2019 Scallop conservation harvesting plan – area 24
Moncton, New Brunswick – October 15, 2019 – The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), Gulf Region, is announcing that the Scallop fishery in Scallop Fishing Area (SFA) 24 will take place from November 1 to December 14, 2019 (December 15 falls on a Sunday). The fishery is open between 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily, and will be closed on Sundays.
DFO wishes to remind fish harvesters to take extra care when navigating in areas where dredging operations are on-going.
All existing management measures remain in place, please refer to your scallop licence conditions for further details.
Meat Count: On average, can not exceed 52 meats per 500g.
Logbook requirements: Fish harvesters are required to maintain a record of their estimated catches in a logbook prior to entering port. Fish harvesters are required to forward their logbooks to DFO no later than two weeks following the closure of the fishing season.
Ring size: The authorized ring size in the bucket construction is set at 82.6 mm (3 ¼ inches) with the exception of the first row of buckets where 76.2 mm (3 inches) rings may be used.
Drag size: Maximum cumulative width of 5.08 m (16 feet 8 inches) (outside measurements).
Washers: Two (2) steel washers may be used to join each side of the rings together giving a maximum of eight (8) steel washers per ring. In addition, one rubber washer may be used vertically to join two (2) bucket rings together. The maximum outside diameter of rubber washers must not exceed 50.8 mm. Furthermore, chaffing gear on the underside of the drag will be allowed when the rings are joined only with steel washers.
Offloading requirements: No person shall land (off-load) any other part of the scallop except for the adductor muscle (no roe or other internal organs of the scallop may be retained).
Buffer zones: All existing buffer zones remain in place for the protection of lobster habitat and the ecosystem. Reminder: The Western Cape Breton scallop buffer zone (North of Mabou), is defined by specific coordinates since 2018 (see map and coordinates on page 2) and all fishing restrictions (scallop buffer zones) are included in the licence conditions .

Map of Western Cape Breton Scallop Buffer Zone (North of Mabou) with coordinates*
Point | Latitude North | Longitude West |
1 | 46° 05' 09.2"N | 61° 27' 55.2"W |
2 | 46° 05' 54"N | 61° 31' 24"W |
3 | 46° 07' 42"N | 61° 29' 15"W |
4 | 46° 08' 34"N | 61° 28' 29"W |
5 | 46° 09' 44"N | 61° 28' 02"W |
6 | 46° 10' 56"N | 61° 26' 18"W |
7 | 46° 11' 57"N | 61° 25' 24"W |
8 | 46° 15' 42"N | 61° 19' 03"W |
9 | 46° 18' 37"N | 61° 16' 35"W |
10 | 46° 19' 43"N | 61° 15' 44"W |
11 | 46° 20' 17"N | 61° 15' 49"W |
12 | 46° 20' 55"N | 61° 16' 33"W |
13 | 46° 21' 43"N | 61° 16' 25"W |
14 | 46° 22' 59"N | 61° 14' 41"W |
15 | 46° 24' 03"N | 61° 11' 10"W |
16 | 46° 28' 44"N | 61° 07' 23"W |
17 | 46° 30' 44"N | 61° 05' 47"W |
18 | 46° 31' 55"N | 61° 05' 06"W |
19 | 46° 33' 35"N | 61° 04' 22"W |
20 | 46° 35' 45"N | 61° 04' 06"W |
21 | 46° 36' 38"N | 61° 03' 41"W |
22 | 46° 36' 59"N | 61° 03' 52"W |
23 | 46° 37' 46"N | 61° 03' 03"W |
24 | 46° 39' 05"N | 61° 02' 10"W |
25 | 46° 40' 19"N | 61° 00' 30"W |
26 | 46° 42' 11"N | 60° 58' 50"W |
27 | 46° 44' 14"N | 60° 55' 57"W |
28 | 46° 47' 15"N | 60° 53' 46"W |
29 | 46° 49' 12"N | 60° 51' 38"W |
30 | 46° 53' 33"N | 60° 44' 27"W |
31 | 46° 55' 34"N | 60° 42' 32"W |
32 | 46° 58' 42"N | 60° 40' 47"W |
33 | 46° 58' 59"N | 60° 40' 21"W |
34 | 46° 58' 41.8"N | 60° 39' 56.8"W |
For more information on this fishery please contact:
Josiane Massiéra
Resource Management
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Moncton, NB
Kim Lowe
Resource Management
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Charlottetown , PEI
Jolene Hudson
Resource Management
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Antigonish, NS
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