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Appointing a Representative: Step-by-Step

PDF Version

  1. Click the “Representatives” link under the “Profile” section of the left-navigation menu.

    NOTE: Make sure that you have the delegation code of the person whom you wish to appoint as your representative. This code is a 10-digit set of numbers.

    This is an image of the Representatives screen, where the Representatives hyperlink on the left side of the screen is circled in orange.
  2. Click the “Modify Representatives” button above “Your Current Representatives” section.
    This is an image of Representatives screen, where the Modify Representatives button is circled in orang
  3. Click the “Manage representative records” link.
    This is an image of the Dashboard screen, where the Manage representative records hyperlink is circled in orange
  4. Click the “Create new representative record” button.
    This is an image of the Representatives Records screen, where the Create new representative record button is circled in orange
  5. Type your representative’s delegation code in the white box. Then, click the “Next” button.

    TIP: There is a limit to the number of delegates that may represent you/that you may represent in the system. If you receive a delegation limit warning, contact the representative or Client Support for assistance.

    This is an image of the Create representative records- Delegation code, where the Delegation code entry box is circled in orange, as well as the Next button
  6. Click the “Next” button.

    This is an image of Create representative record- System selection, where the Next button is circled in orange
  7. The “Authorized representative” on the screen should be the name of your representative

    TIP: If this is not the person you wanted to appoint to be your representative, click the “Cancel” button until you return to the “Delegation Code” screen. Then, retype the code.

    This is an image of the Create representative record- System role selection, where Representative details are circled in orange
  8. Click your cursor in the box beside the role or roles that you want your representative to do on your behalf. Then, click the “Save” button.


    1. Administrative: The ability to receive and view notifications, address and contact information.
    2. Financial: The authority to process financial transactions and request financial information relating to fee payments (licensing, fisher registration or vessel registration payments) and schedules.
    3. Operational: The ability to view licence and vessel holdings, print documents, submit requests and request information relating to fishing operations and licensing services.

    TIP: To deselect a role, click the box again.

    This is an image of the Create representative record- System role selection, where the representative roles and the Next button are circled in orange
  9. Verify that the information is correct. Then, click the “Logout” link to end the process or click the “Back” button to return to the National Online Licensing System.
    This is an image of the Representative Records screen, where the Logout and Back button are circled in orange
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