State of the Ocean Report for the Scotian Shelf and the Gulf of Maine
The State of the Ocean Reports for the Scotian Shelf and Gulf of Maine are modular and consist of a context document and theme-based papers. These are posted on the Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering Committee's website, COINAtlantic. COIN is short for "Coastal and Ocean Information Network". These reports update earlier ecosystem status reports from 2004. The "Ecosystem Status and Trends Report for the Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf (CSAS resdocs - 2010/070) " published by DFO in 2010 may also be of interest.
Scotian Shelf
- Climate Change and its Effects on Ecosystems, Habitats and Biota (PDF)
- At risk species theme paper (PDF)
- Waste and debris theme paper (PDF)
- Invasive Species (PDF)
- Water and Sediment Quality (PDF)
- Incidental Mortality (PDF)
- Primary and Secondary producers (PDF)
- Fish stock status and commercial fisheries (PDF)
- Emerging Issues (PDF)
Gulf of Maine
- Gulf of Maine in Context
- Climate change and its effects on humans theme paper
- Climate change and its effects on ecosystems, habitats and biota theme paper
- Coastal ecosystems and habitats theme paper
- Microbial Pathogens and Toxins theme paper
- Marine Invasive Species theme paper
- Emerging issues theme paper

Over the past few years deep sea exploration in the Scotian Shelf and Gulf of Maine using the remotely operated platform for ocean science (ROPOS), equipped with video camera, has revealed the biodiversity of these deep-sea areas. The tiny sampling seen here includes: a sea pen soft coral, an Orange roughy, a "Dumbo" octopus (genus Grimpoteuthis) so-named for its resemblance to the famous elephant and last, a deep-sea red crab, Chaecon quinquedens
Did you know?
The mission of the Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering Committee (ACZISC), established in 1992, is to promote, facilitate and influence information management, polices and programs that enhance integrated coastal and ocean management in Atlantic Canada. The monthly ACZISC Newsletter (published in English only) is online.
The Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management Initiative, ESSIM, is a collaborative ocean management and planning process being led and facilitated by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The ACZISC contributes to the management initiative.
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