Science advice from Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS)
The Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) coordinates the peer review of scientific issues for Fisheries and Oceans, and communicates the results of scientific review and advisory processes. The peer review of aquaculture research informs the scientific advice for finfish cage aquaculture and shellfish aquaculture in the marine environment.
The CSAS process is designed to ensure that regulatory and management decisions are being made based on the best available science knowledge.
- Searchable database of CSAS advisory reports, research documents, publications and proceedings
- DFO science advisory process framework
Aquaculture science advice from CSAS processes by theme
Program for Aquaculture Regulatory Research
Fish pest and pathogen treatment and management
Bacteria and Virus
- Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to bacteria causing erosive lesions transferred from Atlantic Salmon farms located in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia TOR 2019
- Assessment of the risk to Fraser River sockeye salmon due to Piscine Orthoreovirus (PRV) transfer from Atlantic salmon farms located in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia. SAR 2019/022
- Characterization of piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) and associated diseases to inform pathogen transfer risk assessments in British Columbia RES 2019/035
- Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia RES 2019/036
- Proceedings of the National Science Peer Review of the Assessment of Risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) transfer from Atlantic Salmon Farms located in the Discovery Islands Area, British Columbia; January 28-30, 2019. Proc 2019/022
- Assessment of the risk to Fraser River sockeye salmon due to bacteria causing systemic infections transferred from Atlantic salmon farms located in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia. TOR 2018.
Pathogens assessed: - Aeromonas salmonicida (Furunculosis) RES 2019/016
- Piscirickettsia salmonis (Salmonid rickettsial septicaemia (SRS)) RES 2019/020
- Renibacterium salmoninarum (Bacterial kidney disease (BKD)) RES 2019/018
- Yersinia ruckeri (Enteric redmouth disease (ERM)) RES 2019/022
- Assessment of the risk to Fraser River sockeye salmon due to Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus transfer from Atlantic salmon farms located in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia SAR 2017/048
- Characterization of Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHNV) RES 2017/073
- Assessment of the risk to Fraser River Sockeye Salmon due to Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHNV) transfer from Atlantic Salmon farms in the Discovery Islands, British Columbia RES 2017/075
- Assessment of the Occurrence, Distribution and Potential Impacts of Piscine Reovirus on the West Coast of North America Sci Resp 2015/037
Drugs, Antibiotics and Pesticides
- Advice to inform the development of a drug and pesticide post-deposit marine finfish aquaculture monitoring program in support of the Aquaculture Activities Regulations TOR 2020
- Potential exposure and associated biological effects from aquaculture pest and pathogen treatments: anti-sea lice pesticides (part II) SAR 2013/049
- Transport and dispersal of sea lice bath therapeutants from salmon farm net-pens and well-boats RES 2015/064
- A review of potential environmental risks associated with the use of pesticides to treat Atlantic salmon against infestations of sea lice in Canada RES 2014/002
- Guidelines on Defining Potential Exposure and Associated Biological Effects from Aquaculture Pest and Pathogen Treatments: Anti-Sea Lice Bath Treatments in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick SAR 2012/070
- Transport and dispersal of sea lice bath therapeutants from salmon farm net-pens and well-boats operated in Southwest New Brunswick: a mid-project perspective and perspective for discussion RES 2014/102
- Estimates of the effects of sea lice chemical therapeutants on non-target organisms associated with releases of therapeutants from tarped net-pens and well-boat bath treatments: a discussion RES 2014/103
- A review of potential environmental risks associated with the use of pesticides to treat Atlantic salmon against infestations of sea lice in southwest New Brunswick, Canada RES 2013/050
- Assessment of the environmental impact of the treatment of sea lice with pesticide SLICE® at aquaculture facilities in British Columbia SAR 2011/082
Sea Lice
- Sea Lice Monitoring and Non-Chemical Measures SAR 2014/006
- Population ecology and epidemiology of sea lice in Canadian waters RES 2015/004
- Sea lice monitoring and non-chemical measures A: Biology of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus spp., in western and eastern Canada RES 2014/019
- Oceanographic conditions of salmon farming areas with attention to those factors that may influence the biology and ecology of sea lice, Lepeophtherius salmonis and Caligus spp., and their control RES 2014/048
- Monitoring for sea lice on wild salmon in western and eastern Canada RES 2014/060
- Advice Related to the Sampling of Wild Fish Carcasses for the Proposed Aquaculture Activities Regulations Aquaculture Monitoring Standard Sci Resp 2014/042
- Aquatic Animal Pathogen Containment Guidelines for Laboratories and Live Holding Facilities Proc 2007/023
- Potential Technologies for Closed-containment Saltwater Salmon Aquaculture SAR 2008/001
Interactions with wild populations
- Proposed Use of European-Strain Triploid Atlantic Salmon in Marine Cage Aquaculture in Placentia Bay, NL Sci. Resp. 2016/034
- The potential direct and indirect genetic consequences for native Newfoundland Atlantic Salmon from interbreeding with European-origin farm escapes RES 2015/030
- Potential Effects Surrounding the Importation of European-Origin Cultured Atlantic Salmon to Atlantic Salmon Populations and Habitats in Newfoundland SAR 2013/050
- Pathway of effects of escaped aquaculture organisms or their reproductive material on natural ecosystems in Canada RES 2010/019
Invasive Tunicates
- Summary of Locations in British Columbia, Canada Supporting Invasive Tunicate Species and European Green Crab as of 2017 Sci. Resp. 2018/047
- Review of Potential Impacts of Hydrated Lime Treatments Associated with Proposed Expansion of Mussel Production in Malpeque Bay, PEI SAR 2016/014
- Science advice from a risk assessment of five sessile tunicate species SAR 2012/049
- Risk Assessment for Two Solitary and Three Colonial Tunicates in Both Atlantic and Pacific Canadian Waters RES 2007/063
Capacity for Bivalve Aquaculture
- Carrying Capacity for Mussel Aquaculture in Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island SAR 2015/003
- Carrying Capacity for Mussel Aquaculture in Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island RES DOC 2015/001
- Modelling carrying capacity of bivalve aquaculture: a review of definitions and methods RES 2015/002
- Effects of Shellfish Aquaculture on Fish Habitat RES 2006/011
Aquaculture site review
- Potential Impacts to Wild Fish Populations and Habitat in the Vicinity of a Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Site in Shoal Bay, Halifax County, Nova Scotia Sci. Resp. 2013/003
- Review of the Organic Extractive Component of Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in Southwest New Brunswick with Emphasis on the Blue Mussel SAR 2013/056
- Review of the Potential Near-and Far-Field Effects of the Organic Extractive Component of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in Southwest New Brunswick with Emphasis on the Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis) RES 2014/026
- Fish Populations in the Vicinity of Three Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Sites in Shelburne County, Nova Scotia Sci. Resp. 2011/017
- Habitat Utilization in the Vicinity of Three Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Sites in Shelburne County, Nova Scotia Sci. Resp. 2011/015
- Wild Salmon Populations in the Vicinity of a Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Development at Little Musquash Cove, New Brunswick Sci. Resp. 2011/004
- Landings, Lifecycle, and Utilization of Habitat for Lobster in the Vicinity of two Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Sites in St. Mary’s Bay, Nova Scotia Sci. Resp. 2011/002
- Wild Salmon Populations in the Vicinity of a Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Development in St. Mary’s Bay, Nova Scotia Sci. Resp. 2011/001
- Port Mouton aquaculture site review Sci. Resp. 2007/009
Release of organic matter
- Evaluation of factors affecting the electrochemical measurement of total free sulfide in marine sediments TOR 2019
- Freshwater Cage Aquaculture: Ecosystems Impacts from Dissolved and Particulate Waste Phosphorus RES 2017/059
- Freshwater Cage Aquaculture: Ecosystems Impacts from Dissolved and Particulate Waste Phosphorus SAR 2015/051
- Effects of Aquaculture Activities on Hard Seabed Ecosystems and Advice on Monitoring Protocols TOR 2016
- Potential impacts of finfish aquaculture on hard bottom substrates and development of a standardized monitoring protocol SAR 2014/017
- Assessment of proposed schedule D conditions on aquaculture licences in the province of Ontario Sci. Resp. 2014/007
- A Review of the Pathways-of-Effects Associated with the Removal and Release of Organic Material from Shellfish Aquaculture RES DOC 2013/123
- Organic Enrichment in the Vicinity of Three Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Sites in Shelburne County, Nova Scotia Sci. Resp. 2011/016
- Pathway of effects of chemical inputs from the aquaculture activities in Canada RES DOC 2010/017
- Eutrophication Impacts of Marine Finfish Aquaculture RES DOC 2005/034
- A Preliminary Perspective on Dissolved Oxygen Standards and Models in the Marine Coastal Zone with Particular Consideration of Finfish Aquaculture in the southwest New Brunswick portion of the Bay of Fundy RES DOC 2005/038
Predictive Modeling
- Assessment of the ability of hydrodynamic and particle tracking models to inform decisions on siting and management of marine finfish aquaculture facilities in British Columbia SAR 2018/023
- The ability of hydrodynamic models to inform decisions on the siting and management of aquaculture facilities in British Columbia RES DOC 2015/005
- Predicting organic enrichment under marine finfish farms in southwestern New Brunswick, Bay of Fundy: Comparisons of model predictions with results from spatially-intensive sediment sulfide sampling RES DOC 2012/078
- Review of DEPOMOD Predictions Versus Observations of Sulfide Concentrations Around Five Salmon Aquaculture Sites in Southwest New Brunswick SAR 2012/042
- DEPOMOD Predictions for an Aquaculture Site at Cheney Head, New Brunswick Sci. Resp. 2012/035
- The suitability of DEPOMOD for use in the management of finfish aquaculture sites, with particular reference to Pacific Region RES DOC 2005/035
Other habitat impacts
- Review Of The Environmental Impact Statement For The Placentia Bay Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Project Sci. Resp. 2018/045
- Use of remote video survey methodology in monitoring benthic impacts from finfish aquaculture on the south coast of Newfoundland (Canada) RES DOC 2014/039
- Applicability of the use of visual indicators [presence of Beggiatoa and/or Opportunistic Polychaete Complexes (OPC)] to identify benthic changes due to aquaculture on various substrates RES DOC 2014/063
- Habitat Utilization in the Vicinity of Three Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Sites in Shelburne County, Nova Scotia Sci. Resp. 2011/015
- Pathways of effects of noise associated with aquaculture on natural marine ecosystems in Canada RES DOC 2010/025
- Aquaculture-related physical alterations of habitat structure as ecosystem stressors RES DOC 2010/024
- Pathway of effects of artificial light on non-target organisms at aquaculture sites in Canada RES DOC 2010/023
- Cumulative and Far-Field Fish Habitat Effects RES DOC 2006/037
- Shellfish Aquaculture and Marine Habitat Sensitivity Case Studies RES DOC 2006/036
- Indicators and Thresholds for Use in Assessing Shellfish Aquaculture Impacts on Fish Habitat RES DOC 2006/034
- Assessing Marine Habitat Sensitivity: A case study with eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) and kelps (Laminaria, Macrocystis) RES DOC 2005/032
- Benthic monitoring methods for habitat management of finfish mariculture in Canada RES DOC 2005/039
Cumulative effects and ecosystem management
- Coast of Bays seawater vertical and horizontal structure (2009-13): Hydrographic structure, spatial variability and seasonality based on the Program for Aquaculture Regulatory Research (PARR) 2009-13 oceanographic surveys RES DOC 2017/077
- Coast of Bays Metrics: Geography, Hydrology and Physical Oceanography of an Aquaculture Area of the South Coast of Newfoundland RES DOC 2017/076
- Oceanographic and environmental conditions in the Discovery Islands, British Columbia RES DOC 2017/071
- State of the knowledge of the oceanography and water exchange on the South coast of Newfoundland to support the development of Bay Management Areas for Finfish Aquaculture SAR 2016/039
- Science advice from a risk assessment of five sessile tunicate species SAR 2012/049
- Assessing potential benthic habitat impacts of small-scale, intertidal aquaculture of the geoduck clam (Panopea generosa) SAR 2011/083
- Workshop on Shellfish Monitoring Network in the Gulf Region TOR 2011
- Interim Advice for the Development of Sea Cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) Aquaculture in British Columbia Sci. Resp. 2014/005
- Guidance related to Bycatch and Discards in Canadian Commercial Fisheries SAR 2012/022
- Pathways of Effects for Finfish and Shellfish Aquaculture SAR 2009/071
- Assessing habitat risks associated with bivalve aquaculture in the Marine Environment SAR 2006/005
- National Science Workshop: Assessing Habitat Risks Associated With Bivalve Aquaculture in the Marine Environment Aquaculture Development Proc. 2006/014
- Modeling approaches to assess the potential effects of shellfish aquaculture on the marine environment RES DOC 2006/032
- Assessment of Finfish Cage Aquaculture in the Marine Environment SAR 2005/034
Aquatic Biotechnology and Genomics
- Environmental and Indirect Human Health Risk Assessment of the Glofish® Electric Green® Tetra and the Glofish® Long-Fin Electric Green® Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi): A Transgenic Ornamental Fish SAR 2018/027
- Summary of the Environmental and Indirect Human Health Risk Assessment of AquAdvantage® Salmon Sci. Resp. 2013/023
- Proceedings of the Expert Panel Meeting on the Potential Risks Associated with Horizontal Gene Transfer from Novel Aquatic Organisms Proc. 2006/036
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