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Summary of the ecological risk assessment for the Fundian Channel-Browns Bank Area of Interest

Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted an ecological risk assessment for the Fundian Channel-Browns Bank Area of Interest (AOI) for Oceans Act Marine Protected Area (MPA) designation.

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The ecological risk assessment established the relative risks presented by various human activities to the conservation priorities identified for the AOI.

The assessment considered activities that currently occur in the AOI:

The assessment also considered activities that may occur in the near future:


Activities that are prohibited in new federal Oceans Act MPAs were not considered in the risk assessment:


The department assessed consequences and the likelihood of interactions between activities and site conservation priorities.
Consequence was determined by estimating the magnitude of each interaction (that is, exposure based on the human activity) and the sensitivity of the ecological component to the pressure.

Consequence levels were then combined with the likelihood of the interaction between the activity and the site’s conservation priorities.

This method was used to determine an overall level of risk for activities and their associated pressures.

Summary of risk results

This information provides a summary of risk results for pressures associated with commercial fisheries, marine transportation and submarine cable installation, grouped by conservation priority.

Commercial fisheries

Fisheries considered in the ecological risk assessment include:

Pressures assessed for fisheries are:

Risk results for pressures associated with commercial fisheries, grouped by conservation priority
Conservation priority Pressure Risk level

Large mature female lobster

Groundfish gillnet (bycatch/entanglement)


Large mature female lobster

Groundfish longline (bycatch/entanglement)


Large mature female lobster

Midwater trawl (bycatch/entanglement)


Beaked whale habitat

Groundfish gillnet (bycatch/entanglement)


Beaked whale habitat

Groundfish longline (bycatch/entanglement)


Beaked whale habitat

Pelagic longline (bycatch/entanglement)

Moderately high

Beaked whale habitat

Buoy gear (bycatch/entanglement)


Beaked whale habitat

Midwater trawl (bycatch/entanglement)


Blue Whale foraging area

Lobster pot (bycatch/entanglement)

Moderately high

Blue Whale foraging area

Hagfish trap (bycatch/entanglement)


Deep-water corals

Lobster pot (bottom disturbance)


Deep-water corals

Hagfish trap (bottom disturbance)

Moderately high

Deep-water corals

Groundfish gillnet (bottom disturbance)


 Deep-water corals

Groundfish longline (bottom disturbance)


Deep-water corals

Midwater trawl (bottom disturbance)

Moderately high

Significant Sponge Concentrations

Groundfish longline (bottom disturbance)

Moderately high

Significant Sponge Concentrations

Midwater trawl (bottom disturbance)


Highly suitable habitat for Cusk

Lobster pot (bycatch/entanglement)

Moderately high

Highly suitable habitat for Cusk

Groundfish gillnet (bycatch/entanglement)

Moderately high

Highly suitable habitat for Cusk

Groundfish longline (bycatch/entanglement)

Moderately high

Highly suitable habitat for Cusk

Midwater trawl (bycatch/entanglement)

Moderately high

Foraging ground for most guilds of marine birds

Groundfish gillnet (bycatch/entanglement)


Foraging ground for most guilds of marine birds

Groundfish longline (bycatch/entanglement)


Foraging ground for most guilds of marine birds

Pelagic longline (bycatch/entanglement)


Foraging ground for most guilds of marine birds

Midwater trawl (bycatch/entanglement)


Marine transportation

Fundian Channel-Browns Bank AOI traffic patterns are dominated by cargo, tankers and fishing vessels.
Pressures assessed for marine transportation are:

Risk results for pressures associated with marine transportation, grouped by conservation priority
Conservation priority Pressure Risk level

Large mature female lobster

Large heavy fuel oil spill


Beaked whale habitat

Vessel noise

Moderately high

Beaked whale habitat

Echosounder noise

Moderately high

Beaked whale habitat

Large heavy fuel oil spill

Moderately high

Blue Whale foraging area

Vessel strikes

Moderately high

Blue Whale foraging area

Vessel noise

Moderately high

Blue Whale foraging area

Echosounder noise


Deep-water corals

Large heavy fuel oil spill


Atlantic Cod habitat

Vessel noise


Atlantic Cod habitat

Large heavy fuel oil spill


Surface-seizing planktivores /piscivores

Light-induced disorientation /collisions

Moderately high

Pursuit-diving piscivores

Small operational oil spills


Pursuit-diving piscivores

Large heavy fuel oil spill

Moderately high

Area of high productivity

Large heavy fuel oil spill

Moderately high

Submarine Cable Installation

Submarine cables are installed on the seafloor (either buried or surface-laid). They enable telecommunications or transfer electricity across ocean spaces.

There are 2 active cables, 1 of which was installed in 2022, and 2 abandoned cables in the AOI.

Pressures assessed for submarine cable installation are:

Risk results for pressures associated with submarine cable installation, grouped by conservation priority
Conservation priority Pressure Risk level

Deep-water corals

Cable installation (burial) – bottom disturbance

Moderately high

Deep-water corals

Cable installation (surface-laid) – bottom disturbance


Deep-water corals and sponges

Cable installation (burial) – increased suspended sediment load



This assessment was conducted with an MPA as its focus. As such, tolerance for risk was lower than it would be for marine areas that are not being considered for conservation purposes. The risk levels in this assessment may not represent the department’s assessment of risks for the same activities elsewhere in the Scotian Shelf-Bay of Fundy bioregion.

The findings presented here are not prescriptive and do not represent final decisions about how activities would be managed. Rather, the assessment provides a structure for how information can be considered to inform discussions and decisions. Other factors will also be considered in determining proposed design and management measures for the potential MPA, including:

Next steps

In the potential MPA, this assessment will:

  1. contribute to decision-making on activities that would be allowed under the regulations
  2. help inform the design of the boundary and zones

Additional information

The full publication is available by email to

Citation information

Koropatnick, T., Baxter, L., Bone, B., Irlich, U., Marotte, E., McConney, L., Pardy, G., Rozalska, K., Schram, C., and Will, E. 2023. Ecological risk assessment of the Fundian Channel-Browns Bank Area of Interest. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3550: v + 325 p.

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