Services and information
Certify your catch for export
Audit and review process, user manual, frequently asked questions, Fisheries Certification System.
Contact us
Contact the Catch Certification Program or the audit office.
Catch Certification Program
Operations Centre, Integration and Planning Bureau, Fisheries Certificate System, the audit office.
Audit and review process
Request a decision review, contact details, the audit process.
Country-specific catch certification requirements
European Union (EU) fishing regulations, catch certificates for Chile, Japan and Ukraine.
Importing Toothfish (Chilean Seabass)
Importation form for toothfish, details about the Catch Certification Scheme.
Trade in endangered aquatic species
Permit application forms and how to submit them, permit officer inquiries, CITES information.
Regulations for the possession and export of elvers
Licences for the possession and export of both domestic- and foreign-caught elvers.
What we are doing
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