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Activity application for Anguniaqvia niqiqyuam MPA

1. Overview

The Anguniaqvia niqiqyuam Marine Protected Area (AN MPA) has been identified as ecologically important by both science and Inuvialuit traditional knowledge. It provides critical habitat for Arctic char, cod, beluga whales, ringed and bearded seals, polar bears, and sea birds, and supports subsistence harvesting by the community of Paulatuk, Northwest Territories (NT). The community also utilizes portions of the AN MPA for travel, education and other traditional activities.

The MPA has two zones in the Amundsen Gulf of the Beaufort Sea: one in Darnley Bay and the other in Kendall Inlet. Refer to the Regulations and Schedules for precise requirements and coordinates.

With certain exceptions, the Regulations prohibit any activity that disturbs, damages, destroys or removes any living marine organism or any part of its habitat or is likely to do so. Activities that may be allowed to occur in the AN MPA are listed under the ‘exceptions’ section of the Regulations and include:

  • Certain types of fishing, according to prescribed Regulations and zones;
  • Dredging, to enable navigation to facilitate supplying goods to the community of Paulatuk; and
  • Activities carried out for public safety, national defence, national security, law enforcement, or in response to an emergency.

In addition, scientific research or monitoring, educational, or commercial marine tourism activities may be allowed to occur within the AN MPA if a proponent submits an activity plan to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for Ministerial approval. The conditions for approval are outlined in the MPA Regulations.

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