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2024 Scallop fishery, NAFO sub-division 3Ps (Inshore)

Total Allowable Catches

The Total Allowable Catch (TAC) of Sea scallop for the North Bed is 1,055 tonnes round weight, an overall quota level increase of 10% from 2023. This TAC will be in effect for 2024.

Management measures

There is a weekly catch limit of 1,000 pounds scallop meats when fishing in SFA 10 and 11 north of 47°00’N. Separation of the inshore and offshore fleets will continue, hence no access to the Middle and Southern Beds for the inshore fleet (less than 65’). Only vessels permitted to participate in the 3Ps inshore Sea scallop fishery on the North Bed and in the Core Area must be those registered in Newfoundland and Labrador Region for the past 12 consecutive months.

A season permit is required to access the North Bed and access is restricted to the greater than 50’ fleet.

A trip permit is required to access the Core Area and access is restricted to the traditional licence holders.

Season Dates

Season dates will be determined in consultation with industry. Once decisions are made on specific opening dates they will be communicated via Notice to Fish Harvesters.

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