The State of the Ocean Report for the Gulf of St. Lawrence
The report on the Gulf of St. Lawrence concisely summarizes the most recent scientific information relevant to six key issues that have a considerable impact on the ecosystems of the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence Large Ocean Management Area (LOMA):
- Hypoxia in the deep waters,
- Ocean acidification,
- Changes in seasonal sea-ice cover and its effect on marine mammals,
- Aquatic invasive species,
- Impacts of fishing and climate-driven changes in exploited marine populations and communities, and
- Potential impacts of grey seal predation on groundfish populations.
Organization of the Report
The information is presented according to the "Drivers, Pressures, State Impacts and Responses" approach to the identification and management of the environmental effects. Existing reports on the structure, state, and management of the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence Large Ocean Management Area are also reviewed with the aim of highlighting the manner in which the present report complements that information.
Key Learnings
In addition, a brief discussion on what should constitute the structure and content of an effective State of the Ocean report is presented as an explanation for the nature of the present report and as a guide for future State of the Ocean reporting in the area. The report results from collaboration between ocean scientists and managers in support of integrated management in the St. Lawrence Large Ocean Management Area.
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