Corals of Nova Scotia
Did you know?
- Twenty-five to 30 species of corals are found in the waters off Nova Scotia.
- Corals were marked as hazards on 19th century fishing charts.
- Corals in deep waters are slow-growing. Animals a metre in height may be more than 100 years old.
- Corals provide habitat for many fish and invertebrates and are sensitive to impacts from bottom fishing.
What can you do to help?
- Fishing closures have been put in place to protect corals (maps on back). Avoid fishing in those areas (consult variation orders and license conditions for details).
- You can also help by recording in your logbook the location of corals caught. If you have any questions about coral conservation, contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(tel: 1-800-782-3058).
Northeast Channel Coral Conservation Area
What does it protect? Octocorals (bubblegum and seacorn coral)
How big is it? 424 square kilometres
How does this affect you? No bottom fishing permitted in the zone outlined in red. Longline and handline fishing is permitted in the zone outlined in blue only if carrying an Observer (At-Sea) on board the vessel.
Point | Lattitude | Longitude |
1 | 42° 04′ N | 65° 44′ W |
2 | 42° 07′ N | 65° 38′ W |
3 | 41° 57′ N | 65° 26′ W |
4 | 41° 50′ N | 65° 34′ W |
5 | 41° 57′ 18″ N | 65° 42′ W |
6 | 42° 00′ N | 65° 45′ W |
7 | 42° 00′ 30″ N | 65° 40′ 30″ W |
8 | 42° 00′ 30″ N | 65° 42′ W |

Lophelia Coral Conservation Area
What does it protect? Only known living Lophelia pertusa reef in Atlantic Canada
How big is it? 15 square kilometres
How does this affect you? Area is closed to all bottom fishing
Point | Lattitude | Longitude |
1 | 44° 29′ 30″ N | 57° 12′ 30″ W |
2 | 44° 29′ 30″ N | 57° 10′ 00″ W |
3 | 44° 27′ 30″ N | 57° 09′ 00″ W |
4 | 44° 27′ 30″ N | 57° 12′ 00″ W |
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