Language selection


General instructions

The application process for the Oceans Management Funding Opportunities is now closed.

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide applicants with specific instructions for completing the Application for Funding for the Oceans Management Contribution Program.


Part 1 - Identification of applicant

Section 1 - Project information

1. Project theme
Indicate the theme that applies to your project. More than one can be chosen if applicable.

2. Project title
The project title indicated here will be used to identify your contribution agreement, so please be sure the name you use is consistent and accurate.

3. and 4. Proposed project start and end dates
Multi-year agreements may be amended annually, as needed. Also, note that this program does not reimburse expenses incurred prior to signature of agreements.

Section 2 - Applicant identification

5., 6., and 7. Legal name, operating name, business number
Please ensure that the legal and operating name and business number are accurate as they will be used to identify your organization for processing payments.

8. Organizational status
Please select the option from the organizational status checklist that best applies to your organization. Please note that the type of participants included in this list are comprised of the list of eligible participants for the Oceans Management Contribution Program (see the Terms and conditions for more details).

9-21. Address information and name of signatory on agreement
Please ensure that all address information is accurate as this will be used for processing payments.

22. Organization’s mandate
Provide a description of the organization’s mandate.

Section 3 - Organization contact

23-33. Contact information
Please ensure that the information provided is up to date.

Section 4 - Project details

34. Project background

35. Project goal and objectives

36. Measuring expected results

37. Language requirements
The Official Languages Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. 31 (4th Supp.)) requires that the Government of Canada promote both official languages and enhance the vitality of Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC) across Canada. It is recognized that projects or organizations funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) through a grants and contributions program may:

Applicants whose project may be delivered in a geographic area with OLMCs or which includes any public events, signage, promotional or other communications may need to consider official language requirements, for example:

Any cost related to official language translation is an eligible cost under the program and should be reflected in your Project Budget (see application form) as it applies to your project.

Section 5 – Capacity

38. Expertise
The experience you list can include your own professional experience as well as that of your team.

39. Agreement feasibility
What risks exist for your project? How do you plan to mitigate these risks, and how will these activities be monitored?

40. Collaborative relationships
Collaborators may include financial contributors as well as partners who provide in-kind services.

41. Information sensitivity
What are the risks for media or public-related attention to your project?

Part 2 - Applicant financial information

Section 6 - Proposed project budget

Project budget eligible expenses for fiscal year:

Eligible expenses Details and examples
Administrative overhead Expenses up to 15% of eligible costs of project may be claimed
Salary and wages, and other labour expenses
  • This also includes contributions to Employment Insurance, the Canada Pension Plan, the Workers’ Compensation Board, the Provincial Pension Plan or other Employee Benefit Plans.
  • Specify the staff (or a portion of a specific position) the proposed project will require, providing details such as function and roles, approximate salary, and whether positions are full-time or part-time, if possible. For example, positions may include (but are not limited to):
    • Technical staff to carry out data collection, Indigenous knowledge collection/ traditional use studies, GIS analysis
    • Guardian, monitor, and/or steward positions
    • Information technology and information management expert
    • Marine biologist or ecologist
    • Risk analyst
    • Proposal writer
Travel and related Expenses must be in keeping with the National Joint Council Travel Directive:
Professional services Examples: consultants, facilitators, etc.
Utilities Examples: heating, water, etc.
Materials and supplies Examples: Ink for mapping printers, printed workshop or meeting materials
Conferences and meetings Includes organization of and/or participation in conferences/meetings
Rental of facilities Includes office space, a room, set of rooms, buildings and/or facilities
Rental or lease of vehicles, vessels and aircraft
  • Expenses must be in support of project activities.
  • Example: Research vessels may be rented or leased to complete marine field work
  • Note: purchase of large capital assets such as buildings, vehicles and marine vessels are ineligible expenditures.

Training may be related to (but not limited to):

  • GIS and mapping technology
  • Guardian, monitor, environmental technician roles, including:
    • Environmental monitoring (e.g., training to use sampling and sensor technologies for data collection and water quality testing)
    • Natural resource management
    • Marine safety and emergency response
  • The use of the above-listed tools, e.g., data analysis training, database and advanced software training, and operation of cameras and drones
  • Professional development and other general skills training
Equipment and gear purchase or rental

Outline the required purchase or rental of equipment/gear and the approximate cost. Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Vessel navigational instruments (e.g., radar)
  • Environmental/ biological monitoring and sampling equipment, such as weather stations, sensor technologies, cameras (underwater, drones, etc.), sensitive data collection tools, and mobile tracking devices
  • Repair and maintenance of equipment/gear
Software and computer equipment

For example:

  • Software for advanced environmental modelling, collaborative project management, and GIS and web mapping
  • Databases and storage software for data and knowledge
  • Business management software (e.g., professional development or human resources support tools)
Repair and maintenance Example: repair and maintenance associated with the equipment and gear listed above.
Housing Example: Rooms/Homes/Spaces being rented or bought
Scholarships Example: Student loans, grants, scholarships, and bursaries. Money that has helped with paying for college, university, apprenticeship, etc.
Printing and Publishing Example: Work for print or online publication
Telecommunications, communications/network, data communication, image/video communication services Example: Video services over wire, radio, optical, or various communication methods that required funding
Postage, parcel post, courier services Example: Postage or parcel services that were/are being used
Insurance expenses Example: Insurance for vehicles, homes, persons, any sort of insurance that covers liability over property/ownership
Monitoring and reporting Example: Any monitoring or reporting when it comes to the program
Hospitality and related expenses for Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Events Example: Travel expenses, conference rooms, event rooms, any expense when it comes to the hospitality for these type of reservations
Honoraria for elders and/or Indigenous knowledge holders Indigenous Knowledge holders in recognition of providing Indigenous knowledge or community knowledge relevant to the initiative
Ceremonial costs Example: Costs for ceremonial purposes
Federal and Provincial taxes, only after credits and reimbursements have been considered
  • Funding Recipients do not render services or provide goods and, therefore do not charge GST/HST to departments. In addition, program payments which are made for a public purpose, such as grants and contributions provided by DFO/CCG to Funding Recipients, will not normally be liable to the GST/HST.
  • Funding Recipients who normally pay GST/HST on purchases of goods and services that are part of the eligible costs under a contribution agreement, departments can approve, as part of the eligible costs, the GST/HST paid on goods and services that are eligible costs when the amount of tax will not, or will likely not, be refunded or credited to the recipient by the CRA.
  • Recipients who are only entitled to a CRA refund or credit on a portion of the GST/HST paid on goods and services that are eligible will be allowed to claim only the portion of tax not refunded by the CRA. They may, in carrying out their funded project or activity pay GST/HST (i.e., on materials, supplies, and equipment). In these situations, department has its position to reimburse the eligible costs including GST/HST the recipients have paid.

Example: Recipients who are GST registrants may be entitled to input tax credits from the CRA in respect of tax paid when certain conditions are met. When recipients are not GST registrants, they may still be entitled to a partial rebate of any tax paid. Rebates may be claimed by the following public bodies at different percentages: Hospitals, Schools, Universities or public colleges, Municipalities, Charities or Qualifying Non-profit Organizations. Please verify your recipient’s GST/HST status when determine the eligibility of costs.

Section 7 – Funding disclosure

Section 8 – Disclosure

In this section, please disclose whether you are using the services of:

Section 9 - Declaration

Date modified: