2017 Scallop Fishing Area 29 West of 65° 30′ West Inshore Scallop Fishery
The Scallop Fishing Area 29 West (SFA 29 West) scallop fishery occurs off the south west coast of Nova Scotia from 65° 30′ west to 43° 40′ north.
Dates of season (subject to change)
The 2017 SFA 29 West fishery operates from June 19th – August 31st.
Total Allowable Catches
The Total Allowable Catch (TAC) has been set at 140t for the 2017 fishery with the following quotas for subareas A-E:
A: 15t
B: 29t
C: 30t
D: 46t
E: 20t
Management Measures
The 2017 SFA 29 West scallop fishery is managed through the current Conservation Harvesting Plan. Additional information about the SFA 29 West scallop fishery can be found in the current Inshore Scallop Integrated Fisheries Management Plan.
Please contact your regional DFO office for more information:
(902) 407-8153 / DFO.MAR-FM-GP.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Single or Multi-year Planning
The planning cycle for SFA 29W scallop fishery is annual.
Links to other information
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