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Industry Consultations on Issuing Licences to Companies, Cooperatives and Partnerships

Proceedings Report
November 17-18, 2008
Halifax, Nova

Table of Contents

Day 1 – Monday, November 17

1. Opening Remarks

Nadia Bouffard opened the meeting by welcoming the industry participants; thanking them for being present at the meeting to provide their input and then reviewed the objectives for meeting (the list of participants can be found under Annex A of this report).

She then alluded to the numerous discussions DFO has had over the years with regard to the subject of whether to issue fishing licences in the inshore sector of Atlantic Canada to companies and other types of business models such as cooperatives and partnerships:

She mentioned the series of meetings focused on this subject, which took place in:

Meeting participants were then provided with a summary of the concerns they have expressed over time with regard for the need for DFO to ensure that licence holders maintain control over any decisions that concern their fishing licenses; those that hold the licence and the fishing enterprise actually operate the business and the fishing vessel; and that measures be put in place to ensure that the inshore harvesting sector maintains an independence from the processing sector. She reminded them that in April 2007, DFO put in place measures with a view to eliminate trust agreements, and help restore and preserve the independence of the inshore fish harvesters, and that the meeting objectives did NOT include a review of these measures.

Nadia then provided meeting participants with an update on the Saulnier decision, which was rendered on October 24th, as follows:

Nadia then went over the meeting agenda and objectives to inform and then seek views of license holders on whether DFO policies should be revised to allow for the issuance of fishing licenses to companies, cooperatives and partnerships in the inshore sector of Atlantic Canada.

Nadia concluded her opening remarks by stating her commitment to meeting participants that she will reflect and present their views to the Minister when options are proposed to her on this matter and by informing them that she values what everyone will bring to the table for this meeting.

A full copy of these opening remarks can be found under Annex B of this report.

2. Overview of the Agenda

Karen Henley, meeting facilitator, provided an overview of the agenda for the next two days.

3. Overview of Owner-Operator, Fleet Separation and PIIFCAF Policies

Annette Rumbolt, Staff Officer, Licensing, DFO, Newfoundland & Labrador, Region, provided an overview of the Owner-Operator, Fleet Separation and PIIFCAF policies.

No questions were asked following the presentation.

4. Basics of Companies

Gina Sinclair, A/Director, Fisheries Renewal, DFO, presented an overview deck on the basics of companies, prepared by Michael Bartlett of the Department of Justice, Canada.

No questions were asked following the presentation.

5. Presentation on Hypothetical Scenarios (Individual vs Company Structure)

Julius Kiesekamp, CA, TEP, Price Waterhouse Coopers (Halifax Office) presented a deck on hypothetical scenarios involving tax and succession planning for individuals and company structures).

The following comments and questions were raised:


There is no advantage to losing money in your fishing enterprise to go work in Fort McMurray. This is one of the advantages that are always missed. While you have a debt load, the principal payment is not tax deductible but the interest is. You have more money in a corporate structure to make payments on your principal.

Questions and Answers

Question 1 – What is the advantage of having the licence part of the company instead of having your licence aside?

Answer 1: It is simpler to keep all assets in the company. If separated, it may be not as easy to do dividend sharing because the fish harvester would have to take a certain amount of income because he holds the licence. Licences tend to grow in value. If they are held in companies, it is easier to share the growth in value with family and potentially multiply use of capital gains exemption by sharing capital gains with family members. It also would appear to make sense from a marketability perspective, as it would likely be easier to sell a fishing business if all of the assets were held in a company as opposed to some being held in the company and some by the fish harvester.

Question 2 – One of the reasons we are looking at this is because of a CRA decision that it may not be legal to do this. Is there a disadvantage to transfer beneficial interest of a licence to the company?

Answer 2: CRA indicated a few years ago that it may not be legal due to DFO legislation that requires inshore fishing licenses in Atlantic Canada to be held by individuals. The key advantage of being able to transfer the beneficial ownership interest in a fishing license to a company is that it permits fish harvesters to conduct their business affairs and their tax planning like most other small business owners in Canada. There are potential advantages available from operating a fishing business through a corporation, including the ability to split income with family members, potential multiple access to the capital gains exemption and the ability to take advantage of the very low corporate tax rates on the first $400,000 of business income. I do not see any disadvantages to transferring the beneficial ownership of a license to a company.

Question 3 – Is there a disadvantage or advantage to have your licence in your own name to growing your business?

Answer 3 – Potentially a disadvantage to owning the license personally vs corporately as a corporation gives fish harvesters access to lower income tax rates than the rates they pay as individual business owners on their income. If the license is in a corporation, more income will be earned in the corporation where it will be subject to the lower corporate income tax rates. The lower corporate tax rates can result in more after-tax cash being available to grow the business and repay debt. The comment was made that banks may be more inclined to lend money to corporations than individuals.

Question 4 - What benefit would be for a company to transfer assets as opposed to an individual. How would the individual be affected?

Answer 4: The individual is out of the picture in a situation where a company holds the license and other fishing assets. If the company owns the assets, the income arising from the sale of the assets is taxed in the company. The individual in such a situation is affected in that the value of their shares in the company would be affected by the sale of the assets by the company. Where a company owns the fishing assets, the individual is only directly affected by a sale of the fishing business if he/she sells the shares of the company, as opposed to the company selling the assets of the business. The gain arising from the sale of a license by a company would be subject to tax at the low corporate income tax rates and normally, only 50% of the gain is taxed. A license sold by an individual would likely be eligible for the capital gains exemption. However, in most cases it would appear to be more beneficial to sell the license and other fishing assets by having them owned by a corporation and selling the shares of the company, as the shares can qualify for the capital gains exemption and ownership of a company can often be structured so that the capital gain arising from the sale of the shares can be shared with family members.

6. Presentation of Risk and Benefit Analysis for Companies (Wholly-Owned and Two Fish Harvesters) in Relation to DFO Policies and Objectives

Nancy MacNeil, Regional Manager-Licensing & Transition, DFO, Maritimes Region, presented a risk and benefit analysis (overview deck) on the issuance of licences to companies (wholly-owned and two fish harvesters) in relation to DFO policies and objectives.

The following comments and questions were raised:

Questions and Answers

Question 1 – Suppose the licence would be issued to ABC Company, in the issue of 2 fish harvesters who would be on the licence?

Answer 1: The license would be held by ABC Company and both fish harvesters would be identified as shareholders.

Question 2 – Could this be looked into so that a competitive and ITQ can buy each others licences?

Answer 2: This is a discussion that needs to be taken at the advisory table in the context of flexible measures to allow for restructuring and self-adjustment. Not a question for here today.

Question 3 – What will the Minister do if there are administrative measures where there are verifications and how do we know that they will be more efficient than what was done in the past? The Minister was aware that there were controlling agreements out there and took a long time to address them.

Answer 3: In 2007, the Minister did take measures to protect the Owner-Operator policy through PIIFCAF. Ten years ago, we did not have the technology to support what we outlined today. We are asking to give us verification to start with and we would need to enter into arrangements with other government departments to obtain the information that was not available to us ten years ago. PIIFCAF proves that we are prepared to support the Owner-Operator and Fleet Separation policies.

Question 4 – I have great fear there is not going to be enough enforcement. We need enforcement that will have teeth. I need assurance that CRA audits will be a mechanism that will police and enforce legal certification. How much assurance can we get from a legal certification? I do not have a comfort level at this point.

Answer 4: Let us not lose sight of the fact that what we are proposing to do is transposing the current eligibility into a company structure. The shareholders would hold decision in the company. There are three options for control mechanisms: legal certification, our data management tracking system – any transfers would be verified (the minister still has authority over transfers), and audits. We have not concluded arrangements with Audit Canada and CRA because we do not know what options will be picked if any.

Question 5 – There cannot be comfort level whatsoever. Loopholes will be found. With regard to a company that has 2 Owners-Operators, if 2 brothers want to form a company and both have a licence, can a company have 2 lobster licences?

Answer 5: We are going to open the floor tomorrow to what the industry thinks about the concept of two Owners-Operators. As for holding 2 same species licenses, this will depend on measures adopted at the fleet level for restructuring and self-adjustments.

Question 6 – Will DFO have a policy on who owns the company?

Answer 6: DFO could have a policy on who owns voting shares or controls the company in order to protect DFO’s policies on Owner-Operator and Fleet Separation.

Comment: I could have a processor as a preferred shares owner if they are non-voting and still have strong influence over the company decision. There could be a lot of loopholes found.

Question 7 – Preferred shares could have voting rights in certain circumstances, so how would you protect PIIFCAF and all other policies?

Answer 7: You could have to submit legal documentation. DFO cannot tell you how you structure your company, but we could ask you to provide a legal description.

Question 8 – Every region has a different policy. When I get too old to go fishing, I need some sort of control over my son when I hand over my enterprise because it is my retirement. Are we looking at who is going to operate?

Answer 8: We did not look at this as having more constraints than the current Substitute Operator Policy.

7. Panel Discussion with Atlantic Inshore Fish Harvesters on Companies

Panel members were asked to express their views on the following:

What are their views on fish harvesters having the choice to have their licences issued to their company entities, in the context of the following current and future challenges in the inshore fishing industry:

Panel members (in order of presenters) were as follows: Earle McCurdy, Fish Food and Allied Workers (FFAW-CAW); Mr. Hasse Lindblad, Maritime Fishermen's Union (MFU); Daniel Landry, Association des pêcheurs professionnels membres d'équipages (APPME); Doug Fraser, Prince Edward Island Fishermen's Association (PEIFA); O’Neil Cloutier, Alliance des pêcheurs professionnels du Québec (APPQ) and Gordon MacDonald, LFA 30 CFA 23.

Report - Panel Leader 1 - Earle McCurdy

Report – Panel Leader 2 - Hasse Lindblad

Report – Panel Leader 3 - Daniel Landry

Report – Panel Leader 4 - Doug Fraser

Report – Panel Leader 5 - O’Neil Cloutier

Report – Panel Leader 6 - Gordon MacDonald

Following the panel discussion, the following questions were asked and the following comments were made:

Questions and Answers

Question 1 - Why are you opposed to trust agreements?

Answer 1 - The nature of the trust agreements in place at the time was really undermining the Owner-Operator and Fleet Separation policies (stated during the 19 meetings across Atlantic Canada). The measures that came under PIIFCAF did a good job of getting rid of these agreements.


Nadia reminded participants that the options that were put on the table this morning, were not proposed by DFO but rather recommended by industry for review and that industry had asked that DFO provide the facts regarding these options and provide some analysis in relation to DFO policies. They were further reminded that they would have the opportunity to express their views on these options during the next day.

8. Basics of Cooperatives and Partnerships

Gina Sinclair, A/Director, Fisheries Renewal, DFO, presented an overview deck on the basics of cooperatives and partnerships, prepared by Michael Bartlett of the Department of Justice, Canada.

No questions were asked following the presentation.

9. Presentation of Hypothetical Scenarios (Cooperatives and Partnerships) – Julius Kiesekamp

Julius Kiesekamp, CA, TEP, Price Waterhouse Coopers (Halifax Office) presented a deck on hypothetical scenarios (cooperatives and partnerships).

The following comments and questions were raised:

Questions and Answers

Question 1: If you form a partnership, does it contravene the PIIFCAF rules?

Answer 1: If your partnership arrangement defers the control of your licence to someone else, then it is a controlling agreement.

Question 2: If you form a partnership or cooperative, how are you not in conflict with the controlling agreement rules? Who is in control?

Answer 2: The idea is that a partnership or cooperative holds the licence. So from your point of view, partnerships and cooperatives are controlling agreements.

Question 3: What is the advantage of having a partnership? I do not see it.

Answer 3: I agree in general, but some fish harvesters in certain situations may see an advantage.

Question 4: How would being in a partnership make retirement easier?

Answer 4: It might be easier to sell an ownership interest in the partnership to other existing partners than it would be for an individual to sell his or her fishing business if they were not involved in a partnership.

10. Presentation of Risk and Benefit Analysis for More than Two Fish Harvesters (Company, Cooperative and Partnership) in Relation to DFO Policies and Objectives

Leroy MacEachern, Senior Regional Advisor - Fisheries Renewal, DFO, Gulf Region, presented a risk and benefit analysis for the issuance of licences to companies, cooperatives and partnerships involving more than two fish harvesters.

The following questions were raised following the presentation:

Question 1: Why do we have to change the policy as there are a number of crab cooperatives already in the Maritimes Region?

Answer 1: The way the snow crab companies are set up (they are not cooperatives), had ministerial approval, and it was very specific.

Question 2: If the company is dissolved, could the license go back to the original owner’s name?

Answer 2: There are questions and options that should be discussed tomorrow.

Day 2 – Tuesday, November 18

1. Opening Remarks

Nadia Bouffard opened the second day of the meeting by welcoming the industry participants and informing them that concerns had been expressed after day one of the meeting, with regard to the proposed format of the eight breakout sessions proposed for day two, and that there was a suggestion to hold a plenary discussion with the whole group instead. She reminded them that DFO was present to hear their views and was open to changing the format of the meeting if this met with the majority of the views of participants.

The majority of participants agreed to change the proposed format of the meeting and to hold a plenary discussion with the entire group of license holders and representatives present. It was also decided that Marc Allain, Independent Consultant, CCPFH, and Karen Henley would co-facilitate the session.

2. Plenary Discussion

Marc Allain began the plenary discussion by informing participants the session would first address the notion of issuing licences to companies in general and then the wholly-owned option, and then address the other options, in order to get an idea concerning support for identified options.

a. Discussion on Moving Beyond the Status Quo to Allow the Issuance of Licences to Companies

The following comments were made with regard to DFO allowing the issuance of licences to companies:

Marc Allain proceeded with a vote for general support for issuing licences to companies and moving discussion on specific options in this regard. Vote resulted in 36 being in favour, 0 being against and 7 abstaining.

b. Discussion on DFO Allowing the Issuance of Licences to Wholly-Owned Companies

There was general agreement that the definition of wholly-owned company would be defined as one person operating and holding 100% of all the shares. Even though the prevailing view was that the wholly-owned company would be defined as one fish harvester holding 100% of the shares (voting and non-voting), Nadia indicated that on a technical level, a wholly-owned company could also mean that there could be other people with non-voting shares in the company. The issue from a DFO policy perspective was who controls the decisions of the company through voting shares.

The following comments were made with regard to DFO allowing the issuance of licences to wholly-owned companies:

Marc Allain concluded the plenary discussion by reiterating that there was general consensus for moving forward with the companies initiative, but with conditions and provided the Owner-Operator Policy is given the strength of law. He mentioned that his sense from the plenary discussion was that there was general agreement on:

3. Next Steps

The following suggestions were made by participants:

4. Update from CRA – Saulnier Decision and Impact on Income Tax Act

Bill MacGregor, CRA, provided an update on the CRA position. He indicated that CRA maintains the position that the transfer of the fishing licence or privileges under section 85 of the Income Tax Act from an individual to a corporation is not accepted. On October 24th the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in the Saulnier case. The CRA recognizes the importance of this case to the fishing industry and that CRA was giving priority to analyzing the impact of the decision on the CRA position as explained above. After the analysis is complete the CRA position would be communicated to them through CRA public affairs.

5. Closing Remarks

In closing, Nadia reiterated DFO’s commitment the Owner-Operator and Fleet Separation policies. She also mentioned that there is no mandate to lock these policies in regulations. Participants were informed that the purpose of the meeting was to hear the views of the inshore fish harvesters and they were reassured that their views would be taken back to Ottawa.

She further summarized the views expressed during the meeting as follows:

In terms of next steps, meeting participants were informed that DFO would consider the request for regional consultations on this initiative. That the comments and points of view expressed at this meeting would be made available to them in the form of a summary of proceedings. Nadia also mentioned that her opening remarks would be distributed to them following the meeting.

Meeting participants were thanked for their input and frankness.

Annex A

List of Participants
Name Organization E-Mail
1.   Adams, Craig Fishermen’s Management Services Ltd.  
2.   Comeau, Paul Grant Thornton Associates
3.   Guignard, Marc Godin Lizotte
4.   Hood, Clifford Hood and Associates
5.   Mills, Corwin MHP Lawfirm NL
6.   Richardson, Paul Belliveau Veinotte Inc.
7.   Adams, Brian President, Area 19 Snow Crab Fishermen’s Association
8.   Allain, Marc CCPFH
9.   Baker Stevens, Nellie ESFPA
10. Banville, Yves A.C.P.G.
11. Barlow, Shelton PCFA PEd  
12. Berry, Bernie FG<45 Yarmouth County
13. Blanchard, Serge APPCA
14. Boudreau, Julien APPME
15. Boucher, André O.P.F.C.Q/R.P.P.N.G.
16. Boudreau, Ginny G.C.I.F.A.
17. Bourque, Bruno RPPIM – Zone F (Pétroncliers)
18. Bridger, Guy FFAW/Fish Harvester
19. Brophy, Bill Area 18 Crab  
20. Brun, Christian Maritime Fisher’s Union (MFU)
21. Burke, Osborne Trinav Marine Brokerage
22. Burton, Ivan Fish harvester  
23. Bussey, Nelson    
24. Cloutier, O’Neil Ref Pêcheurs Prof Gaspé-Sud
25. Coffey, Edgar J. Quinlan Brothers Ltd.
26. Comeau, Réginald Maritime Fisher’s Union (MFU)  
27. Cottreau, Carl The Coalition  
28. Courtney, Robert North of Smokey  
29. Crawford, David Gulf NS Bonafide Fishermen’s Association
30. Decker, David FFAW  
31. Desbois, Daniel Association des crabiers de la Baie – Association des crabiers Gaspésiens
32. Devine, Dane President, Novi Boat Brokers
33. Dolomount, Mark PFHCB, N&L
34. Duguay, Gilles Ref Pêcheurs Prof Gaspé-Sud  
35. Feltham, George FFAW (N&L)
36. Fraser, Doug PEIFA
37. Frenette, Ed PEIFA
38. Gionet, Joël Association des crabiers acadiens Inc.
39. Haché, Robert F. Crabiers du Nord-Est
40. Heighton, Ron GNS Groundfish Fishermen’s Association
41. Hennessey, Frank    
42. Inniss, Ruth Maritime Fisher’s Union (MFU)
43. Kesick, Franz CARDA  
44. Kiesekamp, Julius Price Waterhouse Coopers (Halifax Office)
45. Landry, Daniel APPME
46. Lanteigne, Jean FRAPP
47. LeBlanc, Leonard Gulf Nova Scotia Inshore Fishermen’s Association
48. Leblanc, Roger MFU  
49. Lindblad, Hasse MFU
50. MacDonald, Gordon LFA 30 CFA 23
51. MacDonald, Malcolm Area 30 Lobster  
52. MacIvor, Darryl MFU  
53. Martin, André Maritime Fisher’s Union (MFU)
54. Masters, Wayne    
55. McCurdy, Earle FFAW/CAW
56. Noël, Lévis Association des pêcheurs professionnels Crabiers Acadiens (APPCA)    
57. Noël, Martin Association des pêcheurs professionnels Crabiers Acadiens (APPCA)    
58. O’Leary, Eugene Guysborough County Inshore Fishermen’s Association
59. Redding, Bob The Coalition  
60. Richardson, Norma ESFPA
61. Risser, Winfred
62. Small, Linden Fish harvester  
63. Spence, Dwight FFAW
64. Spinney, Ashton LFA 34
65. Sutcliffe, John CCPFH
66. Wallace, Kay Guy NS Bonafide
67. Watkins, Brad Fish harvester  
68. Zinck, Terry The Coalition  
Federal Government
69. Bartlett, Michael DFO  
70. Bouffard, Nadia DFO  
71. Jennings, Valérie DFO  
72. Sinclair, Gina DFO  
73. Burke, Les DFO, Maritimes  
74. Chiasson, Hilaire DFO, Gulf  
75. Corbett, Frank DFO, N&L  
76. Elliott, Isabelle DFO, Gulf  
77. Gosselin, Raynald DFO, Québec  
78. Knight, Morley DFO, N&L  
79. Lavoie, Cécile DFO, Gulf  
80. Leslie, Stefan DFO, Maritimes  
81. MacEachern, Leroy DFO, Gulf  
82. MacNeil, Nancy DFO, Maritimes  
83. Marshall, Ian DFO, Maritimes  
84. Nadeau, Jean-Marc DFO, Québec  
85. Perry, Jackie DFO, N&L  
86. Rumbolt, Annette DFO, N&L  
87. MacGregor, Bill CRA
88. Beaton, Patsy Province of NS
89. Gaudet, Mario Ministère des pêches - NB
90. MacEwan, David Province of PEI
91. Montminy-Munyan, François MAPAQ
92. Osborne, Pam Fisheries and Aquaculture Loan Board - Province of NS
93. Reardon, Clary Government of Nova Scotia
94. Wiseman, Wanda Government of N&L


Opening Remarks

Nadia Bouffard
Director General, Fisheries Renewal, DFO

November 17-18, 2008 Industry Meeting on the Issuance of Licences to Companies and other Entities

Where we’ve Been

What we Heard?


Saulnier Case

Issuing Licenses to Entities

Meeting’s Agenda

My Commitment


Additional Documents

Should you wish to obtain a copy of any of the below-mentioned documents, please send an e-mail to the following address:

  1. Meeting agenda
  2. Overview Deck of the Owner-Operator, Fleet Separation and PIIFCAF Policies
  3. Deck Presentation on the Basics of Companies
  4. Presentation on Hypothetical Scenarios (Individual vs Company Structure)
  5. Presentation of Risk and Benefit Analysis for Companies (Wholly-Owned and Two Fish Harvesters) in Relation to DFO Policies and Objectives
  6. Deck Presentation on the Basics of Cooperatives and Partnerships
  7. Presentation of Hypothetical Scenarios (Cooperatives and Partnerships)
  8. Presentation of Risk and Benefit Analysis for More than Two Fish Harvesters (Company, Cooperative and Partnership) in Relation to DFO Policies and Objectives


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