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Coastal Restoration Fund Webcast Fisheries Protection Program

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To preserve and restore Canada's ecosystem…

To address coastal restoration priorities the CRF will…

CRF Support Funding To Date…

Approach to the CRF's Current Call for Proposals…

What groups are eligible to CRF…

What activities are eligible under CRF…

What costs are eligible under the CRF…

The following costs are eligible to CRF reimbursement. They include, but are not limited to:

What is out of scope of the CRF program…

CRF Regional Priorities Outlined…

Region Priority Areas Priority Activities
Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Bay of Islands
  • Beaches, spawning and rearing habitats restoration for Atlantic cod, Atlantic salmon, Capelin, Species at Risk, and eelgrass
  • Petitcodiac River watershed (inner Bay of Fundy)
  • Port of Saint John and lower portion of the Saint John River watershed
  • PEI and NB portion of Northumberland Strait
  • Acadian peninsula and Chaleur Bay
  • Restoration of important fish habitat in the Port of Saint John area and the lower portion of the Saint John River watershed
  • Restoration of estuarine habitats
  • Removal of tidal barriers
  • Planning and prioritization of sites to restore
  • Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia for areas with important nearshore fisheries
  • Bras d'Or Lake
  • Coastal restoration planning
  • Eelgrass restoration, restoration of rocky habitat structures, and restoration of migratory corridors
  • St. Lawrence River estuary (including Saguenay Fjord)
  • Gulf of St. Lawrence (including Magdalen Islands and Chaleur Bay)

Rehabilitation of high valued species and habitats with well-known problem, especially projects:

  • in habitats of high ecological value – e.g., eelgrass beds and shellfish beds
  • that answer or mitigate significant anthropic impacts on habitats, such as coastal squeeze
  • that address impacts on habitat connectivity
Central and Arctic
  • Coastal communities in the Northwest Territories
  • Hudson Bay
  • Planning to identify and prioritise potential restoration projects
  • Restoration of important fish habitat identified by engagement sessions or restoration plans

CRF Priority Areas Linked to Specific Activities…

Pacific Regional Priorities
Area Activities
Fraser River estuary and major tributaries to the lower Fraser River Projects that improve connectivity and/or restore access to habitats supporting chinook salmon.
All coastal areas of the Pacific Region Projects that focus on restoration of impacts from log dumps, log handling and/or log storage areas in important fish habitat areas (e.g. estuaries of anadromous fish-bearing streams, eelgrass beds, kelp beds, salt marsh, active marine mammal haul outs, tidal flats).
East Coast Vancouver Island – large watersheds Projects that focus on restoration of estuarine habitats where actions mitigate identified threats and/or limiting factors in large watersheds that support chinook and chum stocks.
West Coast of Vancouver Island – Barkley, Clayoquot and Nootka Sounds Projects that focus on habitat restoration where actions will mitigate known threats and/or limiting factors to habitat or populations of chinook salmon on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.
BC Interior – Upper Fraser and Thompson watersheds Projects that focus on water management planning and strategic restoration activities associated with water quality and quantity supporting declining and/or at risk coho,
chinook, and sockeye stocks.
North Coast and Central Coast of BC Projects that focus on nearshore coastal and estuarine areas addressing impacts to nearshore habitat and connectivity, or riverine projects resulting in large habitat gains and low likelihood of long term maintenance.

How will CRF projects be evaluated…

What are the steps in a CRF project…

The CRF's timeframe…

Expression of Interest Form


Guidelines for filling out the Expression of Interest

Organization Description

Project Team Experience

Project Location

Name of Waterbody Habitat Description (Ecosystem type) Latitude and Longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds) Specific Location (nearest town or city) Province/Territory
Cowichan-Koksilah Estuary Watersheds and Estuary 48º 46' 18.40 N
123º 41' 55.66 W
Victoria British Columbia

Project Description/Proposal Background

Project Goals, and Objectives

Broader Initiatives or Plan

Aquatic Ecosystems Recovery

Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Habitat Improvement in the Estuary

Ongoing Sustainability of the Project

Work Plan/Milestones & Budget

Fiscal Year Milestone Title General description of the activities/ key stages to be undertaken – 2-3 sentences max Estimated Cost
2019-20 Project planning – site selection Site selection for eelgrass restoration, and watershed survey $17,000
  Eelgrass site preparation Characterization and preparation of sites $100,000
2020-21 Eelgrass restoration Restoration of eelgrass beds through seedling and transplants, and deployment of artificial reefs $247,500
2021-22 Eelgrass monitoring Monitoring of eelgrass beds development and species colonization of restored beds $85,000

How you can contact us…

For more information on the CRF…

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