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Infrastructure proposal guidelines for projects requesting greater than $100,000 (Atlantic Fisheries Fund)

These are outlines of the information required to assist us in evaluating your proposed project.

The “application for financial assistance” form must also be submitted with your proposal. All proposal documents must be submitted in both paper and electronic format (USB/memory stick). Applicants are advised that it’s their responsibility to adopt appropriate security safeguards while transmitting information to us. For this reason, we cannot accept proposals or accompanying documents via email.

Additional information or clarification may be required from you during the due diligence process as the program officer reviews the information provided. Some projects may require advice from experts in a particular field as part of the process and in determining the overall risk.

The format of the proposal should be as a business plan, including a description of project purpose and objectives in seeking contribution funding relating to the fund objectives. The following is an outline of a comprehensive business plan. It’s not necessary to address or include each of these sections. However, the instructions below provide points for consideration when writing the proposal.

The following 9 sections are part of a standard business plan.

On this page

Cover page

The cover page introduces the company and business idea. It should include:

Table of contents

Your business and marketing plan should be clearly laid out and easy to use. To make it fast and easy for readers to access the various sections, include:

Executive summary

While the executive summary is the first part of any business and marketing plan a reader sees, it may be best to write it last. Leaving it until the end will allow you to better focus, refine and polish the key messages after you’ve finished the main business plan.

The executive summary is ideally just 1-page long (2 pages maximum), as it’s intended to provide a summary overview. Though concise, it should interest the reader enough for them to finish reading the whole plan. If your executive summary has done its job, the reader will get the full story of your business idea.

Address the following areas in your executive summary.

Use strong, positive language, ending with a declarative sentence that answers why the proposal should be funded.

Industry description

This is where you will showcase your in-depth research and understanding of your industry. Within the detailed description of what your industry looks like right now, you should include:

Demonstrate that you’ve analyzed the risks and know where your business fits in this industry. Examples of points to include are:

You may also want to identify the key challenges or difficult issues facing the business. Include any appropriate contingency plans in your industry description.

Business description

In this section of your business and marketing plan, you describe your business and explain why investors and lenders should be interested in getting involved in your business idea.

Briefly reiterate your business introduction from the executive summary with more details about:

Provide detail about the management team, your staff and key external professional advisors, including:

Include an organizational chart for the business, if available.


This is the part of your business and marketing plan where you promote:

In a clear, concise and positive manner, base your statements on facts and address areas of interest, such as:

When addressing these issues, don’t hesitate to use as much research and data as possible to describe and promote your product or service, including:

Production plan

Regardless of which industry you’re in, it’s essential that you demonstrate a thorough grasp of how to manage business operations in a cost-effective manner. You’re offering a product/service to a target market and it takes careful planning to deliver quality on time and on budget.

This part of your business and marketing plan should include the following information.

Facilities and assets

Materials and supplies



Marketing plan

Your marketing plan is a crucial component of the larger business plan. Here you describe your product and/or service in detail, emphasizing its unique or innovative features. Then you outline your strategic plan for selling your offering within your target market.

The following is a list of elements you should cover in this section.

The market




Your action plan

In this section, you’ll need to address your product, price, promotion and placement (distribution). Explain the following marketing areas.

Sales projections for the next 3 years should also be included, such as optimistic, pessimistic and realistic projections, as well as assumptions.


The financial section of your business and marketing plan should provide accurate and understandable information that clearly shows the bottom line.

Present your business idea as an attractive investment opportunity. You may use any preferred format, or use the tables below as templates.

The following items are suggestions for what to list in this section.

Commercial applicants must provide:

Non-commercial applicants can satisfy this requirement by providing both historical and current financial statements, and detailed proof of financial commitment from key collaborators.

Table 1: Project budget
Project expenses (list all costs associated with your project) Cost ($) net of HST/GST
Total project costs  
Table 2: Project funding sources
Project funding summary Amount of funding Status applied/confirmed
Applicant(s) contribution    
Support from industry    
Support from other sources (specify)      
Support from Atlantic Fisheries Fund    
Total project funding    
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