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Submitting a Request and Checking the Request Status: Step-by-Step

PDF Version

You can submit licensing requests for licensing services using the online system. To submit a request to DFO, follow the steps below.

Submit Request:

  1. Click the “Submit Request” link under the “Requests” section of the left-navigation menu.

    This is an image of the New Request screen, where the Submit Request hyperlink is circled in orange

  2. If you are acting as a representative or if you are submitting a request on behalf of an Organization, then you must select the available account name that you wish to work from.

    This is an image of New Request screen, where the Please Select dropdown and the Select button are circled in orange

  3. Choose the request type that you would like to submit from the drop-down menu, once you have chosen a request type, you will need to click on the select button.

    This is an image of the New Request screen, where the Request type and Select button are circled in orange

    Note: You may need to select a request sub-type from the drop-down menu if applicable, once you have chosen a request sub-type, you will need to click on the select button.

    This is an image of the New Request screen, where the Request subtype button is circled in orange

  4. Click on the Instructions hyperlink “Click here for instructions on how to submit your request.” These instructions will open in a new window and will provide a description of the request, as well as all of the details you will need in order to submit the request.

    This is an image of the New Request screen, where the Instructions are circled in orange

  5. Insert any request details by clicking into the “Comments” box as indicated on the instructions page.

    This is an image of the New Request screen, where the Comments box is circled in orange

  6. If the instructions require that you attach documents to your request, click on the “Browse” button to upload any documentation that you would like to include with the request. Click on the “Add Another File” button to include more than one document.

    This is an image of the New Request screen, where the Upload Documents-Browse button is circled in orange

  7. Click on the “Submit” button to submit the request. Click on the “Cancel” button to cancel the request.

    Note: A unique request ID number will be generated once you have submitted your request. Please include this number in all your correspondence with the Department.

    This is an image of the New Request screen, where the Submit button is circled in orange

    Note: You will receive a notification in your account under the “Notifications” screen when you have submitted a request. You will not be informed of any changes to your requests by email or through the “Notifications” screen. Follow the steps below to check on the status or amend your request.

Checking a Request Status and Modifying a Request:¸

  1. Click on the “Request Status” link under the “Requests” section of the left-navigation menu.

    This is an image of the Request Status screen, where the Request Status hyperlink is circled in orange

  2. If you are acting as a representative or if you are submitting a request on behalf of an Organization, then you must select the available account name that you wish to work from.

    This is an image of the Request Status screen, where the Please Select dropdown is circled in orange

  3. Select the “Request ID” link to open the Request Type you want to view in more detail.

    This is an image of the Request Status screen, where the Request ID is circled in orange

  4. You can still see the Instructions and Request Details for this request and can now take note of the Request ID for future reference.

    This is an image of the Request Status screen, where the Instructions, Request ID and Request Details are circled in orange

  5. If you wish to amend your request or provide additional information, you can do so by clicking into the “Comments” box.

    This is an image of the Request Status screen, where the Additional Comments box and the Previous Comments box are circled in orange

    Note: You can now view any previous comments. This may include the comments that you inserted when you submitted the request, as well as additional comments that Fisheries and Oceans Canada may have made.

  6. If required, click on the “Browse” button to upload any additional pertinent documentation to include with the request. Click on the “Add Another File” button to include more than one document.

    This is an image of the Request Status screen, where the Browse and Add Additional Comments button are circled in orange

    Note: You can now view any previously attached request documents under the “Attached Documents” section. This may include documents uploaded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

  7. Click on the “Submit” button to submit the request. Click on the “Cancel” button to cancel the request.

    This is an image of the Request Status screen, where the Submit button is circled in orange

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