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CMAPS Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions for the Certification and Market Access Program for Seals (CMAPS) outline the recipients and projects eligible for funding. Learn more about the eligibility criteria for each Funding Priority:

  1. Projects that endeavour to establish and operate a tracking system to certify Indigenous seal products for export to the EU;
  2. Projects that build capacity to improve exporter readiness of Indigenous seal products;
  3. Projects that aim to improve market access opportunities for commercially harvested seal products.

For more information regarding the CMAPS Terms and Conditions, or about the program in general, please email us at:

Funding Priority 1: Projects that endeavour to establish and operate a tracking system to certify Indigenous seal products for export to the EU.

An organization may become an authority to certify seal products for export to the EU. A certification system will be required to ensure seal products can be traced to prove they are by-products of a subsistence harvest conducted by Indigenous sealers and not from other sources including a commercial harvest.

Project Objectives

Eligible Recipients


The total government assistance (combination of federal, provincial, territorial and municipal) may not exceed 100% of the total eligible expenditures for the project.

Eligible Activities

The EU’s regulations outline the criteria for the trade of seal products under the Indigenous Communities Exemption, as well as the criteria for becoming an authority to certify Indigenous seal products. A tracking/certification system is needed to meet these criteria and therefore the following activities are eligible under Pillar 1:

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Funding Priority 2: Projects that build capacity to improve exporter readiness of Indigenous seal products

In accessing the Indigenous Communities Exemption of the EU seal products ban, Indigenous communities may need assistance so their products can be sold in the EU

Project Objectives

Eligible Recipients:

* N.B. Eligible recipients will be determined in conjunction with related activities. This will ensure that only organizations who are undertaking activities to access and leverage the Indigenous Communities Exemption for seal products receive funding.


The total government assistance (federal, provincial, territorial and municipal) may not exceed 100% of the total eligible expenditures for the project.

Eligible Activities:

It is recognized that Indigenous communities may need assistance in accessing the Indigenous Exemption of the EU seal products ban, so their products can be sold in the EU. The following activities will be eligible under Pillar 2:

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Funding Priority 3: Projects that aim to improve market access opportunities for commercially harvested seal products

The commercial seal sector is eligible to access the CMAPS for market access support.

Project Objectives

Eligible Recipients:


The total government assistance (federal, provincial, territorial and municipal) may not exceed 75% of the total eligible expenditures for the project.

Eligible Activities:

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