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IFMP Template

1. Cover Page

  • Indicate species (including scientific name(s)), fishing area(s) and year(s) covered by the plan. Use standard DFO and Government of Canada word-marks, and (where available) an illustration(s) of the species.

2. Foreword

  • All IFMPs must include the following text in the foreword:
    • This IFMP is not a legally binding instrument which can form the basis of a legal challenge. The IFMP can be modified at any time and does not fetter the Minister's discretionary powers set out in the Fisheries Act. The Minister can, for reasons of conservation or for any other valid reasons, modify any provision of the IFMP in accordance with the powers granted pursuant to the Fisheries Act.

3. Table of Contents

3.1 Overview of the Fishery (Lead - Resource Management)

  • Provide a brief overview of the fishery, including:
    • History: Provide a brief history of the fishery.
    • Type(s) of Fishery: Commercial, FSC, recreational, etc.
    • Participants: Include relevant information such as numbers of licence holders, numbers of vessels, number of communities (in case of subsistence fisheries) and distribution of participants.
    • Location of the Fishery: Describe the management areas/zones where fishing occurs (i.e. regulatory zones and specific areas of vessel operation) and distribution of fishing effort. Best presented through maps.
    • Fishery Characteristics: Describe the gear types utilized in the fishery (i.e. fixed gear, mobile gear, etc), including numbers for each if possible, and type of method used to manage the fishery (i.e. seasons, competitive vs. IQ, input vs. output control, etc.), as well as the general timeframe (i.e. season) of when the fishery occurs.
    • Governance: Briefly describe key legislation and regulations, as well as types of committees and/or legislative land claims which are part of the decision making process (based on zones, areas, regions, international considerations).
    • Approval Process: Describe the general management decision-making process (i.e. decisions made by Area Director, RDG or Minister).

3.2 Stock Assessment, Science and Traditional Knowledge (Lead - Science)

  • Provide a brief overview of stock science and status, including:
    • Biological Synopsis: Provide a brief overview outlining the main biological characteristics of the species with emphasis on the aspects which impact on management of the species. Factors to be covered include range (both globally and Canadian), populations/stock structure, habitat requirements (including key location where applicable), migration routes and reproductive characteristics (i.e. season, behaviour, fecundity, growth rates, spawning grounds).
    • Ecosystem Interactions: Briefly describe interactions with other species and the physical environment. Where the information is available briefly describe the effect of climate regime changes on stock status, particularly recruitment and stock productivity.
    • Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge/Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Where available, provide brief overview of ATK/TEK for the species.
    • Stock Assessment: Provide a brief overview of the assessment process for the stock(s), including types of data sources utilized (i.e. research vessel trawl surveys, tagging, index fisheries, CPUE, landing statistics, sentinel fisheries, etc.) and frequency of assessment. For single year plans, provide a summary of the most recent assessment results. For multi-year plans, assessment results are to be provided in the appendices (Appendix 1) and updated whenever new assessments are completed.
    • Stock Scenarios: Briefly describe stocks prospects (i.e. trends) for period of the plan, and beyond, if available.
    • Precautionary Approach (PA): Where available, provide a brief overview of any PA references established for this resource, including removal references, limit reference points, and upper stock reference points
    • Research: Provide a brief overview of research projects being conducted during the period of the plan and their purpose. Also include any research needs not currently being addressed. Consider not just the target species, but also research on associated by-catch and habitat.

3.3 Economic, Social  and Cultural Importance of the Fishery (Lead - Policy and Economics)

  • Provide a brief overview of economic conditions and social, cultural and economic issues. Use charts and figures where applicable. When extensive analysis is undertaken, summarize and provide reference to separate analytical document.
  • The regional economic analyst will provide a summary of the recommended information for inclusion in this section, based upon the socio-economic framework developed by Policy sector.
  • When extensive analysis is undertaken, reference to a separate socio-economic document, prepared by Policy, can be made within the IFMP, rather than including the information directly.

3.4 Management Issues (Lead - Resource Management)

  • Provide an overview of current issues in the fishery, including those related to the target species, as well as by-catch and ecosystem concerns. Potential examples of management issues include:
    • Fisheries Issues such as conflicts between gear sectors, catch monitoring, by-catch problems and other resource user issues.
    • Depleted Species Concerns, including species assessed by COSEWIC, listed under SARA and/or CITES, and moratorium species. Reference existing recovery strategies/management plans where appropriate.
    • Oceans and Habitat Considerations, including habitat impacts and discussions of ecologically significant areas that have been identified and documented within the geographic range of the fishery (including marine protected areas (MPAs). Where information is available on the effect of climate regime change on stock status, it should be considered when developing harvest decision rules and other management measures. Any management measures in place to control aquatic invasive species should also be included.
    • Gear Impacts, including losses and resulting impacts.
    • International Issues

3.5 Objectives (Lead - Resource Management)

  • Clearly state long-term objectives for sustainable fisheries under the following potential headings:
    • Stock Conservation
    • Ecosystem
    • Stewardship
    • Social, cultural, and economic (i.e. commercial, recreational, Aboriginal)
    • Compliance
  • For each long-term objective, outline short-term objectives specific for the duration of the plan.

3.6 Access and Allocation (Lead - Resource Management)

  • Provide the access and allocation of the fisheries resource (including commercial, aquaculture, recreational, FSC, subsistence) under the following headings:
    • Sharing Arrangements
    • Quotas and Allocations
  • All IFMPs must include a statement in this section noting that the Minister can, for reasons of conservation or for any other valid reasons, modify access, allocations and sharing arrangements as outlined in this IFMP in accordance with the powers granted pursuant to the Fisheries Act.

3.7 Management Measures for the Duration of the Plan (Lead - Resource Management)

  • For single-year plans, provide stock conservation and ecosystem management measures to meet Section 5 objectives, including the following, where applicable:
    • Total Allowable Catch (TAC)
    • Fishing Seasons/Areas
    • Control and Monitoring of Removals: Include measures to control and monitor both target and by-catch species in commercial, FSC, bait, recreational and other fisheries. These entail gear restrictions and limits, observer coverage, dockside monitoring, logbooks, hailing, VMS, by-catch protocols, discarding protocols, small fish/soft-shell protocols, conservation harvesting techniques and selective fishing requirements. Where relevant, include any mandatory financial arrangements required with fish harvesters and other stakeholders.
    • Decision Rules: Include specific relevant decision rules applicable to the current season, with reference to PA (i.e. critical, cautious and healthy).
    • SARA Requirements
    • Licensing
    • Habitat Protection Measures
  • For multi-year plans, this information is to be provided in the appendices (Appendix 2) and updated annually.

3.8 Shared Stewardship Arrangements (Lead - Resource Management)

  • Highlight any shared stewardship arrangements to meet Section 5 objectives, including increased shared decision-making.

3.9 Compliance Plan (Lead - Conservation and Protection)

  • For single-year plans, describe priorities as set out in enforcement plans to meet Section 5 objectives.
  • For multi-year plans, this information is to be provided in the appendices (Appendix 3) and updated annually.

Conservation and Protection Program Description

  • Include the generic description of the national Conservation and Protection program

Regional Compliance Program Delivery

  • Provide a general description of compliance activities carried out by C&P for this fishery. Include the activities conducted by third parties like the at-sea observers and dockside monitors. Describe the use of technology to help with the monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) activities (e.g. VMS, air surveillance, video monitoring, etc.).


  • Provide a general description of the processes in place to ensure integration of compliance issues into the internal IFMP structure and to provide enhanced communication and cooperation between the Conservation and Protection Program and the fishing industry, Aboriginal organizations and other government organizations.

Compliance Performance

  • Provide a summary of compliance activities and results from the previous year(s). Use the C&P performance management framework to extract the relevant information. FEATS and DVS will be the main source of information for measuring compliance activities and results.

Current Compliance Issues

  • Describe the main/current compliance problems and objectives.

Compliance Strategy

  • Provide a general description of the compliance strategy that will be implemented to secure the desired compliance objectives.

3.10 Performance Review (Lead - Resource Management)

  • Management Objectives Evaluation Criteria: Outline indicators that will be used to determine if the plan objectives (Section 5) are met. These may include indicators specifically developed for this plan, as well as other existing tools (i.e. fishery checklist). The results of the previous year’s review (including landings, values, etc. where appropriate) are to be provided in the appendices (Appendix 4).

4. Glossary

5. Appendices

  • Appendix 1: Stock Assessment Results; to be updated whenever a new assessment is completed (multi-year plans only). See Section 2.
  • Appendix 2: Management Measures for the Duration of the Plan; to be updated annually for the duration of the plan (multi-year plans only). See Section 7.
  • Appendix 3: Enforcement Measures for Duration of the Plan; to be updated annually for the duration of the plan (multi-year plans only). See Section 9.
  • Appendix 4: Post-Season Review; provide the results of the previous year’s annual review (i.e. progress on meeting plan objectives), as well as information on previous year’s landings, values, etc. where appropriate. Where available, include the Fisheries Checklist. See Section 10.
  • Appendix 5: Departmental contact(s)
  • Appendix 6: Safety at Sea
  • Appendix 7: Map of Fishing Area
  • Other: Additional appendices may include information on consultative groups and associated TOR, press releases, sign-off page for multi-jurisdictional approvals, etc.


IFMP Foreword

(Standard text which will be included in every IFMP)

The purpose of this Integrated Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) is to identify the main objectives and requirements for the (name of fishery here) fishery in (identify area(s) covered by the plan), as well as the management measures that will be used to achieve these objectives. This document also serves to communicate the basic information on the fishery and its management to DFO staff, legislated co-management boards and other stakeholders. This IFMP provides a common understanding of the basic “rules” for the sustainable management of the fisheries resource.

This IFMP is not a legally binding instrument which can form the basis of a legal challenge. The IFMP can be modified at any time and does not fetter the Minister's discretionary powers set out in the Fisheries Act. The Minister can, for reasons of conservation or for any other valid reasons, modify any provision of the IFMP in accordance with the powers granted pursuant to the Fisheries Act.

Where DFO is responsible for implementing obligations under land claims agreements, the IFMP will be implemented in a manner consistent with these obligations. In the event that an IFMP is inconsistent with obligations under land claims agreements, the provisions of the land claims agreements will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Signature and title of DFO approval authority

Optional - Signature and title of other approval authority (i.e. authority established under land claims agreement)


Glossary Terms

(These are examples of terms that may be found in an IFMP glossary. Additional terms may be added depending on each individual IFMP)

Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge (ATK): Knowledge that is held by, and unique to Aboriginal peoples. It is a living body of knowledge that is cumulative and dynamic and adapted over time to reflect changes in the social, economic, environmental, spiritual and political spheres of the Aboriginal knowledge holders. It often includes knowledge about the land and its resources, spiritual beliefs, language, mythology, culture, laws, customs and medicines.

Abundance: Number of individuals in a stock or a population.

Age Composition: Proportion of individuals of different ages in a stock or in the catches.

Anadromous: An anadromous species, such as salmon, spends most of its life at sea but returns to fresh water grounds to spawn in the river it comes from.


Biomass: total weight of all individuals in a stock or a population.

By-catch: The unintentional catch of one species when the target is another.

Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE): The amount caught for a given fishing effort. Ex: tonnes of shrimp per tow, kilograms of fish per hundred longline hooks.

CGIAC: Commercial Groundfish Integrated Advisory Committee

CIC: Commercial Industry Caucus: A sub-committee of the CGIAC consisting of commercial groundfish vessel representatives and processors.

Communal Commercial Licence: Licence issued to Aboriginal organizations pursuant to the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations for participation in the general commercial fishery.

Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP): Fishing plans submitted by all gear sectors which identify harvesting methods aimed at minimizing the harvest of small fish and by-catch of groundfish.

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC): Committee of experts that assess and designate which wild species are in some danger of disappearing from Canada.

Discards: Portion of a catch thrown back into the water after they are caught in fishing gear.

Dockside Monitoring Program (DMP): A monitoring program that is conducted by a company that has been designated by the Department, which verifies the species composition and landed weight of all fish landed from a commercial fishing vessel.

EBSA (Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area): an EBSA is an area that has particularly high Ecological or Biological Significance, and should receive a greater-than-usual degree of risk aversion in management of activities in order to protect overall ecosystem structure and function within the LOMA.

Ecosystem-Based Management: Taking into account species interactions and the interdependencies between species and their habitats when making resource management decisions.

Escapement: Reference to salmon - the number of fish escaping the fishery and reaching the spawning grounds.

Fishing Effort: Quantity of effort using a given fishing gear over a given period of time.

Fishing Mortality: Death caused by fishing, often symbolized by the mathematical symbol F.

Fixed Gear: A type of fishing gear that is set in a stationary position. These include traps, weirs, gillnets, longlines and handlines.

Food, Social and Ceremonial (FSC): A fishery conducted by Aboriginal groups for food, social and ceremonial purposes.

Gillnet: Fishing gear: netting with weights on the bottom and floats at the top used to catch fish. Gillnets can be set at different depths and are anchored to the seabed.

Groundfish: Species of fish living near the bottom such as cod, haddock, halibut and flatfish.

Handlining: Fishing using a line with usually one baited hook and moving it up and down in a series of short movements. Also called "jigging".

Landings: Quantity of a species caught and landed.

LOMA (Large Ocean Management Area): Integrated management planning in Canada is focused in five high priority LOMAs, these are: Placentia Bay and the Grand Banks, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Scotian Shelf, the Beaufort Sea and the Pacific North Coast.

Longlining: Using long lines with a series of baited hooks to catch fish.

Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY): Largest average catch that can continuously be taken from a stock.

Mesh Size: Size of the mesh of a net. Different fisheries have different minimum mesh size regulation.

Mobile Gear: A type of fishing gear that is drawn through the water by a vessel to entrap fish. These include otter trawls and Danish/Scottish Seines.

Natural Mortality: Mortality due to natural causes, symbolized by the mathematical symbol M.

Observer Coverage: When a licence holder is required to carry an officially recognized observer onboard their vessel for a specific period of time to verify the amount of fish caught, the area in which it was caught and the method by which it was caught.

Otolith: Structure of the inner ear of fish, made of calcium carbonate. Also called "ear bone" or "ear stone". Otoliths are used to determine the age of fish: annual rings can be observed and counted. Daily increments are visible as well on larval otoliths.

Pelagic: A pelagic species, such as herring, lives in midwater or close to the surface.

Population: Group of individuals of the same species, forming a breeding unit, and sharing a habitat.

Precautionary Approach: Set of agreed cost-effective measures and actions, including future courses of action, which ensures prudent foresight, reduces or avoids risk to the resource, the environment, and the people, to the extent possible, taking explicitly into account existing uncertainties and the potential consequences of being wrong.

Purse Seine: Large net used to encircle fish from a boat called a "seiner" and equipped with a wire rope on the bottom to draw the net together. A small boat, called "skiff", participates in manoeuvring the net.

Quota: Portion of the total allowable catch that a unit such as vessel class, country, etc. is permitted to take from a stock in a given period of time.

RCA: Rockfish Conservation Area, which is an area that is closed for the protection of various inshore rockfish species to fishing activities that negatively impact rockfish.

Recruitment: Amount of individuals becoming part of the exploitable stock e.g. that can be caught in a fishery.

Research Survey: Survey at sea, on a research vessel, allowing scientists to obtain information on the abundance and distribution of various species and/or collect oceanographic data. Ex: bottom trawl survey, plankton survey, hydroacoustic survey, etc.

Species at Risk Act (SARA): The Act is a federal government commitment to prevent wildlife species from becoming extinct and secure the necessary actions for their recovery. It provides the legal protection of wildlife species and the conservation of their biological diversity.

Spawner: Sexually mature individual.

Spawning Stock: Sexually mature individuals in a stock.

Stock: Describes a population of individuals of one species found in a particular area, and is used as a unit for fisheries management. Ex: NAFO area 4R herring.

Stock Assessment: Scientific evaluation of the status of a species belonging to a same stock within a particular area in a given time period.

Total Allowable Catch (TAC): The amount of catch that may be taken from a stock.

Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK): A cumulative body of knowledge and beliefs, handed down through generations by cultural transmission, about the relationship of living beings (including humans) with one another and with their environment.

Tonne: Metric tonne, which is 1000kg or 2204.6lbs.

Trawl: Fishing gear: cone-shaped net towed in the water by a boat called a "trawler". Bottom trawls are towed along the ocean floor to catch species such as groundfish. Mid-water trawls are towed within the water column.

Validation: The verification, by an observer, of the weight of fish landed.

Vessel Size: Length overall.

Year-class: Individuals of a same stock born in a particular year. Also called "cohort".


Safety at Sea

(Sample of text developed by Pacific Region - Subject to change without notice)

Vessel owners and masters have a duty to ensure the safety of their crew and vessel. Adherence to safety regulations and good practices by owners, masters and crew of fishing vessels will help save lives, protect the vessel from damage and protect the environment. All fishing vessels must be in a seaworthy condition and maintained as required by Transport Canada (TC), WorkSafeBC, and other applicable agencies. Vessels subject to inspection should ensure that the certificate of inspection is valid for the area of intended operation.

In the federal government, responsibility for shipping, navigation, and vessel safety regulations and inspections lies with Transport Canada (TC); emergency response with the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and DFO has responsibility for management of the fisheries resources. In B.C., WorkSafeBC has jurisdiction over health and safety issues in commercial fishing, which includes the health and safety of the crew and the design, construction and use of fishing equipment on the vessel. WorkSafeBC and TCMS entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on fishing vessel safety that addresses jurisdiction. The MOU states that each party will work co-operatively to ensure vessels and their crews remain healthy and safe. DFO (Ecosystems and Fisheries Management (EFM) and CCG) and TC have an MOU to formalize cooperation and to establish, maintain and promote a safety culture within the fishing industry.

Before leaving on a voyage the owner, master or operator must ensure that the fishing vessel is capable of safely making the passage. Critical factors for a safe voyage include the seaworthiness of the vessel, vessel stability, having the required safety equipment in good working order, crew training, and knowledge of current and forecasted weather conditions.

Useful publications include Transport Canada Publication TP 10038 ‘Small Fishing Vessel Safety Manual’ which can be obtained from TC or printed from their website.

There are several issues that are important for fishing vessel safety, including three priority areas: vessel stability, emergency drills, and cold water immersion.

Fishing Vessel Stability

Vessel stability is paramount for safety. Care must be given to the stowage and securing of all cargo, skiffs, equipment, fuel containers and supplies, and also to correct ballasting. Fishers must be familiar with their vessel’s centre of gravity, the effect of liquid free surfaces on stability, loose water or fish on deck, loading and unloading operations and the vessel’s freeboard. Know the limitations of your vessel; if you are unsure contact a reputable naval architect, marine surveyor or the local Transport Canada Marine Safety office.

Fishing vessel owners are required to develop detailed instructions addressing the limits of stability for each of their vessels. The instructions need to be based on a formal assessment of the vessel by a qualified naval architect and include detailed safe operation documentation kept on board the vessel. Examples of detailed documentation include engine room procedures, maintenance schedules to ensure watertight integrity, and instructions for regular practice of emergency drills.

Fish Safe

Vessel masters and crew are encouraged to become more knowledgeable about vessel stability. FishSafe BC developed the Fish Safe Stability Education Course, which is available to all fishermen who want to improve their understanding of stability and find practical application to their vessel’s operation.

Fish Safe is coordinated by Gina Johansen and directed by the Fish Safe Advisory Committee (membership is open to all interested in improving safety on board). The advisory committee meets quarterly to discuss safety issues and give direction to Fish Safe in the development of education and tools for fishermen.

Fish Safe also works closely with WorkSafeBC to improve the fishing claims process.

Gina Johansen, Safety Coordinator
Fish Safe
1100-1200 West 73rd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6P 6G5
Phone: 604-261-9700
Fax: 604-267-3015

Emergency Drill Requirements

The master must establish procedures and assign responsibilities to each crew member for emergencies such as crew member overboard, fire, flooding, abandoning ship and calling for help.

Since July 30, 2003 all crew with more than 6 months at sea are required to have taken minimum Marine Emergency Duties (MED) training or be registered for such training. MED provides a basic understanding of the hazards associated with the marine environment; the prevention of shipboard incidents (including fires); raising and reacting to alarms; fire and abandonment situations; and the skills necessary for survival and rescue.

Cold Water Immersion

Drowning is the number one cause of death in B.C.’s fishing industry. Cold water is defined as water below 25 degrees Celsius, but the greatest effects occur below 15 degrees. BC waters are usually below 15 degrees. The effects of cold water on the body occur in four stages: cold shock, swimming failure, hypothermia and post-rescue collapse. Know what to do to prevent you or your crew from falling into the water and what to do if that occurs. More information is available in the WorkSafe Bulletin Cold Water Immersion (available from the WorkSafeBC website).

Other Issues


Vessel owners and masters are reminded of the importance of paying close attention to current weather treads and forecasts during the voyage. Marine weather information and forecasts can be obtained on VHF channels 21B, Wx1, Wx2, Wx3, or Wx4. Weather information is also available from Environment Canada website.

Emergency Radio Procedures

Vessel owners and masters should ensure that all crew are able to activate the Search and Rescue (SAR) system early rather than later by contacting the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG). It is strongly recommended that all fishers carry a registered 406 MHz Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). These beacons should be registered with the National Search and Rescue secretariat. When activated, an EPIRB transmits a distress call that is picked up or relayed by satellites and transmitted via land earth stations to the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre (JRCC), which will task and co-ordinate rescue resources.

Fishers should monitor VHF channel 16 or MF 2182 Khz and make themselves and their crews familiar with other radio frequencies. All crew should know how to make a distress call and should obtain their restricted operator certificate from Industry Canada. However, whenever possible, masters should contact the nearest Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) station (on VHF channel 16 or MF 2182 kHz) prior to a distress situation developing. Correct radio procedures are important for communications in an emergency. Incorrect or misunderstood communications may hinder a rescue response.

Since August 1, 2003 all commercial vessels greater than 20 metres in length are required to carry a Class D VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) radio. A registered DSC VHF radio has the capability to alert other DSC equipped vessels in your immediate area and MCTS that your vessel is in distress. Masters should be aware that they should register their DSC radios with Industry Canada to obtain a Marine Mobile Services Identity (MMSI) number or the automatic distress calling feature of the radio may not work.

A DSC radio that is connected to a GPS unit will also automatically include your vessel’s current position in the Distress message. More detailed information on MCTS and DSC can be obtained by contacting a local Coast Guard MCTS centre (located in Vancouver, Victoria, Prince Rupert, Comox and Tofino).

Collision Regulations

Fishers must be knowledgeable of the Collision Regulations and the responsibilities between vessels where risk of collision exists. Navigation lights must be kept in good working order and must be displayed from sunset to sunrise and during all times of restricted visibility. To help reduce the potential for collision or close quarters situations which may also result in the loss of fishing gear, fishers are encouraged to monitor the appropriate local Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) VHF channel, when travelling or fishing near shipping lanes or other areas frequented by large commercial vessels. Vessels required to participate in VTS include:

  1. every ship twenty metres or more in length,
  2. every ship engaged in towing or pushing any vessel or object, other than fishing gear,
  3. where the combined length of the ship and any vessel or object towed or pushed by the ship is forty five metres or more in length; or
  4. where the length of the vessel or object being towed or pushed by the ship is twenty metres or more in length.

Exceptions include:

  1. a ship towing or pushing inside a log booming ground,
  2. a pleasure yacht less than 30 metres in length, and
  3. a fishing vessel that is less than 24 metres in length and not more than 150 tons gross.

More detailed information on VTS can be obtained by calling (604) 775-8862 or from Canadian Coast Guard - Marine Communications and Traffic Services.

Buddy System

Fishers are encouraged to use the buddy system when transiting, and fishing as this allows for the ability to provide mutual aid. An important trip consideration is the use of a sail plan which includes the particulars of the vessel, crew and voyage. The sail plan should be left with a responsible person on shore or filed with the local MCTS. After leaving port the fisher should contact the holder of the sail plan daily or as per another schedule. The sail plan should ensure notification to JRCC when communication is not maintained which might indicate your vessel is in distress. Be sure to cancel the sail plan upon completion of the voyage.

WorkSafe BC

Commercial fishing is legislated by the requirements for diving, fishing and other marine operations found in Part 24 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHSR). Many general hazard sections of the OHSR also apply. For example, Part 8: Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment addresses issues related to safety headgear, safety foot wear and personal floatation devices. Part 15 addresses issues on rigging, Part 5 addresses issues of exposure to chemical and biological substances, and Part 3 addresses training of young and new workers, first aid, and accident investigation issues. Part 3 of the Workers Compensation Act (WCA) defines the roles and responsibilities of owners, employers, supervisors and workers. The OHSR and the WCA are available from the Provincial Crown Printers or by visiting the WorkSafeBC website.

For further information, contact an Occupational Safety Officer (Shane Neifer, Terrace, (250) 615-6640), Pat Olsen, Richmond (604) 244-6477 or Mark Lunny, Courtney (250) 334-8732 or the Focus Sector Manager for fishing Bruce Clarke, Prince George, (250) 612-3708).

For information on projects related to commercial fishing contact Ellen Hanson (604) 233-4008 or Toll Free 1-888 621-7233 ext. 4008 or by email:

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