Fish slip information for commercial and Aboriginal sales fisheries in British Columbia
On this page
- What are fish slips
- Who needs to submit fish slips
- Where to get fish slips
- How to fill out fish slips
- Where to submit your completed fish slips
- Contact us
What are fish slips
Harvesters in British Columbia use fish slips to record and report information about fishing catch and effort. We need this information to assess fish stocks and manage fisheries. You are required to submit this information to us under federal regulations, as well as some of our species licence conditions.
Who needs to submit fish slips
Fish slips are a requirement of most commercial and Aboriginal sales fisheries in British Columbia, with the exception of landings from licence categories ZX and ZY (special use herring) or H (roe herring).
Under the conditions of licence, harvesters are required to submit slips and to retain a copy for their own records. Typically, buyers submit these slips on behalf of licence holders; however, it is the responsibility of vessel masters.
Where to get fish slips
Download a fish slip form here:
- Commercial fish slip [PDF]
- Aboriginal fisheries fish slip [PDF]
- Commercial clam slip [PDF]
- Aboriginal fisheries clam slip [PDF]
Please contact us to receive fish slip numbers.
How to fill out fish slips
Information may be written or printed on the slip. Fish slips must be completed according to the instructions in the Conditions of Licence for the respective licence being fished. It is important that all information is legible. Make sure that you have a sufficient supply of slips on hand. Do not borrow another company's slip as this usually results in buyer information reporting errors.
It is recommended that both the harvester and the tallyman sign the slip.
When to use separate fish slips
Use separate fish slips to report:
- different landing dates
- commercial sales, personal use and sales to the public
- individual clam harvesters. Each licensed clam harvester must fill out a separate Commercial or Aboriginal fisheries clam slip; the clam licence number must be recorded for each harvester
What to include on each fish slip
Commercial fish slips
To fill out a commercial fish slip, enter the following information in the spaces provided:
1. Who fished
Enter the harvester or vessel master’s:
- name
- address
- Vessel Registration Number (VRN)
- vessel name
- licence number
- hail in number
- trip identification number
2. Who the fish were offloaded, sold or delivered to
- Indicate if the fish were for personal use or public sale
- If the fish were offloaded to a packer, enter the packer's:
- name; the packer is the plant, transporting packer vessel or collector to which the catch was unloaded from the catching vessel
- Vessel Registration Number (VRN)
- If the fish were sold to a commercial buyer, enter the:
- buyer's name
- for groundfish, the buyer was the offloading/unloading company
- for all species other than groundfish, the buyer was the first buyer of the fish
- buyer's address
- buyer's phone number
- location of sale or processing plant
- buyer’s code, if applicable
- buyer's name
- If the fish were not sold to a commercial buyer, write “public sale”, “personal use” or other in the company code box or on the top of the slip Examples of “other” may include:
- frozen for later sale
- exported to the United States
- used for bait
- dumped
- contaiminated
3. Where, when and how the fish were caught
Enter the:
- Pacific Fishery Management Area in which you caught the fish
- days fished in each Pacific Fishery Management Area
- trip length in days
- date and time the fish were landed (day, month, year) even if the catch was not immediately sold and was frozen for later sale
- gear type used; if the gear you used is not on the list, check “other” and write your gear type in the space provided
4. What fish were caught
Listing 1 species per line, enter the:
- pieces if the catch was salmon (leave blank for all other species)
- weight in pounds (lbs) or kilograms (kg) for all species
- species
- landed form (e.g., round, dressed, head-on, head-off, Japanese cut, iced or frozen)
- disposition if not for human consumption
- price and value per pound or kilogram of the catch for each species and grade; if the catch was not sold, leave the price and value blank
Aboriginal fisheries fish slip
To fill out an Aboriginal fisheries fish slip, enter the following information in the spaces provided:
1. Who fished
Enter the harvester's:
- name
- address
- Band
2. Who the fish were offloaded, sold or delivered to
Enter the:
- plant, packer or collector name; this is the name of the plant, transporting packer vessel or collector to which the catch was unloaded from the catching vessel
- buyer’s name and address
- for groundfish, enter the name and address of the offloading/unloading company
- for all species other than groundfish, enter the name and address of the first buyer of the fish
- buyer's phone number
3. Where, when and how the fish were caught
Enter the:
- area of catch (the fishing areas where you caught the fish catch)
- days fished in each area
- trip length in days
- landing site location
- landing slip number
- designation number
- date the fish were landed (day, month, year) even if the catch was not immediately sold and was frozen for later sale
- gear type used; if the gear you used is not on the list, check “other” and write your gear type in the space provided
4. What fish were caught
Listing 1 species per line, enter the:
- pieces if the catch was salmon (leave blank for all other species)
- weight in pounds (lbs) or kilograms (kgs) for all species
- species
- landed form (e.g., round, dressed, head-on, head-off, Japanese cut, iced or frozen)
- price and value per pound or kilogram of the catch for each species and grade; if the catch was not sold, leave the price and value blank
Commercial clam slips
To fill out a commercial clam slip, enter the following information in the spaces provided:
1. Who harvested clams
Enter the harvester's:
- name
- address
- clam harvesting licence number
2. Who the clams were offloaded, sold or delivered to
Enter the:
- processing plant the harvest was sold to
- buyer’s name
- buyer’s address
- buyer’s phone number
3. Where, when and how the clams were harvested
Enter the:
- harvest beach
- harvest area and sub area
- days you spent digging for clams
- date the clams were landed (day, month, year) even if the harvest was not immediately sold and was frozen for later sale
Circle the clam fishing area where you harvested clams.
4. What clams were harvested
Listing 1 species per line, enter the:
- code for the species you harvested
- species
- quantity in pounds (lbs) or kilograms (kgs) for all species
- price and value per pound or kilogram of the harvest for each species; if the harvest was not sold, leave the price and value blank
Aboriginal fisheries clam slip
To fill out an Aboriginal fisheries clam slip, enter the following information in the spaces provided:
1. Who harvested clams
Enter the harvester's:
- name
- address
- Band or Nation
- designation card number
2. Who the clams were offloaded, sold or delivered to
Enter the:
- processing plant the harvest was sold to
- buyer’s name
- buyer’s address
- buyer’s phone number
3. Where, when and how the clams were harvested
Enter the:
- harvest beach
- harvest area and sub area
- days you spent digging for clams
- date the clams were landed (day, month, year) even if the harvest was not immediately sold and was frozen for later sale
Circle the clam fishing area where you harvested clams.
4. What clams were harvested
Listing 1 species per line, enter the:
- code for the species you harvested
- species
- quantity in pounds (lbs) or kilograms (kgs) for all species
- price and value per pound or kilogram of the harvest for each species; if the harvest was not sold, leave the price and value blank
Where to submit your completed fish slips
Fish slips must be submitted via mail within 7 days of landing to:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Regional Data Services Unit
Suite 200 – 401 Burrard St
Vancouver B.C. V6C 3S4
Contact us
Telephone: 604-666-2716
- Date modified: