an easy and attractive way to reach a larger audience.
Since the AAC was incorporated in 1984, there has been an approximate 25-fold increase in Canadian aquaculture production value. Throughout this time, including to the present day, Canada has been a world leader in aquaculture innovation, driven by an active research community committed to the sustainable development of this industry. This current R&D Review documents our strengths as a nation in support of sustainably farming aquatic resources for our own populations and for export. As well, during this period of time there have been many changes in the types and approaches to funding R&D in Canada. During the last two years there have been further changes in the research landscape, with the most notable change being the funding of the NSERC Canadian Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture Network (CIMTAN). This new network, described herein, highlights a multi-disciplinary and multi-partnered approach in developing an innovative alternative approach to the sustainable development of the aquaculture sector, namely integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA).
We would like to take the opportunity to recognise and thank several people who contributed significantly to the production of this review. Dr. John Martell undertook the overall coordination of this project and was instrumental in seeing this project through completion. Ingrid Burgetz provided key support in reviewing and editing all submissions, as did Johannie Duhaime, who assisted with the review and collation of projects and the content-editing of the French version of this Review, Pat Hunter who contributed her design expertise and many photos to this project, and Nancy House who provided critical copy-editing of the final pre-press version. We would also like to thank Susan Waddy, the AAC Home Office Manger, for overseeing AAC's part in this publication, as well as Lindsey Henderson (Intown Creative) for her work on the design and layout of this issue.
Jay Parsons, PhD
Oceans and Science Sector
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Tillmann Benfey, PhD
Aquaculture Association of Canada
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