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Supplementary information tables

Horizontal Initiatives

Funding to Implement Canada’s New Marine Conservation Targets

Lead department

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)

Federal partner departments

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC); Transport Canada (TC); Parks Canada (PC); Natural Resource Canada (NRCan); Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Start date


End date



This initiative provides funding for DFO, PCA, ECCC, TC, NRCan, and CIRNAC through three pillars of activities that will support conserving 25% of Canada’s oceans by 2025. In addition, DFO is seeking incremental resources to manage existing Oceans Act Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs). Together, the three pillars will advance new and existing MPAs and OECMs by building on the lessons learned and best practices gained through previous marine conservation efforts. Previous efforts have demonstrated that achieving marine conservation efforts within Canada requires a multi-pronged approach that is based on best available information and ensuring support and trust of partners and stakeholders. This horizontal initiative uses a whole-of-government approach that is based on capacity to implement the necessary activities to inform establishment and management of sites, enables the active participation of partners and stakeholders, and applies a balanced approach for advancing conservation by considering economic and societal objectives within the marine environment.

This initiative has been developed based on implicated departments’ experience with previous marine conservation initiatives, even though an evaluation of the 2016 marine conservation targets initiative has not been undertaken. This initiative uses a cooperative approach between departments where centrally coordinated policy direction is provided to support and advance collaborative responses to current and emerging oceans management issues, and to support the development of strengthened performance measurement tools, including enhanced outcomes, indicators and protocols.

Increasing Canada’s conservation efforts to 25% by 2025 is highly ambitious. To establish new conservation areas and ensure that those that are contributing to the target are effectively conserving important species, habitats and ecosystems, departments must gain an understanding at site and bioregional levels of the ecological, social, economic and cultural importance of areas, while concurrently ensuring that the efforts have the support of governments, Indigenous peoples, and stakeholders. To achieve these objectives in less than five years will require the activities under each of the three pillars be implemented in a complementary manner. Working towards the 2025 target by establishing new conserved areas while pursing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and collaborative partnerships will set a solid framework for the Government of Canada to achieve the 2025 target. Furthermore, this initiative contributes to other mandate priorities of the Government, such as the sustainability of fish stocks, the protection of whales, and climate change adaptation.

This initiative aligns with the Government of Canada’s Greening Government Strategy. Consistent with the Strategy, departments will minimize the ecosystem impacts of marine activities, such as reducing impacts from noise due to vessel operations. This initiative is focused on the collaborative involvement of Indigenous peoples, marine users, and local communities. Departments commit to engaging and collaborating in a way that achieves common environmental goals and supports sustainability planning in local communities.

The activities outlined in this initiative ensure that Canada’s duty to consult and accommodate is met. Departments will engage and consult with Indigenous groups to establish new conservation areas and in the ongoing management of sites. Where sites are within territory under a Modern Treaty, activities within this initiative have been developed to ensure respect for Modern Treaty obligations. For new sites, potential Indigenous groups and Modern Treaty partners to be consulted have been identified. This initiative seeks resources to support Indigenous involvement in the establishment and management of sites, enabling self governance and stewardship of Indigenous territory. This initiative also aims to support the inclusion of Indigenous authorities at the table within MSP governance structures. Overall, this initiative has been developed in a manner that recognizes the Government of Canada’s duty to consult, respects Modern Treaty agreements, and seeks to emphasize reconciliation and facilitation of stewardship and economic opportunities for Indigenous groups.

Governance structures

DFO, PCA, and ECCC are responsible for achieving the new marine conservation targets by pursuing the activities outlined within this initiative. However, implementation of supporting activities by TC, NRCan, and CIRNAC are critical to DFO, PCA, and ECCC’s planning, establishment, management and outreach activities. Given the fact that this initiative tasks six different departments to work collaboratively to pursue shared outcomes, an Assistant Deputy Minister level governance committee will provide horizontal oversight to the initiative.

The Horizontal Initiative Oversight Committee for this initiative will be the Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Marine Conservation Targets (MCT) Implementation Committee, a new sub-committee that will be formed under the auspices of the existing ADMs’ Interdepartmental Committee on Oceans. DFO will have a secretariat in place to support this committee. Meetings of the new ADM MCT Implementation Committee will be held quarterly and membership will include DFO, PCA, ECCC, NRCan, TC, and CIRNAC. As lead for this committee, DFO will facilitate regular interactions with ADMs on issues of substance, such as national policy and/or program implementation challenges, and will monitor results of the initiative and propose course corrections as required.

The ADM MCT Implementation Committee will leverage expertise and best practices put in place by the long term work of the ADMs’ Interdepartmental Committee on Oceans, and will coordinate meeting agendas and secretariat services in order to reduce administrative burden of a new governance structure. The ADM MCT Implementation Committee will be supported by the existing Director Generals’ Federal Marine Protected Area Strategy Committee. This Committee’s mandate is to strengthen partnerships and increase collaboration between federal government departments that establish and manage Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMs). All departments included in this initiative are members of the Committee, which meets on a quarterly basis to discuss policy and implementation issues across all member departments related to marine conservation and planning, with chair responsibilities shared between DFO and PCA.

Issues relevant to the implementation of this initiative will be discussed through the Director Generals’ Federal Marine Protected Area Strategy Committee, with recommendations, and outstanding issues to be sent to the ADM MCT Implementation Committee for discussion and review.

Total federal funding allocated (from start to end date) (dollars)


Total federal planned spending to date (dollars)


Total federal actual spending to date (dollars)


Date of last renewal of the horizontal initiative

Not applicable

Total federal funding allocated at the last renewal, and source of funding (dollars)

Not applicable

Additional federal funding received after the last renewal (dollars)

Not applicable

Total planned spending since the last renewal

Not applicable

Total actual spending since the last renewal

Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

An evaluation is scheduled to be completed in 2025-26

Performance highlights

Fisheries and Oceans Canada plans to:

Transport Canada plans to:

Parks Canada plans to:

In 2024-25, Environment and Climate Change Canada plans to:

NRCan will provide robust scientific assessments and reports to support decisions that are economically sound, sustainable, and legally viable for Canada’s marine resources and associated communities.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) plans to continue initiating, with Indigenous partners, research projects as well as harvest and monitoring studies to inform the establishment and management of conservation sites in the Eastern Arctic, and marine planning in the Western Arctic. CIRNAC also plans to strengthen new relationships established with Indigenous organizations in 2023-24. The department will advance the numerous projects started in 2023-24, and will continue working with Indigenous partners to increase the number of research projects as well as harvest and monitoring studies it supports to ensure adequate information is available for decision-making related to marine conservation and marine planning. One of the key risks in 2024-25 is the potential inability of Indigenous organizations to absorb Marine Conservation Target funding and execute studies due to capacity issues. CIRNAC plans to work closely with each organization to provide as much support as possible for marine-related work.

Contact information

Christie Chute, 613-818-6578,

Kathy Graham, 613-990-4158,

Shared outcomes:

  1. Canada’s estuarine, marine, and coastal ecosystems and marine natural heritage are conserved and effectively managed
  2. Crown-Indigenous partnerships and engagement are enhanced through a shared interest in marine conservation
Name of theme Theme A: Establishment, Monitoring, and Management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMs) Theme B: Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in Western Arctic Theme C: Advancing Reconciliation Internal Services
Theme outcome(s) Canada’s network of protected areas is expanded and strengthened Protected and conserved areas are effectively managed and monitored Governance is stabilized within a Marine Spatial Planning framework Science and knowledge products are developed to inform Marine Spatial Planning Enhanced relationships with, involvement of, and outcomes for Indigenous peoples Indigenous peoples are engaged in collaborative decision-making and management bodies N/A
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) $450,188,212 $21,137,647 $101,927,193 $108,690,372
Parks Canada (PC) $48,166,686 $770,298 $269,988 $4,348,253
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) $10,849,964 $1,263,906 $9,449,850 $2,065,089
Natural Resource Canada (NRCan) $15,522,626 $2,880,327 N/A $2,033,477
Transport Canada (TC) $26,541,417 (including Internal Services) $1,575,305 (including Internal Services) $13,563,200 (including Internal Services) N/A
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) $10,584,480 $10,584,480 N/A $404,546

Performance information

Horizontal initiative overview
Name of horizontal initiative Total federal funding allocated since last renewal[*] 2024-25 planned spending Horizontal initiative shared outcome(s) Performance indicator(s) Target(s) Date to achieve target
Funding to Implement Canada’s New Marine Conservation Targets $842,817,315 $188,548,088 Canada’s estuarine, marine, and coastal ecosystems and marine natural heritage are conserved and effectively managed Percentage of marine and coastal areas that are conserved through networks of protected areas and Other Effective Conservation Measures 25% December 2025
Percentage of conserved marine and coastal areas that are effectively managed 14% December 2025
Crown-Indigenous partnerships and engagement are enhanced through a shared interest in marine conservation Percentage of Indigenous people engaged in marine planning and conservation who indicate that the engagement was meaningful 70% December 2025

[*This amount includes any additional funding received after the last renewal.]

Theme A details
Name of theme Total federal theme funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal[*] (dollars) 2024–25 federal theme planned spending (dollars) Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme target
Establishment, Monitoring, and Management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMs) $667,506,277 $150,421,088 Canada’s network of protected areas is expanded and strengthened Number of new Oceans Act Marine Protected Areas established 16 December 2025
Percentage of marine regions represented in the national marine conservation area system 45% December 2025
Number of ECCC Protected Areas, OECMs and other conserved areas with demonstrated progress toward establishment or expansion 5 December 2025
Number of new marine Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures recognized 3 December 2025
Protected and conserved areas are effectively managed and monitored Percentage of Oceans Act Marine Protected Areas and marine Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures established by 2020 where management plans have been initiated 100% December 2025
Percentage of Oceans Act Marine Protected Areas and marine Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures established by 2020 where monitoring plans have been initiated 100% December 2025

Theme A horizontal initiative activities
Departments Link to the department’s program inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding allocated to each horizontal initiative activity since last renewal[*] (dollars) 2024–25 planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2024–25 horizontal initiative activity expected result(s) 2024–25 horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s) 2024–25 horizontal initiative activity target(s) Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
DFO Marine Planning and Conservation Conservation of marine habitats and species as Oceans Act MPAs and OECMs through regulation, management and evaluation $70,000,000 $16,392,660 Industry, local communities, and external parties support the design of MPAs and OECMs Number agreements signed that support industry, local communities, and external parties participation in, management and monitoring activities of MPAs and OECMs 15 (per year) December 2025
$103,840,058 $22,060,245 Number of advisory committees established to support the design of a proposed MPA 16 December 2025
$103,840,058 $22,060,245 Required analyses are developed to support the designation of areas Number of socio-economic, and cultural assessments and risk analyses developed to support the designation of areas 38 December 2025
$798,735 $165,043 MPA effectiveness is measured nationally Number of site specific reports completed 14 December 2025
Conservation and Protection $62,929,814 $11,130,216 Enforcement training programs for marine conservation initiatives are developed and delivered Percentage of Conservation & Protection officers with training and education on marine conservation measures 15% December 2025
Increased surveillance and enforcement for MPAs and OECMs via a pilot project Percentage of Oceans Act MPAs with up-to-date enforcement plans completed and in place by 2025 25% December 2025
Ecosystems and Oceans Sciences $108,779,546 $25,153,570 Data is collected to support establishment and management of MPAs and OECMs Percentage of scheduled science advisory processes on MPAs and OECMs that were completed 100% December 2025
ECCC Habitat Conservation and Protection Protection of wildlife habitat as National Wildlife Areas, Migratory Bird Sanctuaries, and conservation areas through regulation, management, and evaluation $10,176,760 $2,487,101 ECCC network of Protected Areas is expanded Total area of habitat protected as ECCC National Wildlife Areas, Migratory Bird Sanctuaries, and Conservation Areas (Hab-32) 14,375 km2 December 2025
ECCC network of Protected Areas is effectively managed Effective management of the ECCC Protected Areas network (average performance of all sites), as assessed by the application of the Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (Hab-24) 90% December 2025
Internal Services - $673,204 $150,908 - - -
PC Heritage Places Establishment Expand and conserve Canada’s network of protected areas through National Marine Conservation Area (NMCA) Establishment and Monitoring $48,166,686 $12,682,384 Heritage places are established Number of new National Marine Conservation Areas established or with demonstrable progress towards establishment 9 December 2025Footnote1
CIRNAC Northern and Arctic Environmental Sustainability Establishment and Management of MPAs and OECMs $10,584,480 $3,846,345 Regional initiatives are informed by science, Indigenous Knowledge, monitoring and stakeholder input Percentage of Research, harvest and monitoring studies will serve to inform the establishment and management of conservation sites in the Eastern Arctic 100% December 2025Footnote2
TC Protecting Oceans and Waterways MPA and OECM Establishment and Management $30,400,000 $6,077,137 Potential threats to marine conservation from vessel traffic in MPAs and OECMs are addressed Percentage of new or expanded MPAs and OECMs in which marine transportation is identified as a risk, that have measures in place to reduce the impacts of vessel traffic while maintaining safe and efficient marine transportation 100% December 2025Footnote3
NRCan Geoscience for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources, Energy Safety and Security and Petroleum Resource Energy and Climate Change Policy Provision of Federal Leadership in the Minerals and Metals Sector MPA and OECM Establishment and Management $654,651 $140,430 Accord Acts are updated with provincial partners so that prohibitions on oil and gas in MPAs can be included in the Accord Acts, thereby strengthening protections of these sites Number of proposed changes to the Accord Acts with provincial partners that support strengthened protection of MPAs established in Accord Act offshore area 4 amendments proposed December 2023
$14,867,975 $3,042,099 Petroleum, mineral, economic and socioeconomic assessments to inform management decisions on the establishment of marine conservation areas, thereby contributing to the expansion of Canada’s network of protected areas Number of assessments that are conducted which inform management decisions for the establishment of new marine conservation areas proposed by DFO, ECCC or Parks Canada 20 December 2025

Theme B details
Name of theme Total federal theme funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal[*] (dollars) 2024–25 federal theme planned spending (dollars) Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme target
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in Western Arctic $43,196,440 $8,080,300 Governance is stabilized within a Marine Spatial Planning framework Percentage of key planning partners engaged in a Marine Spatial Planning governance structure 100% April 2023
Science and knowledge products are developed to inform Marine Spatial Planning Percentage of key planning partners engaged in a Marine Spatial Planning governance structure 1 December 2025
Percentage of planned data sets that are integrated into online platforms to inform spatial planning efforts 100% December 2025

Theme B horizontal initiative activities
Departments Link to the department’s program inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding allocated to each horizontal initiative activity since last renewal[*] (dollars) 2024–25 planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2024–25 horizontal initiative activity expected result(s) 2024–25 horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s) 2024–25 horizontal initiative activity target(s) Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
DFO Marine Planning and Conservation Initiating MSP in the Western Arctic $9,994,431 $2,024,258 Collaborative governance structures are established in the Western Arctic Number of established collaborative governance structures in Western Arctic 1 December 2025
$11,143,216 $2,256,932 Existing scientific and socio-economic data are collated and analyzed to support MSP decision making in the Western Arctic Percentage of priority data gaps that are filled to support planning processes for identifying future conservation sites for the Western Arctic. 75% December 2025
ECCC Habitat Conservation and Protection Initiating MSP in the Western Arctic $1,154,919 $257,532 ECCC network of protected areas grows to support the conservation of important biodiversity areas Total area (km2) of habitat protected as ECCC National Wildlife Areas, Migratory Bird Sanctuaries, and Conservation Areas (Hab-32) 28,750 km2 December 2025
Internal Services - $108,987 $25,381 - - - -
PC Heritage Places Establishment Engage with partners and communities in the Western Arctic to validate areas that have been targeted for protection through MSP $770,298 $176,653 MSP process identifies candidate NMCA sites Number of candidate NMCA sites identified through marine spatial planning proces 1 December 2025
TC Environmental Stewardship of Transportation Initiating MSP in the Western Arctic $1,575,305 $357,461 Marine spatial planning and conservation is advanced by Transport Canada’s participation in a collaborative approach and informed by technical expertise Number of established collaborative governance structures in Western Arctic that Transport Canada participates in 1 December 2025
CIRNAC Northern and Arctic Environmental Sustainability Initiating MSP in the Western Arctic $10,584,480 $1,282,115 Regional initiatives are informed by science, Indigenous Knowledge, monitoring and stakeholder input Percentage of Research, harvest and monitoring studies will serve to inform MSP in the Western Arctic 100% December 2025
NRCan Energy Safety and Security, and Petroleum Resources Initiating MSP in the Western Arctic $2,530,327 $509,651 Science-based information and knowledge products related to oil accumulation in Arctic waters are developed to inform marine spatial planning in the Western Arctic Number of science-based presentations, publications, and research reports used by departments to inform marine spatial plans in the Western Arctic 3 per year December 2025
$350,000 $50,000 Equipment is acquired by CanmetENERGY Devon to support scientific research related to marine spatial planning in the Western Arctic Number of pieces of equipment acquired to support scientific research related to marine spatial planning 5 December 2025

Theme C details
Name of theme Total federal theme funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal[*] (dollars) 2024–25 federal theme planned spending (dollars) Theme outcome(s) Theme performance indicator(s) Theme target(s) Date to achieve theme target
Advancing Reconciliation $132,114,598 $30,046,699 Enhanced relationships with, involvement of, and outcomes for Indigenous peoples Number of Indigenous groups funded to participate in marine conservation and management activities. 15 (per year) December 2025
Indigenous peoples are engaged in collaborative decision-making and management bodies Percentage of affected Indigenous groups participating in collaborative governance bodies. 100% December 2025
Number of new federal sites with active (i.e. ongoing and/or planned activities) co-management agreements. 24 December 2025

Theme C horizontal initiative activities
Departments Link to the department’s program inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding allocated to each horizontal initiative activity since last renewal[*] (dollars) 2024–25 planned spending for each horizontal initiative activity (dollars) 2024–25 horizontal initiative activity expected result(s) 2024–25 horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s) 2024–25 horizontal initiative activity target(s) Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
DFO Marine Planning and Conservation Building capacity for Indigenous groups to participate in marine planning and conservation activities $81,700,000 $19,129,140 Indigenous peoples are supported to participate in governance, management and monitoring activities Number of agreements signed with Indigenous groups that relate to MSP, MPA and OECM management and monitoring activities 15 (per year) December 2025
$3,700,000 $850,000 Number of memorandums of understanding signed for collaborative management of MPAs and OECMs 10 December 2025
Establishing IBA Negotiating Capacity $12,927,193 $2,436,961 Protocols in support of IBAs are developed in collaboration with the respective Designated Inuit Organization Number of protocols developed 2 December 2025
$3,600,000 $900,000 Inuit organizations are engaged to have exploratory discussions as per their respective Modern Treaties obligations Number of contribution agreements entered into that support Inuit participation in negotiating IBAs 3 December 2025
ECCC Habitat Conservation and Protection Enabling the participation of Indigenous peoples in the establishment, management, and monitoring of protected areas, other effective conservation measures, and Indigenous conserved and protected areas with contribution funding $8,943,747 $2,239,627 Indigenous people are engaged in conservation activities. Percentage of Indigenous people engaged with Environment and Climate Change Canada who indicate that the engagement was meaningful (Bio-12) 61% April 2025
Number of indigenous-led projects supported (Hab-48) 5 March 2026
Internal Services - $506,103 $116,623 - - - -
PC Heritage Places Establishment Investigate, with Indigenous partners, potential methods of fostering joint or contiguous national parks / national marine protected areas and co-designating Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas $269,988 $67,068 Indigenous peoples are engaged in establishment activities and proposals that result in agreements to establish and manage new sites Feasibility assessments launched and completed in collaboration with Indigenous organizations. Negotiation of co-management arrangements within establishment agreements 100% of feasibility assessments for establishment projects are completed in collaboration with Indigenous organizations December 2025
TC Indigenous Partnerships and Engagement Establishing IBA Negotiating Capacity $13,563,200 $2,780,772 Indigenous groups are enabled to negotiate as full partners to address marine transportation matters in Impact and Benefit Agreements Percentage of IBAs negotiated that include articles outlining marine transportation impacts and benefits for Inuit groups and communities 80% December 2025
Marine transportation matters are addressed through the negotiation of Impact and Benefit Agreements Percentage of IBAs negotiated that included Transport Canada’s participation in whole-of-government negotiations teams 80% December 2025

Total spending, all themes
  Total federal funding, including legacy funding, allocated since the last renewal[*] (dollars) 2024–25 total federal planned spending (dollars)
Theme A: Establishment, Monitoring, and Management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMs) $667,506,277 $150,421,088
Theme B: Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in Western Arctic $43,196,440 $8,080,300
Theme C: Advancing Reconciliation $132,114,598 $30,046,699
Total, all themes $842,817,315 $188,548,088

* This amount includes any additional funding received after the last renewal.

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