Lobster Fishing Area 3 – 14C, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2017

Dates of season (subject to change)

3 Cape Charles – Cape St. John May 20 July 22
4A Notre Dame Bay West
Cape St. John - North Head
May 27 July 22
4B Notre Dame Bay East
North Head- Cape Freels
May 13 July 08
5 Bonavista Bay May 08 July 12
6 Trinity Bay April 27 July 06
7 Conception Bay May 02 July 05
8 Southern Shore May 09 July 12
9A Trepassey Bay
Cape Race to Cape Pine
May 02 June 28
9B St. Marys Bay
Cape Pine to Cape St. Mary’s
April 28 July 08
10 Placentia Bay May 01 July 10
11E Fortune Bay East
east of Western Head, Hare Bay
April 15 June 17
11W Fortune Bay West
west of Western Head, Hare Bay
April 29 July 01
12 Cinq Cerf to Cape Ray April 18 June 27
13A Cape Ray to Cape St. George April 18 June 29
13B Cape St. George to Cape St. Gregory April 22 July 04
14A Cape St. Gregory to Point Riche May 06 July 03
14B Point Riche to Big Brook TBD TBD
14C Big Brook to Cape Bauld TBD TBD

A two day setting period (first 2 days) is included in all seasons above.

Management Measures

The management approach supports sustainability of the Lobster resource. This includes a continuation of the voluntary v-notching program, mandatory logbooks, closed areas for conservation, trap limits, established season duration, and minimum size retention limit of 82.5 mm in all Lobster Fishing Areas.

In response to concerns about the effect of Scallop dragging on Lobster and sensitive Lobster habitat a closed area will be implemented from Danzic Point to Basse Point Head inside 30 fathoms to all commercial Scallop dragging from January 1 to December 31 each year.

In addition, to alleviate the effect on the commercial Scallop fish harvesters a commercial harvest of scallop by diving will be implemented from Danzic Point to Point Rosie from October 15 to February 28th annually, as a pilot until the next 3Ps Scallop advisory meeting.

Links to other information

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