Fees report - Fiscal year 2023–24
Table of contents
- Minister’s message
- About this report
- Remissions
- Overall totals, by fee-setting mechanism
- Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice
- Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
Minister’s message

As Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard I am pleased to present our report on fees for 2023-24.
The Department provides a wide variety of products and services ranging from recreational fishing licenses to commercial icebreaking services. The fees we charge for those products and services are set under the authority of a variety of acts, regulations and fee orders, notably the Fisheries Act and the Oceans Act.
Similar to last year, the report provides details on each fee, such as the type and rate of adjustment, the service standard, and performance result. As the Department is in the process of modernizing its information system, a breakdown of revenue collected for all fees will be forthcoming in the near future.
This year’s report does not include fees where the authority to collect has been delegated to provincial and territorial governments. As the report is still evolving in its processes, we will continue to work with the Government of Quebec, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut to incorporate their revenue and expenditure information. The information provides context for each fee, in the spirit of open and transparent fee management.
I welcome the increased transparency and oversight that the Service Fees Act’s reporting regime embodies, both myself and my Department will continue working hard to ensure we are fully aligned with its modern framework.
The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
About this report
This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act, the Low Materiality Fees Regulations, and subsection 4.2.9 of the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2023–24.
The report covers fees that are subject to the Service Fees Act and exempted from the Service Fees Act.
For reporting purposes, fees are categorized by fee-setting mechanism. There are three mechanisms:
- Act, regulation or fees notice
The authority to set these fees is delegated to a department, minister or Governor in Council pursuant to an act of Parliament. - Contract
Ministers have the inherent authority to enter into contracts, which are usually negotiated between the minister and an individual or organization, and which cover fees and other terms and conditions. In some cases, that authority may also be provided by an act of Parliament. - Market rate or auction
The authority to set these fees comes from an act of Parliament or a regulation, and the minister, department or Governor in Council has no control in determining the fee amount.
For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, the report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each fee. For fees set by contract and fees set by market rate or auction, the report provides totals only.
Fees charged by DFO under the Access to Information Act are not subject to the Service Fees Act and are not included in this report. Information on DFO’s access to information fees can be found in our annual report to Parliament on the administration of the Access to Information Act.
In 2023-24, DFO was subject to the requirements to issue remissions under section 7 of the Service Fees Act and subsection 4.2.4 of the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities to remit a fee, in whole or in part, to a fee payer when a service standard was not met. DFO’s remission policy and procedures, pursuant to the Service Fees Act, are on the following web page: Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Policy on Remissions.
The other sections of this report provide detailed amounts for DFO’s remissions for 2023-24.
Overall totals, by fee-setting mechanism
The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees DFO had the authority to charge in 2023-24, by fee-setting mechanism.
Fee-setting mechanism |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
Fees set by contract | 948,595 | 610,749 | Remissions do not apply to fees set by contract. |
Fees set by market rate or auction | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice | 88,417,040 | 938,191,675 | 1,211 |
Total | 89,365,635 | 938,802,424 | 1,211 |
Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice
A fee grouping is a set of fees relating to a single business line, directorate or program that a department had the authority to charge for those activities.
This section presents, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees DFO had the authority to charge in 2023–24 that are set by the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
41,860,867Footnote1 | 379,301,801Footnote2 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
298,154 | 5,967,875 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
23,577 | 15,277,348 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
5,825,705 | 251,050,782 | 1,211 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
7,330,927 | 5,580,383 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
33,060,957 | 279,751,467 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
16,853 | 1,262,019 | 0 |
Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
This section provides detailed information on each fee DFO had the authority to charge in 2023-24 and that was set by the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
The complete list of Fisheries and Oceans Canada fees are available on the department’s website.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management – Licensing Fee
Bait Services Fee
Fee-setting authority
Financial Administration Act, section 19: Bait Services Fee Order (SOR/96-180)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
The fee did not have an established service standard.
Performance result
The fee did not have an established service standard.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
Licenses for lobster pounds
Fee-setting authority
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Performance result
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Surf clam fishing licence for commercial purposes
- Atlantic razor clam license for commercial purposes
- Soft-shell clam fishing licence for commercial purposes
- Mussel fishing licence for commercial purposes
- Oyster fishing licence for commercial purposes
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985 (SOR/86-21)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Performance result
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Schedule II Part I Item 1 - Fisher’s Registration Card
- Schedule II Part I Item 2 - Vessel Registration Card
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (a)(i) capelin from a vessel 19.8 m or more in overall length but less than 30.5 m in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (a)(ii) capelin from a vessel 30.5 m or more in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (b)(i) snow crab in Crab Fishing Areas 1 and 2 using 300 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (b)(ii) snow crab in Crab Fishing Areas 1 and 2 using 800 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (b)(iii) snow crab in any of Crab Fishing Areas 3 to 11 using 300 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (b)(iv) snow crab in Crab Fishing Area 4 using 800 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (b)(v) snow crab in Crab Fishing Areas 4 and 5 using 800 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (b)(vi) snow crab in Crab Fishing Areas 5 to 7C inclusive using 800 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (b)(vii) snow crab in any other case
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (c)(i) groundfish in Division 4X and Subarea 5 from a vessel less than 19.8 m in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (c)(ii) groundfish from a vessel 19.8 m or more in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (d)(i) herring using mobile gear
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (d)(ii) herring in any Herring Fishing Area other than Herring Fishing Areas 1 to 14 using weirs or trap nets
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(i) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 2, 3, 6, 7 or 8
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(ii) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 17
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(iii) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 22
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(iv) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 23 using 375 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(v) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 23 using 563 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(vi) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 25 using 250 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(vii) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 25 using 375 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(viii) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 24, 26A or 26B using 300 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(ix) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 24, 26A or 26B using 450 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(x) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 27 using 83 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xi) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 27 using 275 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xii) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 27 using 413 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xiii) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 28 or 29 using 413 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xiv) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 30 using 75 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xv) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 30 using 250 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xvi) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 30 using 375 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xvii) lobster in any of Lobster Fishing Areas 31A to 33 using 375 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xviii) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 34 using 113 or 124 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xix) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 34 using 375 or 400 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xx) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 34 using 563 or 600 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xxi) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 38 using 375 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xxii) lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 38 using 563 traps
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (e)(xxiii) lobster in any other case
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (f)(i) mackerel in Mackerel Fishing Areas 1 to 14 using mobile gear from a vessel less than 19.8 m in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (f)(ii) mackerel using mobile gear from a vessel 19.8 m or more in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (f)(iii) mackerel in any Mackerel Fishing Area other than Mackerel Fishing Areas 1 to 14 using trap nets
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (g)(i) scallop in Scallop Fishing Area 16
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (g)(ii) scallop in Scallop Fishing Area 23 or 29
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (g)(iii) scallop in Scallop Fishing Areas 28C and 28D inclusive
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (g)(iv) scallop in Scallop Fishing Areas 28A, 28B, 28C and 28D inclusive
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (g)(v) scallop in any other case
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (h)(i) shrimp in Shrimp Fishing Area 16
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (h)(ii) shrimp in Shrimp Fishing Area 8
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (h)(iii) shrimp in any other case
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (i)(i) shark from a vessel less than 19.8 m in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (i)(ii) shark from a vessel 19.8 m or more in overall length but less than 30.5 m in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (i)(iii) shark from a vessel 30.5 m or more in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (j)(i) swordfish using longlines from a vessel less than 13.7 m in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (j)(ii) swordfish using longlines from a vessel 13.7 m or more in overall length
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (k) Bluefin tuna
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (l) tuna other than bluefin
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (m) sea urchin
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (n) Red crab
- Schedule II Part I Item 3 - (o) any species, in any case not otherwise provided for in this item, per species
- Schedule II Part I Item 4 - Marine Plant Licence
- Schedule II Part I Item 6 - Fish Transporting Licence
- Schedule II Part I Item 7 - Bait Fishing Licence
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985 (SOR/86-21)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 1 - Cod
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 2 - Jonah crab
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 3 - Red crab
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 4 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 1 to 11
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 5 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 12
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 6 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 13
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 7 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 14
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 8 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 15
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 9 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 16
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 10 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 17
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 11 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 18
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 12 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 19
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 13 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 20
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 14 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 21
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 15 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 22
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 16 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 23
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 17 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 24
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 18 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 25
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 19 - Snow crab Crab Fishing Areas 26
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 20 - Flounder
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 21 - Greenland halibut
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 22 - Grenadier
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 23 - Haddock
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 24 - Halibut
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 25 - Herring
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 26 - Lobster
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 27 - Pollock
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 28 - Redfish
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 29 - Scallop, per tonne of scallop meat
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 30 - Scallop, per tonne in the shell
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 31 - Sea urchin
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 32 - Silver hake
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 33 - Shrimp other than Shrimp Fishing Area 1 to 6
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 34 - Shrimp in Shrimp Fishing Area 1 to 6
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 35 - Stimpson’s surf clam
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 36 - Swordfish
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 37 - Bluefin tuna
- Schedule II Part 2 Item 38 - White hake
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985 (SOR/86-21)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Quota requests are handled by the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, whichever is later, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
Schedule II Part I Item 5 - Recreational Fishing Licence
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985 (SOR/86-21)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Recreational Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Licence, resident 16 to 64 years of age, annual
- Licence, resident 65 years of age or older, annual
- Licence, resident, five-day
- Licence, resident, three-day
- Licence, resident, one-day
- Licence, non-resident 16 years of age or older, annual
- Licence, non-resident, five-day
- Licence, non-resident, three-day
- Licence, non-resident, one-day
- Pacific Salmon Conservation Stamp
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations, 1996 (SOR/96-137)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Recreational Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Licence authorizing the use of a vessel that is subject to the jurisdiction of Canada in fishing or trans-shipping fish in waters other than Canadian fisheries waters
- Licence to fish for public display purposes
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Fishery (General) Regulations (SOR/93-53)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Fish for the purpose of scientific investigation
- Fish for food purposes
- Fish for the purpose of obtaining bait
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Management of Contaminated Fisheries Regulations (SOR/90-351)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Fishing (c) Cetacean other than beluga, bowhead whale, narwhal or right whale
- Fishing (f) Seal - commercial use
- Fishing (g) Nuisance seal
- Fishing (h) Walrus
- Collector Vessel Licence
- Seal Fishery Observation Licence
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Marine Mammal Regulations (SOR/93-56)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
Fishing (e) Seal - personal use
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Marine Mammal Regulations (SOR/93-56)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Recreational Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Fisher’s registration card
- Vessel registration card
- Commercial fishing licence
- Bait fishing licence
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations (SOR/93-55)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
Recreational fishing licence
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations (SOR/93-55)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Recreational Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Regulations: Gill net or angling Char or Trout
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Regulations (SOR/78-443)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Schedule IV, Item 1 - (a) Northwest Territories resident
- Schedule IV, Item 1 - (c) any other person
- Schedule IV, Item 3.1 - special management area fishing license - (b) any other person
- Schedule IV, Item 3.2 - Validation of a licence for a special management area (b) any other person
- Schedule IV, Item 4 - Commercial fishing vessel or vehicle certificate for Great Slave Lake (a) Class A
- Schedule IV, Item 4 - Commercial fishing vessel or vehicle certificate for Great Slave Lake (b) Class B
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations (C.R.C., c.847)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Schedule IV, Item 2 - (b) Domestic fishing-any other person
- Schedule IV, Item 3 - (a) Sport fishing-Northwest Territories resident (annual)
- Schedule IV, Item 3 - (b) Sport fishing-resident Canadian (annual)
- Schedule IV, Item 3 - (c) Sport fishing-resident Canadian (three days)
- Schedule IV, Item 3 - (d) Sport fishing-non-resident (annual)
- Schedule IV, Item 3 - (e) Sport fishing-non-resident (three days)
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations (C.R.C., c.847)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Recreational Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 1(1) - Fisher’s Registration Card (1) Annual
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 1(2) - Fisher’s Registration Card (2) Five years
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 1(3) - Fisher’s Registration Card (3) Temporary
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 2 - Vessel Registration Certificate
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(1) - Category A - Salmon - other than a licence referred to in subitems (2) to (4), issued in respect of (a) a vessel that is less than 9.14 m in overall length
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(1) - Category A - Salmon - other than a licence referred to in subitems (2) to (4), issued in respect of (b) a vessel that is 9.14 m or more in overall length
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(1) - Category A - Salmon - other than a licence referred to in subitems (2) to (4), issued in respect of (c) any size of vessel fishing by means of purse seine
- Salmon - in respect of a vessel that is less than 9.14 m in overall length – reduced fee
- Salmon - in respect of a vessel that is 9.14 m or more in overall length – reduced fee
- Salmon - in respect of a vessel that is any size by means of purse seine – reduced fee
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(3) - Category N - Salmon - issued to the Northern Native Fishing Corporation in respect of (a) a vessel that is less than 9.14 m in overall length
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(3) - Category N - Salmon - issued to the Northern Native Fishing Corporation in respect of (b) a vessel that is 9.14 m or more in overall length
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(3) - Category N - Salmon - issued to the Northern Native Fishing Corporation in respect of (c) any size of vessel fishing by means of purse seine
- Salmon - to fish in the Taku River or Stikine River – reduced fee
- Salmon - to fish in the Taku River or Stikine River – full fee
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(5) - Category C - Species listed in column I of Part II of this Schedule fished for with gear set out in column II of Part II of this Schedule
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(6) Category D - Packing
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(7) Category E - Abalone
- Roe Herring - for the operation of a gill net – full fee
- Roe Herring - for the operation of a purse seine – full fee
- Roe Herring - for the operation of a gill net – reduced fee
- Roe Herring - for the operation of a purse seine – reduced fee
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(14) - Category P - Processor
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(15) - Category R - Dungeness, Graceful, Golden King, Red King and Red Rock crab
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(16) - Category S - Shrimp Trawl
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(18) - Category W - Shrimp by means of trap
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(19) - Category ZA – Green sea urchin
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(20) - Category ZC - Red sea urchin
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(21) - Category ZD - Sea cucumber
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(22) - Category ZF - Euphausiid
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(23) - Category ZN - Rockfish
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(23.1) - Category ZU - Eulachon
- Schedule II Part 1 Item (23.2) - Category Z2 - Butter, Littleneck, Manila and Razor clams
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(24) - Category Z - Any fishery not referred to above
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 5(1) - Marine plants other than the species Macrocystis integrifolia and Laminaria suppl.
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 6(2) - Replacement - registration certificate
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993 (SOR/93-54)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(8) Category G - Geoduck and Horse Clam
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(11) - Category J - Herring Spawn on Kelp
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(12) - Category K - Sablefish
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(13) - Category L - Halibut
- Schedule II Part 1 Item 3(17) - Category T - Groundfish Trawl
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993 (SOR/93-54)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Quota requests are handled by the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, whichever is later, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(1) - Seine license for bait fish (a) for each 30 cm of seine
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(1) - Seine license for bait fish (b) minimum fee
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(2) - Bait trap license for bait fish (a) for each bait trap
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(2) - Bait trap license for bait fish (b) minimum fee
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(3) - Fish trap license for bait fish (a) for each fish trap
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(3) - Fish trap license for bait fish (b) minimum fee
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(4) - Landing net licence for bait fish, for each net
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(5) - Lift net licence for bait fish, for each net
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(6) - Night line licence (a) for the first 100 hooks
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(6) - Night line licence (b) for each additional 100 hooks or fewer
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(7) - Smelt seine licence, for each seine
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(8) - Seine licence for species other than smelt, for each fathom of net
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(9) - Hoop net licence (a) for each net
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(9) - Hoop net licence (b) for each fathom of wing or leader
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(10) - Gill net licence for smelt, in the Magdalen Islands, for each fathom of net
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(11) - Gill net licence for smelt, other than in the Magdalen Islands, for each net
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(12) - Gill net licence for anadromous brook trout, for each fathom of net
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(13) - Gill net licence, for species other than smelt and anadromous brook trout, for each fathom of net
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(14) - Trap net or box net licence for smelt, for each net
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(15) - Pound net licence, for each fathom of wing or leader
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(16) - Eel trap licence, for each trap
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(17) - Crayfish trap licence, for each trap
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(18) - Licence to operate unregistered fishing gear
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(19) - Assistant fisherman’s licence
- Schedule V Part II, Item 1(20) - Experimental fishing licence
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Quebec Fishery Regulations, 1990 (SOR/90-214)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 1 - (b) any other person
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 2 - (b) any other person
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 3 - (b) any other person
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 7 - Fish farming licence
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 8 - Salmon Conservation Catch Card - (a) for Yukon resident or qualified non-resident
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 8 - Salmon Conservation Catch Card - (b) for Canadian resident
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 8 - Salmon Conservation Catch Card - (c) for non-resident
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations (C.R.C., c.854)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management - Licensing Fee
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 5 - Sport fishing - (a) angling licence for Yukon resident or qualified non-resident (annual)
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 5 - Sport fishing - (b) angling licence for Canadian resident (annual)
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 5 - Sport fishing - (c) angling licence for Canadian resident (6-day)
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 5 - Sport fishing - (d) angling licence for Canadian resident (1-day)
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 5 - Sport fishing - (e) angling licence for non-resident (annual)
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 5 - Sport fishing - (f) angling licence for non-resident (6-day)
- Schedule III, Licenses and Fees, Item 5 - Sport fishing - (g) angling licence for non-resident (1-day)
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations (C.R.C., c.854)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Recreational Licence Services are handled by the later of the opening of the fishery / period of validity or within 30 business days, once all required documentation and fees have been received and there are no outstanding issues.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Fisheries Management – Licensing Fee
- All vessels not otherwise provided for in this Schedule in Canadian fisheries waters of the Atlantic Ocean other than Subarea 0.
- All vessels not otherwise provided for in this Schedule in Canadian fisheries waters of the Pacific Ocean.
- Vessels, other than vessels of the United States, fishing for tuna in any Canadian fisheries waters.
- Vessels of France registered in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, in Divisions 4R, 4S, Subdivisions 3Pn or 4Vn.
- Vessels of flag states that are not members of the European Economic Community other than the United States in Canadian fisheries waters in Subarea 0 in respect of which (a) a licence to fish has not been issued in respect of Canadian fisheries waters not in Subarea 0.
- Vessels of flag states that are not members of the European Economic Community other than the United States in Canadian fisheries waters in Subarea 0 in respect of which (b) a licence to fish has been issued in respect of Canadian fisheries waters not in Subarea 0.
- Authorizing the activity set out in paragraph 5(1)(b) of these Regulations.
Fee-setting authority
Coastal Fisheries Protection Act: Coastal Fisheries Protection Regulations
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
The fee did not have an established service standard.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Aquaculture Licensing Fees
- Administrative Fee
- Access to Resource Fee for Shellfish Sites
- Access to Resource Fee for Finfish Sites
Fee-setting authority
Fisheries Act, section 13: Pacific Aquaculture Regulations (SOR/2010-270)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Once a fully completed application has been received and there are no outstanding issues, Fisheries and Oceans Canada will make a decision regarding new sites or major technical amendments within 365 calendar days.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
- Chart 1 - Symbols, Abbreviations & Terms
- Chart 1350 - Sorel-Tracy à/to Otterburn-Park
- Chart 1351 - Bassin de Chambly au lac/to Lake Champlain
- Chart 1509 - Rivière des Prairies
- Chart 1510 - Lac des Deux Montagnes
- Chart 1512 - Ottawa to/à Smiths Falls
- Chart 1513 - Smith Falls to/à Kingston including/y compris Tay River to/à Perth
- Chart 1514 - Carillon à/to Papineauville
- Chart 1515 - Papineauville à/to Ottawa
- Chart 1550 - Britannia Bay à/to Chats Falls
- Chart 1551 - Chats Falls à/to Chenaux
- Chart 1552 - Portage-du-Fort à/to Île Marcotte
- Chart 1553 - Île Marcotte à/to Rapides-des-Joachims
- Chart 1554 - Rapides-des-Joachims au/to Lac la Cave
- Chart 1555 - Lac la Cave
- Chart 1556 - Lac Témiscamingue / Lake Timiskaming
- Chart 2011 - Belleville Harbour
- Chart 2021 - Murray Canal to Healey Falls Locks / Murray Canal aux Écluses de Healey Falls
- Chart 2022 - Healey Falls Locks to Peterborough / Écluses de Healey Falls à Peterborough
- Chart 2023 - Peterborough to/à Buckhorn including/y compris Stony Lake
- Chart 2024 - Buckhorn to/à Bobcaygeon including/y compris Chemong Lake
- Chart 2025 - Bobcaygeon to Lake Simcoe / Bobcaygeon au Lake Simcoe
- Chart 2026 - Lake Scugog and/et Scugog River
- Chart 2028 - Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching including the Holland River / Lacs Simcoe et Couchiching y compris Holland River
- Chart 2029 - Couchiching Lock to Port Severn / Écluse de Couchiching à Port Severn
- Chart 2044 - Port Dalhousie
- Chart 2047 - Clarkson Harbour
- Chart 2048 - Port Credit
- Chart 2049 - Whitby Harbour
- Chart 2050 - Oshawa Harbour
- Chart 2053 - Port Hope Harbour
- Chart 2054 - Cobourg Harbour
- Chart 2055 - Frenchman's Bay
- Chart 2070 - Harbours in Lake Ontario / Havres dans le lac Ontario
- Chart 2086 - Toronto to/à Hamilton
- Chart 2140 - Port Maitland to/à Dunnville
- Chart 2202 - Port Severn to/à Parry Sound
- Chart 2203 - Carling Rock to/à Byng Inlet
- Chart 2204 - Byng Inlet to/à Killarney
- Chart 2205 - Killarney to/à Little Current
- Chart 2206 - McGregor Bay
- Chart 2207 - Little Current to/à Clapperton Island
- Chart 2218 - Penetang Harbour
- Chart 2221 - Midland Harbour
- Chart 2222 - Tiffin Harbour
- Chart 2223 - Port McNicoll and/et Victoria Harbour
- Chart 2260 - Sarnia to/à Bayfield
- Chart 2261 - Bayfield to/à Douglas Point
- Chart 2266 - Michael's Bay to/à Great Duck Island
- Chart 2267 - Great Duck Island to/à False Detour Passage
- Chart 2273 - South Baymouth Harbour and Approaches
- Chart 2283 - Owen Sound to/à Giant's Tomb Island
- Chart 2305 - Jackfish Bay
- Chart 2306 - Peninsula Harbour and/et Port Munro
- Chart 2310 - Caribou Island to/à Michipicoten Island
- Chart 2318 - Heron Bay
- Chart 3050 - Kootenay Lake and River
- Chart 3052 - Okanagan Lake
- Chart 3053 - Shuswap Lake
- Chart 3055 - Waneta to/à Hugh Keenleyside Dam
- Chart 3056 - Hugh Keenleyside Dam to/à Burton
- Chart 3057 - Burton to/à Arrowhead
- Chart 3058 - Arrowhead to/à Revelstoke
- Chart 3061 - Harrison Lake and/et Harrison River
- Chart 3062 - Pitt River and/et Pitt Lake
- Chart 3080 - Stuart Lake
- Chart 3311 - Sunshine Coast, Vancouver Harbour to/à Desolation Sound
- Chart 3312 - Jervis Inlet & Desolation Sound and Adjacent Waterways / et les Voies navigables adjacentes
- Chart 3313 - Gulf Islands and Adjacent Waterways / et les Voies Navigables Adjacentes
- Chart 3411 - Sooke
- Chart 3488 - Fraser River / Fleuve Fraser, Crescent Island to/à Harrison Mills
- Chart 3489 - Fraser River / Fleuve Fraser, Pattullo Bridge to/à Crescent Island
- Chart 3647 - Port San Juan and/et Nitinat Narrows
- Chart 3651 - Scouler Entrance
- Chart 3685 - Tofino
- Chart 3733 - Catala Passage
- Chart 3794 - Stewart
- Chart 3858 - Flamingo Inlet
- Chart 3863 - Port Chanal
- Chart 3964 - Tuck Inlet
- Chart 4141 - Saint John to/à Evandale
- Chart 4142 - Evandale to/à Ross Island
- Chart 4145 - Mactaquac Lake - Saint John River / Rivière Saint-Jean
- Chart 4170 - Glace Bay Harbour
- Chart 4385 - Chebucto Head to/à Betty Island
- Chart 4402 - Wallace Harbour
- Chart 4421 - Boughton River
- Chart 4450 - Saint Paul Island
- Chart 4504 - Great Cat Arms and/et Little Cat Arm
- Chart 4519 - Maiden Arm, Big Spring Inlet and/et Little Spring Inlet and approaches / et les approches
- Chart 4540 - Anchorages in White Bay / Mouillages dans White Bay
- Chart 4541 - Sops Arm
- Chart 4542 - Hampden Bay
- Chart 4582 - Plans - Notre Dame Bay
- Chart 4584 - White Bay: Southern Part / Partie Sud
- Chart 4639 - Garia Bay and/et Le Moine Bay
- Chart 4668 - Anchorages / Mouillages in the / dans le Strait of Belle Isle / Détroit de Belle Isle
- Chart 4670 - Forteau Bay
- Chart 4886 - Twillingate Harbours
- Chart 4955 - Havre-aux-Maisons
- Chart 4956 - Cap-aux-Meules
- Chart 4957 - Havre-Aubert
- Chart 4980 - Blanc Sablon
- Chart 5080 - Punchbowl Inlet and Approaches / et les approaches
- Chart 5411 - Lower Savage Islands to/à Pritzler Harbour
- Chart 6021 - Lake Muskoka
- Chart 6022 - Lake Rosseau and/et Lake Joseph
- Chart 6028 - Blind River and/et Lake Duborne
- Chart 6100 - Lac Saint-Jean
- Chart 6201 - Lake of the Woods / Lac des Bois
- Chart 6205 - Seven Sisters Falls to/à Lac du Bonnet
- Chart 6206 - Seven Sisters Falls to/à Slave Falls
- Chart 6207 - Slave Falls to/à Eaglenest Lake
- Chart 6209 - Brereton Lake
- Chart 6211 - Big Traverse Bay
- Chart 6212 - Kenora to/à Aulneau Peninsula (Northern Portion / Partie nord)
- Chart 6213 - Whitefish Bay
- Chart 6214 - Sabaskong Bay
- Chart 6215 - Basil Channel to/à Sturgeon Channel
- Chart 6216 - Sturgeon Channel to/à Big Narrows Island
- Chart 6217 - Ptarmigan Bay and/et Shoal Lake
- Chart 6218 - Kenora, Rat Portage Bay
- Chart 6242 - Winnipeg to/au Lake Winnipeg / Lac Winnipeg
- Chart 6269 - Wanipigow River
- Chart 6286 - Whitedog Dam to/à Minaki
- Chart 6287 - Minaki to/à Kenora
- Chart 6408 - Cache Island to/à Rabbitskin River Kilometre 233 / Kilomètre 301
- Chart 6409 - Rabbitskin River to/à Fort Simpson Kilometre 300 / Kilomètre 330
- Chart 6410 - Fort Simpson to/à Trail River Kilometre 330 / Kilometre 390
- Chart 6411 - Trail River to/à Camsell Bend Kilometre 390 / Kilometre 460
- Chart 6412 - Camsell Bend to/à McGern Island Kilometre 460 / Kilometre 510
- Chart 6413 - McGern Island to/à Wrigley River Kilometre 510 / Kilomètre 580
- Chart 6414 - Wrigley River to/à Three Finger Creek Kilometre 580 / Kilometre 650
- Chart 6415 - Three Finger Creek to/à Saline Island Kilometre 650 / Kilometre 730
- Chart 6416 - Saline Island to/à Police Island Kilometre 730 / Kilometre 810
- Chart 6417 - Tulita (Fort Norman), Police Island to/aux Halfway Islands Kilometre 810 / kilometre 860
- Chart 6418 - Norman Wells, Halfway Islands to/à Rader Island Kilometre 850 / Kilomètre 920
- Chart 6419 - Norman Wells to/à Carcajou Ridge Kilometre 910 / Kilomètre 980
- Chart 6420 - Carcajou Ridge to/à Hardie Island Kilometre 980 / Kilometre 1040
- Chart 6421 - Hardie Island to/à Fort Good Hope Kilometre 1040 / Kilometre 1100
- Chart 6422 - Fort Good Hope to/à Askew Islands Kilometre 1100 / Kilometre 1180
- Chart 6423 - Askew Islands to/à Bryan Island Kilometre 1180 / Kilometre 1240
- Chart 6424 - Bryan Island to/à Travaillant River Kilometre 1240 / Kilomètre 1325
- Chart 6425 - Travaillant River to/à Adam Cabin Creek Kilometre 1325 / Kilomètre 1400
- Chart 6426 - Adam Cabin Creek to/à Point Separation Kilometre 1400 / Kilomètre 1480
- Chart 6427 - Point Separation to/au Aklavik Channel Kilometre 1480 / Kilomètre 1540
- Chart 6428 - Aklavik Channel to/au Napoiak Channel including/y compris Aklavik Channel to/à Aklavik Kilometre 1530 / Kilometre 1597
- Chart 6429 - Kilometre / Kilomètre 1580 - 1645 including/y compris East Channel, Inuvik to/à Kilometre / Kilomètre 1645
- Chart 6430 - East Channel, Kilometre / Kilomètre 1645 - 1710
- Chart 6431 - East Channel, Lousy Point to/à Tuktoyaktuk Kilometre 1710 / Kilometre 1766
- Chart 6432 - Kilometre / Kilomètre 1500 to/à Inuvik East Channel
- Chart 6433 - West Channel, Aklavik to/à Shallow Bay
- Chart 6434 - Reindeer Channel, Tununuk Point to/à Shallow Bay
- Chart 6435 - Middle Channel, Tununuk Point to/à Mackenzie Bay Kilometre 1670 / Kilometre 1730
- Chart 6436 - Napoiak Channel, including/y compris Schooner and/et Taylor Channels Kilometre / Kilomètre 1590 – 1650
- Chart 6437 - Peel Channel including/y compris Husky Channel and/et Phillips Channel
- Chart 6438 - Peel River, Mackenzie River / Fleuve Mackenzie to/à Road Island
- Chart 6441 - West Channel including/y compris Anderton Channel, Ministicoog Channel and/et Moose Channel to/à Shoalwater Bay
- Chart 6451 - Sans Sault Rapids
- Chart 6452 - Mackenzie River / Fleuve Mackenzie (Kilometre / Kilomètre 0-58)
- Chart 6453 - Mackenzie River / Fleuve Mackenzie (Kilometre / Kilomètre 58-90)
- Chart 6454 - Mackenzie River / Fleuve Mackenzie (Kilometre / Kilomètre 90-147)
- Chart 6455 - Mackenzie River / Fleuve Mackenzie (Kilometre / Kilomètre 147-205)
- Chart 7292 - Dundas Harbour
- Chart 7646 - Putulik (Hat Island) and/et Wilkins Point
- All other charts
- Publications – Canadian Tide and Current tables: P181 – Vol 1 – Atlantic Coast and Bay of Fundy
- Publications – Canadian Tide and Current tables: P182 – Vol 2 – Gulf of the St. Lawrence
- Publications – Canadian Tide and Current tables: P183 – Vol 3 – St. Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers
- Publications – Canadian Tide and Current tables: P184 – Vol 4 – Arctic and Hudson Bay
- Publications – Canadian Tide and Current tables: P185 – Vol 5 – Juan de Fuca Strait & Strait of Georgia
- Publications – Canadian Tide and Current tables: P186 – Vol 6 – Discovery Passage & West Coast of Vancouver Island
- Publications – Canadian Tide and Current tables: P187 – Vol 7 – Queen Charlotte Sound to Dixon Entrance
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ARC 400E/F - General Information, Northern Canada, 2009
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ARC 401E/F – Hudson Strait, Hudson Bay and Adjoining Waters, 2009
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ARC 402E/F - Eastern Arctic, 2014
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ARC 403E/F – Western Arctic, 2011
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ARC 404E/F - Great Slave Lake and Mackenzie River, 2012
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 100E/F - General Information, Atlantic Coast, 2007
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 101E/F - Newfoundland, Northeast and East Coasts, 2013
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 102E/F - Newfoundland, East and South Coasts, 2008
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 103E/F - Newfoundland, Southwest Coast, 2010
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 104E/F - Cape North to Cape Canso (including Bras d’Or Lake), 2010
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 105E/F - Cape Canso to Cape Sable (including Sable Island), 2014
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 106E/F - Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy, 2001
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 107E/F - Saint John River, 2009
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 108E/F – Gulf of St. Lawrence (Southwest Portion), 2006
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 109E/F - Gulf of St. Lawrence (Northeast Portion), 2006
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 110E/F - St. Lawrence River, Cap Whittle / Cap Gaspé to Les Escoumins and Anticosti Island, 2011
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 111E/F - St. Lawrence River, Île Verte to Québec and Fjord du Saguenay, 2007
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 112E/F - St. Lawrence River, Cap-Rouge to Montréal and Rivière Richelieu, 2009
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 120E/F - Labrador, Camp Islands to Hamilton Inlet (including Lake Melville), 2004
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: ATL 121E/F - Labrador, Hamilton Inlet to Cape Chidley (including Button Islands and Gray Strait), 2016
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 300E/F - General Information, Great Lakes, 1996
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 301E/F - St. Lawrence River, Montréal to Kingston, 2010
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 302E/F - Lake Ontario,1996
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 303E/F - Welland Canal and Lake Erie,1996
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 304E/F - Detroit River, Lake St.Clair, St.Clair River, 1996
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 305E/F - Lake Huron, St. Marys River, Lake Superior, 2000
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 306E/F - Georgian Bay, 2015
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 307E/F - North Channel of Lake Huron, 2000
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 308E/F - Rideau Canal and Ottawa River, 2003
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: CEN 309E/F - Trent-Severn Waterway, 2016
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: PAC 200E - General Information, Pacific Coast, 2006
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: PAC 201E - Juan de Fuca Strait and Strait of Georgia, 2012
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: PAC 202E - Discovery Passage to Queen Charlotte Strait and West Coast of Vancouver Island, 2016
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: PAC 205E - Inner Passage - Queen Charlotte Sound to Chatham Sound, 2002
- Hydrography – Publications – Sailing Directions: PAC 206E - Hecate Strait, Dixon Entrance, Portland Inlet and Adjacent Waters and Haida Gwaii, 2015
- Hydrography – Publications – Small Craft Guides: P142 - Lake Nipissing, 1987
- Hydrography – Publications – Small Craft Guides: P143 - Lac Nipissing, 1987
- Hydrography – Publications – Tidal Current Atlases: P240 - Atlas of Title Currents – St. Lawrence Estuary
- Hydrography – Publications – Tidal Current Atlases: P241 - Atlas of Tideal Currents Bay of Fundy & Gulf of Maine
- Hydrography – Publications – Tidal Current Atlases: P244 - Juan de Fuca Straight to/à Strait of Georgia
- Hydrography – Publications – Miscellaneous Publications: P250 - Tides in Canadian Waters
- Hydrography – Publications – Miscellaneous Publications: P251 - Les marées dans les eaux du Canada
- Hydrography – Publications – Miscellaneous Publications: P252 - Canadian Tidal Manual
- Hydrography – Publications – Miscellaneous Publications: P253 - Manuel canadien des marées
- Hydrography – Publications – Miscellaneous Publications: P875E/F – Marine Environmental Handbook Arctic Northwest
Fee-setting authority
Oceans Act, section 47: Nautical Charts and Related Publications Fees Order (SOR/94-281)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Performance result
Fee grouping
- Oceanographic Station Data
- Quality Control Statistics
- Drifting Buoy Map
- Drifting Buoy Data in GF-3
- Wave Time Series Plot
- Wave Spectrum Plot
- Wave Spectral Density Data
- Wave Spectral Density versus Frequency
- Offshore Environmental Data
- TWL Daily Means Data
- TWL Annual Statistics
- TWL Extreme Statistics
- Canadian Harmonic Constants
- Tourist Tide Tables
- TWL Hourly Height Data
- TWL Monthly and Yearly Means Data
- TWL Monthly and Yearly Means Plot
- TWL Annual Station Daily Means Plot
- TWL 40 Day Station Daily Means Plot
- GEOSTAT Altimeter Data
- Tidal Harmonic Analysis
- Tidal Predictions
- Labour provided by professional staff
- Labour provided by support staff
- VAX 11/750
- VAX 6320
- Calcomp 1055 plotter
- VAX 6410
- Versatec plotter
- Image processor
- Computer-compatible tape
- Photocopy
Fee-setting authority
Financial Administration Act, section 19: Ocean Data and Services Fees Order, 1993
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Not applicable
Service standard
The fee did not have an established service standard.
Performance result
The fee did not have an established service standard.
Fee grouping
- Processing of each request for data and analyses
- 9 cm computer diskette
- 13 cm computer diskette
Fee-setting authority
Financial Administration Act, section 19: Ocean Data and Services Fees Order, 1993
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Not applicable
Service standard
Performance result
Fee grouping
Icebreaking Services
Icebreaking Service Fees
Fee-setting authority
Oceans Act, section 47: Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 153, Number 24
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Icebreaker assistance is provided within the targeted response times as follows: Northeast and East Coast of Newfoundland: 12 hours, Gulf of Saint Lawrence: 12 hours, Saint Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers: 6 hours, Great Lakes: 8 hours. These hours are calculated from the time that the service is required until the icebreaker arrives on scene.
Performance result
The service standard was met 99% of the time.
Fee grouping
Maintenance Dredging Services Tonnage Fee
Maintenance Dredging Services Tonnage Fee
Fee-setting authority
Oceans Act, section 47: Canada Gazette, Part 1, Volume 137, Number 23
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Dredging in the St. Lawrence Ship Channel is done in accordance with maintained depths (PDF 3.68 Mb) to prevent vessel grounding.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Marine Navigation Services Fees
- Western Region Canadian Flag gross tonnes (GT) ≥ 1,000
- Western Region Canadian Flag GT ≥ 15 and < 1,000
- Western Region Canadian Flag TUG GT ≥ 5 and < 1,000
- Western Region Canadian Flag All Other GT < 15
- Western Region Foreign Flag Coasting Trade (excluding barges)
- Western Region Foreign Flag GT ≥ 1,000
- Western Region Foreign Flag GT < 1,000
- Eastern Region Canadian Flag Bulkers and Container ships (excluding barges)
- Eastern Region Canadian Flag Ferries
- Eastern Region Canadian Flag All Other
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cargo - Laurentian / Central Region
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cargo - Bay of Fundy Ports
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cargo - Northumberland Strait and PEI ports
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cargo - All other Nova Scotia ports
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cargo - Chaleur Bay ports
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cargo - Miramichi River ports
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cargo - Newfoundland & Labrador Region
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cruise Ship GT ≤150
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cruise Ship GT > 150 and ≤ 22,500
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Cruise Ship GT > 22,500
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Bulker and Container Great Lakes (excluding barges)
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag Coasting Trade
- Eastern Region Foreign Flag All Other
Fee-setting authority
Oceans Act, section 47: Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 153, Number 24
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Commercial vessels are not prevented from navigating for more than 4 hours due to the malfunction or displacement of an aid to navigation or an interruption of vessel traffic services in waters serviced by the Canadian Coast Guard.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
Fee grouping
Small Craft Harbour
- Berthage - Per Day
- Berthage - Per Month
- Berthage - 3 to 12 Months
- Berthage - 12 months
- Wharfage - Item 1 a) cubic content of less than 1 m3 per tonne
- Wharfage - Item 1 b) cubic content equal or greater to 1 m3 per tonne
- Wharfage - Oil, petroleum products and other liquid commodities
- Storage on harbour property
Fee-setting authority
Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act, section 9; Fishing and Recreational Harbours Regulations (SOR/78-767)
Year fee-setting authority was introduced
Last year fee-setting authority was amended
Service standard
Safe berthage, wharfage, and storage is made available to harbour users. Where deemed to be unsafe as documented by damages to vessels and/or equipment (as evidenced by third party liability insurance claims), Fisheries and Oceans Canada will issue refunds to harbour users accordingly.
Performance result
The service standard was met 100% of the time.
- Date modified: