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Increasing Vacuum Packaging Efficiencies in Blue Mussel Processing

Final Report

Allen's Fisheries Ltd

AIMAP 2011-N01


Allen's Fisheries Ltd (AFL) has been involved in researching process development for automating vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) whole in-shell mussels for more than two years. AFL had initially worked with equipment suppliers to develop a vertical weighing and packaging system and after several months of investigation it was determined the process would be risky and likely unsuccessful. AFL's Project team then focused their attention on process development using a horizontal roll stock packaging system. The Project was a new
concept for the Newfoundland and Labrador mussel industry and would replace the existing and more costly manual process. In 2011, AFL initiated discussion with two Italian equipment manufacturing companies, one which specialized in product weighing systems (Luciano Cocci Inc) and the other which fabricated a variety of automated horizontal flexible and rigid packaging systems (VERIPACK Packaging Inc). The evaluation process lead to an initial site visit and meetings with equipment manufacturers in December 2011. Upon visiting the manufacturer's facilities and meetings with technical and engineering personnel, the Project was reviewed and considered challenging but possible. During the next several months AFL worked with the suppliers to review the Project details, providing additional information such as the required production capacity and packaging size specifications. This allowed the equipment suppliers to produce a detailed equipment specification and quotation on the proposed packaging system. AFL placed a purchase order in 2012 and the manufacturers were asked to deliver the equipment as quickly as possible. AFL was asked to visit VERIPACK Packaging Inc (VERIPACK), Italy and at that time the machinery would be ready for pre-shipment evaluation. AFL's Project manager, Sean Allen and Project technical assistant, Robert Hardy, met with VERIPACK project managers and spent three days viewing the process configuration. The following summary report provides details on the technology insight mission specific to automated packaging of whole in-shell mussels and outlines preparations which were included in advance of the equipment arrival.

Equipment Description and Specifications

The combined packaging equipment has provided AFL with a turnkey process that weighs cleaned whole live mussels into portions of 450g to1000g weight and deposits the mussels into pre-formed individual pockets. During the process, the mussels are oriented to fill the full package area, followed by vacuum or MAP processing (if needed) and labelling. The system is rated for 9-10 cycles per minute or 3240 x 500g packages per hour or 2160 x 1000g packages per hour. The equipment has the capability for MAP and gas flushing which is used for live fresh mussel product distribution within Canada. The specially designed weighing system was manufactured by Luciano Cocci Inc (Cocci) according to VERIPACK's integration requirements. The complete system footprint measures 10 meters (L) x 1.0 meters (W) x 3.7 meters (H).

Operator and Line Manning

When properly installed and fed by a conveyor system, the process of automatically weighing, packaging and labelling vacuum or MAP packages requires one operator for the entire process. The removal of sealed packaged products and placement into cartons for MAP or cooking pans for vacuum packaged product requires 2-3 persons. At a rated output of 3568 pounds per hour the new system has a processing capacity of over three times AFL's existing manual process. The manual process requires 9-10 people processing less than 1/3 the machine capacity.

Installation and Process Validation at AFL

AFL's engineers and electrical personnel prepared the site prior to the arrival of the equipment. They ensured that all required electrical, water and air supplies were readily accessible for the machinery. This included placement of piping, electrical wiring, air hoses and receptacles for the equipment as specified by VERIPACK and Cocci. The machinery was placed on the production floor and connected by VERIPACK and Cocci technicians. The technicians spent one week to install and train operating personnel in the various machine functions. The proper training of AFL personnel was essential to effective operation, trouble shooting and maximizing production with the new equipment.

Trouble Shooting and Technical Observations

In viewing the equipment the technical team made the following observations which had to be reviewed as part of the installation at AFL:

New Product Potential

The automated packaging system is high tech and requires minimal labour to rapidly weigh and vacuum package seafood products. While designed principally for whole mussels the machine has great potential for new product and market development activities. AFL can now consider retail packaging applications for pelagic, shellfish and groundfish products. The low cost high speed operation offered will permit competitive processing in comparison to other seafood processors in North America and Asia. The vacuum process will ensure product quality, reduce dehydration and oxidation during frozen storage, while extending shelf life.

In addition to AFL's own product potential, the company can consider co-pack arrangements for other seafood products. The product evaluation process can include development of printed top films which are more suited to retail markets.

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