Eastern and Western Assessment Zones: Northern Shrimp Management Units Davis Strait East, Davis Strait West, Nunavut East, Nunavik East, Nunavut West and Nunavik West – 2020/21

Species and Area

The Eastern Assessment Zone comprises the Northern Shrimp Fishing Management Units (MU) Davis Strait East and Davis Strait West, Nunavik East and Nunavut East. The Western Assessment Zone comprises the MUs Nunavik West and Nunavut West.

Dates of season (subject to change)

These MUs are open year round, from April 1 to March 31.

Total Allowable Catches (TAC)

Eastern Assessment Zone (EAZ):

The TAC for P. montagui in the EAZ will be maintained at 840t. The TAC for P. borealis in the EAZ will increase by 23.7% to 10,653t. Allocations are as follows:

Quota - Eastern Assessment Zone
Fleet / interest Species MU Quota (t)
Offshore Borealis DS W 5,250
Offshore exploratory Borealis DS E 1,000
Nunavut exploratory Borealis DS E 1,604
Nunavut E Borealis NU/NK E 659
Nunavik E Borealis NK/NU E 165
Nunavut DS Borealis DS W 1,778
Nunavik DS Borealis DS W 197
Offshore bycatch Montagui DS W/E 410
Nunavut East Montagui NU/NK E 301
Nunavik East Montagui NK/NU E 129

Western Assessment Zone (WAZ):

The TAC for P. montagui in the WAZ will be maintained at 11,975t. The TAC for P. borealis will be maintained at 3,163t.

Quota - Western Assessment Zone
Fleet / interest Species Area Quota (t)
Nunavut Montagui NU/NK W 5,987.5
Nunavik Montagui NU/NK W 5,987.5
Nunavut Borealis NU/NK W 1,581.5
Nunavik Borealis NU/NK W 1,581.5

Management Measures

No new management measures for 2020/21.

Links to other information

2018 Northern Shrimp Integrated Fisheries Management Plan

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