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Infrastructure proposal guidelines for projects requesting less than $100,000 (Atlantic Fisheries Fund)

These are outlines of the information required to assist us in evaluating your proposed project.

The “application for financial assistance” form must also be submitted with your proposal. All proposal documents must be submitted in both paper and electronic format (USB/memory stick). Applicants are advised that it’s their responsibility to adopt appropriate security safeguards while transmitting information to us. For this reason, we cannot accept proposals or accompanying documents via email.

Additional information or clarification may be required from you during the due diligence process as the program officer reviews the information provided. Some projects may require advice from experts in a particular field as part of the process and in determining the overall risk.

The format of the proposal should be as a simplified business plan, with a description of purpose and objectives in seeking contribution funding relating to the fund objectives. The following is an outline of a simplified business plan. It’s necessary to address each of these sections in the proposal. The instructions below provide points for consideration when writing the proposal.

On this page

Project title

Provide a short concise title that conveys what the proposed product/process/service will be.

Applicant information

Provide name of applicant and applicant’s institution, body or organization.

Project summary

Provide a short description of the proposed activities, including proposed start and completion date.

Goals and objectives

Describe the goals and objectives of the project and explain how they relate to the fund objectives. For example:

Project details

Financial details

Table 1: Project budget
Project expenses (list all costs associated with your project) Cost ($) net of HST/GST
Total project costs  
Table 2: Project funding sources
Project funding summary Amount of funding Status applied/confirmed
Applicant(s) contribution    
Support from industry    
Support from other sources (specify)      
Support from Atlantic Fisheries Fund    
Total project funding    
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