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Variation order 2023-011 for Greenland Halibut in Subarea 0

December 22, 2023

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Arctic Region advises that a close time for the Greenland Halibut fishery in Division 0A, for vessel classes D200 to D203 and B8 has been modified to reflect a close date of November 11. The previous variation order issued a five day extension to November 16, 2023 and was only in effect for the 2023 fishing season. All other close times remain unvaried.

For greater clarity, the Arctic Region GHL Subarea 0 Close Time Variation Order, 2023-010 which came into force on Nov 11th, 2023 will be revoked when the new variation order Arctic Region GHL Subarea 0 Close Time Variation Order, 2023-011 comes into force December 31, 2023 and remains in force until otherwise revoked (see Schedule XXIII Column IV).

Schedule XXIII (Section 87): Groundfish close times
Item Column I: Species Column II: Stock area Column III: Vessel class Column IV: Close time
4 Greenland halibut (1)(a) That portion of Subarea 0 known as Division 0-A (1)(a)(i) Vessel classes D200 to D203, and B8 (1)(a)(i) Jan. 1 to May. 31 and Nov. 11 to Dec. 31
(1)(a)(ii) Vessel classes D205 to D208 (1)(a)(ii) Jan. 1 to May 31
(1)(b) That portion of Subarea 0 known as Division 0-B (1)(b) Vessel classes A280, A281, B8, B9, B10, B12, D176, D200 to D203, D205 to D208, D210, E to G, L to N, Q, R, V, and Z (1)(b) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31


For more information, contact the following Regional Fisheries Management Officer:

Sandra Moore
Regional Fisheries Management Officer
Telephone (cell): 204-599-9327
Arctic Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

On behalf of:

Jason Simms
A/Regional Director, Fisheries Management
Arctic Region

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