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Review of the Gulf Atlantic Halibut Allocation Decision

Current status: Closed

fishing boats

Fisheries and Oceans Canada carried out a review of allocation decisions taken in the Gulf Atlantic halibut fishery since 2007.

Fleets that are part of the Gulf Groundfish Advisory Committee were invited to submit their views on past decisions taken for the Gulf Atlantic halibut fishery.

All written submissions were posted online for public viewing and discussed at a special meeting of the Gulf Groundfish Advisory Committee meeting on April 22 in Montreal. Outcomes of these discussions and the written submissions were shared with the Minister and used to inform recommendations on sharing allocations for the Minister’s consideration.

The Government of Canada committed to reviewing the sharing arrangement for Gulf Atlantic halibut. The review allowed for a fulsome exchange of positions and is in keeping with our commitment for transparent and consultative decision making. The review also ensured our allocation decisions for Atlantic halibut were made in a fair and consistent manner.

Please read the Ministerial Decision on Gulf Halibut Shares.

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