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Summary of regional guidance on measures to protect corals and sponges during exploratory drilling in the Canada – Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area

Summary of regional guidance on measures to protect corals and sponges during exploratory drilling in the Canada – Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area
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This guidance outlines measures that should be implemented before, during, and after exploratory drilling in the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area to minimize impacts on habitat-forming aggregations of corals and sponges.

It has been developed in response to current regulations and policies relevant to exploratory drilling, including conditions of project-specific Environmental Assessments (EA), the Regulations Respecting Excluded Physical Activities (Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Exploratory Wells), and the Government of Canada’s 2022 Marine Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECM) Guidance which reflects the 2019 federal marine OECM Protection Standard and the 2018 Convention on Biological Diversity OECM guidance. The Marine OECM guidance specifies that existing or foreseeable activities in federal marine OECMs continue to be assessed on a case- by-case basis to ensure that risks to the OECM’s conservation objectives have been avoided or mitigated effectively.

The guidance considers:

It takes a balanced approach to maintain high levels of environmental protection during exploratory drilling programs. DFO will continue to use a scientific, risk-based approach to assess industrial activities, such as petroleum exploration, on a case-by-case basis. The guidance will be updated in response to new science, regional experience, and advancement of best practices.


Unless otherwise specified, the mitigation measures set out in this guidance apply to the pre-, during, and post-drilling phases of exploratory drilling programs inside and outside OECMs in the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area. This guidance is not meant to be prescriptive, rather provides transparency on expectations by outlining a process for proponents to meet regulatory and policy requirements, and providing certainty for industry.

This guidance will inform provision of advice and recommendations by DFO to the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) concerning mitigations to minimize impacts to corals and sponges. It is also to be used by proponents in designing and planning exploratory drilling projects or programs. The C-NLOPB will continue to issue operations authorizations for exploratory drilling that consider and reflect advice and recommendations from DFO.

While this guidance serves as a guideline, it is not conclusive in all matters. It outlines recommendations, and does not replace established EA conditions or other regulatory requirements.

Phase 1: Pre-drilling

Outside OECMs

Seabed Investigation Survey

The Seabed Investigation Survey to establish baseline data for coral and sponge abundance, density, condition, and distribution of functional groups (see Figure 1) should incorporate:

Relocation protocol

If technically feasible, the well location should be relocated within the drill center survey area as a measure to avoid and/or minimize impacts to aggregations of habitat-forming corals and sponges. This relocation could occur in response to a recommendation from DFO or a real-time decision by a proponent, with supporting rationale provided to the C-NLOPB and DFO. Both options will consider:

Inside OECMs

Seabed Investigation Survey

All measures recommended outside OECMs should be followed and implemented inside OECMs. In addition, the Seabed Investigation Survey (see Figure 2) should be enhanced as follows:

Relocation as part of OECM Plan

The OECM Plan must be submitted to DFO and the C-NLOPB at least 90 days before the start of the drilling program, and is to include a detailed description of measures that have been or will be implemented to avoid and/or minimize impacts on corals and sponges. There will be an elevated expectation to demonstrate avoidance or minimizing of impacts to corals and sponges inside OECMs.

Phase 2: During drilling

Outside OECMs

Management of drill cuttings and muds

In areas with aggregations of habitat-forming corals and/or sponges as determined by the Seabed Investigation Survey, measures should be implemented to avoid and/or minimize impacts on them, including, where technically feasible:

If relocation and redirection are not technically feasible, other mitigations will be assessed and determined in consultation with the C-NLOPB and DFO, including:

Inside OECMs

Management of drill cuttings and muds

All measures recommended outside OECMs should be followed and implemented inside OECMs.

If relocation and redirection are not technically feasible, mitigations in addition to those identified for outside of OECMs will be assessed and determined in consultation with the C-NLOPB and DFO, including directional drilling.

The OECM Plan is to include a detailed description of measures considered and to be implemented, including those described at left, in order to limit adverse effects from drill cut- tings and muds on OECM conservation objectives. There will be an elevated expectation to demonstrate avoidance or minimizing of impacts to corals and sponges in OECMs.

Phase 3: Post-drilling

Outside OECMs

Follow-up and monitoring program

The program is designed to measure and verify the accuracy of model predictions, impacts on corals and sponges, and the effectiveness of mitigation measures.

The follow-up and monitoring plan will be submitted to the C-NLOPB and reviewed by DFO. Follow-up and monitoring surveys will:

Inside OECMs

Follow-up and monitoring program

All measures recommended outside OECMs should be followed and implemented inside OECMs. In addition, the follow-up and monitoring program should be enhanced as follows:

See description below.

Pre-drill seabed investigation survey design – outside OECMs. For illustrative purposes only.


The drill centre is surrounded by a box representing the drill centre survey area, in which drill cuttings are expected to accumulate to a thickness of at least 6.5 mm. This box is nested within a larger box representing the seabed survey buffer. There are also 8 radial transects originating at the drill centre and fanning out like spokes on a wheel. These transects are spaced 45 degrees apart from one another. South of the drill centre is a dark plume representing the area in which drill cuttings will accumulate to a thickness of at least 1.5 mm, as predicted by the drill cuttings dispersion model results. Running perpendicular to the model plume are 10 model survey transects which span the full width of the model plume and are capped on each end by additional guardrails. The model survey transect furthest from the drill centre is located just outside the model plume and is labeled as a potential reference site.

See description below.

Pre-drill seabed investigation survey design – inside OECMs. For illustrative purposes only.


The drill centre is surrounded by a box representing the drill centre survey area, in which drill cuttings are expected to accumulate to a thickness of at least 6.5 mm. This box is nested within a larger box representing the seabed survey buffer. There are 16 radial transects originating at the drill centre and fanning out like spokes on a wheel. These transects are drawn in pairs spaced 10 degrees apart from one another, with 35 degrees between each pair. A highlighted box at the top of the schematic indicates that this is twice the number of radial transects, compared to the survey design for outside of OECMs. South of the drill centre is a dark plume representing the area in which drill cuttings will accumulate to a thickness of at least 1.5 mm, as predicted by the drill cuttings dispersion model results. Running perpendicular to the model plume are 10 model survey transects which span the full width of the model plume and are capped

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