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Notice to fish harvesters: 2023 Canadian Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for Greenland Halibut in NAFO Divisions 0A and 0B

January 27, 2023

The Canadian TACs and allocations for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions 0A and 0B Greenland Halibut (Turbot) fishery have been set for 2023. The Minister has decided on the following TAC and allocations:

Division 0A

The TAC will be reduced by 9.25%, and set at 8,704.99 tonnes (t). Nunavut enterprises will continue to be allocated 100% (8,704.99 t) of the Division 0A TAC in 2023. 100 t from the 0A TAC remains dedicated for inshore fisheries development, inside the Nunavut Settlement Area.

Division 0B

The TAC will be reduced by 9.25%, and set at 7,797.51 t. Division 0B enterprise and special allocations will be reduced proportionally, with Nunavut enterprises receiving 3,840.59 t, Nunavik enterprises 402.82 t, and Enterprise Allocation Holders 2,654.09 t. The Fixed Gear Competitive will remain at 900 t in 2023.

For more information, contact the following Regional Fisheries Management Officer:

Christi Friesen
Regional Senior Fisheries Management Officer
Telephone 204-805-4748
Arctic Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

On behalf of:

Jason Simms
A/Regional Director, Fisheries Management
Arctic Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

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