Tidal and freshwater (Diadromous)
The following rules apply when fishing the inland and tidal (coastal) waters of Nova Scotia from Cape North in Cape Breton, along the Atlantic Coast and the waters of the Bay of Fundy, to the border between New Brunswick and the State of Maine.
Atlantic salmon
Maritimes Region Salmon Fishing Areas (SFAs) 23 in New Brunswick and 19 to 22 in Nova Scotia

Salmon angling seasons in all SFAs in the Maritimes Region (SFA 19-23) are closed due to conservation concerns with the exception of three rivers (Middle, Baddeck and North rivers) in SFA 19 (Cape Breton East).
In the Middle, Baddeck and North rivers, salmon anglers may only catch and release using single hook barbless artificial flies.
Changes to recreational salmon seasons and daily limits may be found in the Maritimes Orders Registry.
It is important to know the differences between Atlantic salmon and brown trout to avoid accidentally catching and keeping an Atlantic salmon instead of trout.

Atlantic salmon
Photo Credit: Tom Moffatt, Atlantic Salmon Federation

Atlantic salmon
Photo Credit: Charles Cusson, Atlantic Salmon Federation
Atlantic sturgeon

Atlantic sturgeon
Season Dates
Closed June 1 to June 30 in inland and tidal waters.
- The minimum Atlantic sturgeon size that may be retained is 130cm (measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail).
- There is no daily Atlantic sturgeon limit by angling, but anglers are strongly encouraged to release all sturgeon due to conservation concerns.
A provincial angling licence is required to angle for any species in inland waters.
In 2011, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) assessed Atlantic sturgeon as threatened. To date, there has been no decision by Government to formally list Atlantic sturgeon under the Species at Risk Act.

Photo Credit: Susan Heaslip, DFO
Season Dates
Seasons vary by gear type and location.
- Angling is open year-round in tidal waters.
- In inland waters, angling for eels is open if there is an open fishery for salmon, trout, or smallmouth bass.
- Fishing with spears is open from November 16 – August 31 and closed from September 1 – November 15 in tidal waters in New Brunswick. Fishing with spears is open year-round in tidal waters in Nova Scotia, but closed year-round in all inland waters in the Maritimes Region.
- The daily eel bag and possession limit is 10.
- The minimum eel size that may be retained is 35cm.
No licence is required for angling or spearing in tidal waters. A general provincial fishing licence is required to angle in the inland waters of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
In 2012 the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) assessed AMerican eel as threatened. To date there has been no decision by Government to list AMerican eel under the Species at Risk Act.

Photo Credit: Heather Bowlby, DFO
General Information
Efforts are made to keep this information up-to-date, however, yearly and weekly close times noted below are often subject to change. To ensure fishing activity complies with regulations, the information below should be reviewed along with the Maritimes Provinces Fishery Regulations and any variation orders issued under those regulations.
Questions? Please call the local fishery officer: contact us.
Gear Restrictions
Recreational fishing for gaspereau is permitted by angling and with dip nets in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. No person shall fish or assist in fishing by jigging in inland waters or assist in landing fish caught by jigging in inland waters.
The daily gaspereau bag and possession limit for angling and dip netting is 20 in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
No licence is required for dip netting in tidal or inland waters, except in the inland waters of the Saint John River.
A general provincial fishing licence is required to angle in the inland waters of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Season Dates
New Brunswick
Inland waters and tidal waters flowing into and bordering the Bay of Fundy:
- Angling: No closed season for angling in tidal waters. Open in inland waters provided a sport fish season is open in those waters
- Dip nets: Open January 1 to June 30 in inland and tidal waters. Weekly close time for dip nets from 12:00 PM each Friday to 08:00 AM the following Sunday.
Nova Scotia
- Angling: No closed season for angling in tidal waters. For inland waters, the open season coincides with the open season for sport fish.
- Dip nets: No license is required, but yearly and weekly close times apply. No person shall fish for gaspereau in the inland waters of Nova Scotia by any means other than angling during the period beginning at sunset and ending at sunrise.
Yearly Close Times for Recreational Dip Nets (Nova Scotia)
Note: Times are in the 24-hour format (00:00-24:00)
Nova Scotia – General
- Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia not otherwise referred to in descriptions below:
- Close time: July 11 to March 14
- Open time: March 15 to July 10
Digby County
- Tidal and inland waters:
- Close time: June 1 to March 14
- Open time: March 15 to May 31
Kings County and that portion of Hants County west of the West Hants municipal boundary
- Tidal and inland waters not noted below:
- Close time: June 1 to March 14
- Open time: March 15 to May 31
Inland waters of the Gaspereau River, Kings County, from the new fish ladder at the White Rock Dam, grid reference 389808 4989855, downstream to a point, as marked by a fishery officer, 640 m downstream from the White Rock power house (refer to map Wolfville 21 H/1):
- Close time: January 1 to December 31
- Open time: N/A
Lunenburg County
- Tidal and inland waters:
- Close time: July 12 to March 14
- Open time: March 15 to July 11
Shelburne County
- Tidal and inland waters not noted below:
- Close time: June 1 to March 14
- Open time: March 15 to May 31
- Inland waters of the Barrington River, Shelburne County, between signs posted by a fishery officer in the cement sluice under the Woolen Mill and between signs posted by a fishery officer in the sluice east of the Woolen Mill:
- Close time: January 1 to December 31
- Open time: N/A
Queens County
- Tidal and inland waters:
- Close time: July 12 to March 14
- Open time: March 15 to July 11
Yarmouth County
- Inland and tidal waters not noted below:
- Close time: May 23 to March 14
- Open time: March 15 to May 23
- Inland waters of the Chebogue River, Yarmouth County, upstream from the old railway bridge including all tributaries:
- Close time: January 1 to December 31
- Open time: N/A
- Inland waters of the Little River at Melbourne, Yarmouth County, upstream from Comeau’s Hill Road (Highway # 500) at Melbourne:
- Close time: January 1 to December 31
- Open time: N/A
- Inland waters of the Argyle River, Yarmouth County, from the outflow from Randall's Lake upstream including all tributaries:
- Close time: January 1 to December 31
- Open time: N/A
- Inland waters of the Annis River, Yarmouth County, upstream from the dam at Hooper's Lake, Deerfield:
- Close time: January 1 to December 31
- Open time: N/A
- Inland waters of the Annis River, Yarmouth County, downstream from the dam at Hooper's Lake, Deerfield:
- Close time: From May 23 to 08:00 on the second Friday of April
- Open time: 08:00 on the second Friday of April until May 23
- Inland waters of the Tusket River, Yarmouth County, upstream from 60 m downstream from the Lake Vaughan Road bridge including all lakes and tributaries:
- Close time: January 1 to December 31
- Open time: N/A
- Inland waters of the Tusket River, Yarmouth County, downstream from 60 m downstream from the Lake Vaughan Road bridge:
- Close time: From May 23 to 08:00 on the second Friday of April
- Open time: 08:00 on the second Friday of April until May 23
- Inland waters of Belleville (Kiack) Brook, Yarmouth County, from the Highway 103 bridge upstream including all tributaries:
- Close time: January 1 to December 31
- Open time: N/A
Weekly Close Times for Recreational Dip Nets (Nova Scotia)
Nova Scotia – General
- Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia not referred to in descriptions below:
- Close time: 08:00 each Friday to 08:00 the following Sunday
- Open time: 08:00 each Sunday to 08:00 the following Friday
Cape Breton County
- Inland and tidal waters of the Mira River:
- Close time: From 08:00 each Monday to 08:00 Wednesday
- Open time: 08:00 Wednesday to 08:00 Monday
Colchester and Cumberland Counties
- Inland waters except the Shubenacadie River:
- Close time: 14:00 each Friday to 14:00 Sunday
- Open time: 14:00 Sunday to 14:00 Friday
- Shubenacadie River from the CN Railway Bridge in East Milford upstream to the mouth of Grand Lake:
- Close time: 08:00 each Friday to 8:00 Sunday and from 22:00 each day to 04:30 the following day from May 1 to May 20
- Open time: 08:00 Sunday to 22:00 Monday and from 04:30 to 22:00 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from May 1 to May 20
Digby County
- Inland and tidal waters:
- Close time: 08:00 each Friday to 08:00 the following Sunday
Hants and Kings Counties
- Tidal waters of King County and that portion of Hants County west of the West Hants municipal boundary (except that portion of the Gaspereau River identified below)
- Close time: 08:00 each Saturday to 08:00 the following Monday
- Tidal waters of the Gaspereau River (inside of straight lines drawn from Soldiers Creek at grid reference 398902 4998269, thence to Boot Island at grid reference 400649 4999399, thence to Oak Island at grid reference 400397 4997235. Refer to map Wolfville 21/H1):
- Close time: 21:30 each Tuesday to 05:30 the following Thursday and from 08:00 each Saturday to 08:00 the following Monday
- Open time: 08:00 Monday to 21:30 Tuesday and 05:30 Thursday to 08:00 Saturday
- Inland waters of Kings County and that portion of Hants County west of the West Hants municipal boundary except the Gaspereau River noted below:
- Close time: 21:30 each Friday to 05:30 the following Monday
- Open time: 05:30 Monday to 21:30 Friday.
- Gaspereau River, Kings County (inland waters):
- Close time: From 21:30 each Friday to 05:30 the following Monday and from 21:30 each Tuesday to 05:30 the following Thursday
- Open time: 05:30 Monday to 21:30 Tuesday and 05:30 Thursday to 21:30 Friday
Lunenburg County
- Tidal and inland waters:
- Close time: 08:00 each Friday to 08:00 on the following Sunday
- Open time: 08:00 Sunday to 08:00 Friday
Shelburne County
- Tidal waters:
- Close time: 08:00 each Friday to 08:00 the following Monday
- Open time: 08:00 Monday to 08:00 Friday
- Inland waters:
- Close time: 08:00 each Saturday to 08:00 the following Monday, 22:00 Monday to 05:00 Tuesday, 22:00 Tuesday to 05:00 Thursday, 22:00 Thursday to 05:00 Friday, and 22:00 Friday to 05:00 Saturday
- Open time: Mondays from 08:00 to 22:00, Tuesdays from 05:00 to 22:00, Thursdays from 05:00 to 22:00, Fridays from 05:00 to 22:00, and Saturdays from 05:00 to 08:00
Queens County
- Tidal waters:
- Close time: 08:00 each Friday to 08:00 the following Sunday
- Open time: 08:00 Sunday to 08:00 Friday
- Inland waters:
- Close time: 21:30 to 08:00 each day from Sunday to Thursday and from 21:30 each Thursday to 08:00 the following Sunday
- Open time: 08:00 to 21:30 Sunday to Thursday
Victoria County
- Tidal waters inside a straight line drawn from grid reference 697606 5210079 then to grid reference 700140 5210163 then to grid reference 709656 5191949 then to grid reference 710369 5171578 and then to grid reference 701630 5165717. Refer to map Dingwall 11 K/16 and Ingonish 11 K/09:
- Close time: 08:00 each Friday to 08:00 the following Sunday
- Open time: 08:00 Sunday to 08:00 Friday
Yarmouth County
- Tidal and inland waters
- Close time: 08:00 each Monday to 08:00 the following Friday
- Open time: 0800 Friday to 0800 the following Monday

Photo Credit: D.M. Campbell, DFO
Recreational fishing for smelt is permitted by angling and with dip nets. Spear fishing is allowed in tidal waters only.
Season Dates
New Brunswick
Inland waters
- Angling: Open from April 1 to September 30 provided a sport fish season is open in those waters
- Dip nets: Open from April 1 to May 31
- Spears: Closed all year
Tidal waters
- Angling: Open from August 1 to May 31
- Dip nets: Open from April 1 to May 31
- Spears: Open all year
- Fishing for smelt by angling and with dip nets in the inland waters of Lake Utopia, Charlotte County is prohibited all year
- Fishing for smelt with dip nets in the inland waters flowing into East Grand Lake, York County is prohibited all year.
Nova Scotia
Inland waters
- Angling: Open from April 1 to September 30 provided a sport fish season is open in those waters
- Dip nets: Open April 1 to June 15
- Spears: Closed all year
Tidal waters
- Angling: Open August 1 to May 31
- Dip nets: Open April 1 to June 15
- Spears: Open all year
- In the inland waters and tidal waters of the Kennetcook River, Meander River, Herbert River, St. Croix River, Gaspereau River and Avon River where fishing for smelt with dip nets is closed on Thursday, Friday and Saturday each week (12:00 midnight each Wednesday until 12:00 midnight the following Saturday).
- Fishing for smelt with dip nets is closed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday each week (12:00 midnight each Thursday until 12:00 midnight the following Sunday) in all other inland waters and tidal waters of NS.
- Fishing for smelt with dip nets or spears is prohibited all year in the inland and tidal waters flowing into Jeddore Harbour and Musquodoboit Harbour, Halifax County and all inland and tidal waters flowing into Lingan Bay, Cape Breton County.
- Angling for smelt by jigging is prohibited from April 1 to June 15 in the tidal waters of the Kennetcook River, Meander River, Herbert River, St. Croix River and Avon River.
New Brunswick
The daily smelt bag and possession limit for angling, dip netting and spearing is 60.
The daily smelt bag and possession limit for angling from January 1 to March 31 in boundary waters between New Brunswick and the State of Maine is 200.
Nova Scotia
- The daily smelt bag and possession limit for dip netting is 30.
- The daily smelt bag and possession limit for angling and spearing is 60, except 24 when angling in Grand Lake, Halifax and Hants County from January 1 to September 30.
- No licence is required when fishing in tidal waters.
- A provincial licence is required when angling in inland waters.
Striped bass

Striped bass
Photo Credit: Meghan Wilson, DFO
Season Dates
Inland waters
Open season corresponds to the longest open season for sport fish (salmon, trout, landlocked salmon, and smallmouth bass).
Tidal waters
Open year-round.
Closed from April 1 to June 30 (inclusive) on the Annapolis River, NS from Hebbs Landing near Ray Brook upstream to the highway bridge at Lawrencetown.
Gear Restrictions
Angling only
From May 10 to June 10 (inclusive), only artificial fly and unbaited lures with a single hook may be used when angling in the waters of the Shubenacadie River downstream from the CN Railway Bridge at East Milford to its confluence with the Stewiacke River and in the waters of the Stewiacke River downstream from the highway bridge (Pollack Bridge) in Stewiacke East to its confluence with the Shubenacadie River.
The daily Striped bass bag and possession limit is one (1). The minimum length is 68 cm and the maximum length is 150 cm (measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail).
Catch and release only from May 10 to June 10 (inclusive) in the waters of Grand Lake and the Shubenacadie River downstream to its confluence with the Stewiacke River and in the waters of the Stewiacke River downstream from the highway bridge (Pollack Bridge) in Stewiacke East to its confluence with the Shubenacadie River.
- No licence required when fishing in tidal waters.
- A licence from the respective province is required when angling in inland waters.
- Date modified: