British Columbia Marine/Estuarine Timing Windows for the Protection of Fish and Fish Habitat - North Coast Area
Area 1 – Masset
This area includes the north coast of Haida Gwaii from Fife Point (excluded) to Tian Bay (excluded). It includes all small islands near the coast between the two points, Masset Inlet and Naden Harbour.
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: July 1 – July 31
Winter Window: January 1 – March 1
Area 2E – Sandspit
This area includes the east coast of Haida Gwaii from Cape of St. James (excluded) to Fife Point (included). It includes all small islands near the coast between the two points.
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: July 1 – July 31
Winter Window: January 1 – March 1
Area 2W – West Coast Haida Gwaii
This area includes the west coast of Haida Gwaii from Cape of St. James (included) to Tian Bay (included). It includes all small islands near the coast between the two points.
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: July 1 – July 31
Winter Window: January 1 – March 1
Area 3 – Lower Nass
This area includes the coast of the mainland of B.C. between Hook Point (included) and Pearse Canal (included). It also includes all parts of Finlayson Island north of Hook Point and the north part of Dundas Island (from Edith Point to the center of the eastern coast). It also includes Portland Canal, Pearse Canal, Work Channel and all inland bodies of water (i.e. bays, inlets, etc.) resulting from them.
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: N/A
Winter Window: November 30 – February 15
Area 4 – Lower Skeena
This area includes the coast of the mainland of B.C. between Ker Point (excluded) and Hook Point (excluded). This area also includes the north portion of Porcher Island (from Oona to Fan Point excluding Kitkatla Inlet and islands), south portion of Finlayson Island (south of Hook Pint), south part of Dundas Island (from Edith Harbour to center of the eastern shore), and all islands south of Dundas Island and north of Gibson Island. This area excludes the coast of the mainland from Cannery to Schreiber Point, part of Prince Rupert Harbour east of Schreiber Point, the Morse Basin, and the eastern part of Kaien Island (from Ridey to Prince Rupert (included)).
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: N/A
Winter Window: November 30 – February 15
Area 4A – Waterfront
This area includes the coast of B.C. from Cannery (included) to Schreiber Point (included). It also includes the part of Prince Rupert Harbour east of Schreiber Point, the Morse Basin, and the eastern part of Kaien Island (from Ridey to Prince Rupert (included)).
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: N/A
Winter Window: November 30 – February 15
Area 5 – Grenville Principe
This area includes the coast of B.C. and all islands between Hartley Bay (included) and Ker Point (included). It also includes Promise, Pitt and Banks Islands and the south part of Porcher Island (from Oona Point to Fan Point including Kitkala Inlet and all islands in it). The area does not include the south part of Pitt Island (from Devenport Point to Saycuritay Cove).
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: N/A
Winter Window: November 30 – February 15
Area 6 – Butedale
This area includes the coast of B.C. between Catala Passage (included) and Hartley Bay (excluded). It also includes the south part of Pitt Island (from Devenport Point to Saycuritay Cove) and the Tolmie, Squally, Whale and Otter Channels and all islands within those channels. The area also includes all islands in Caamano Sound south of Banks Island. The area excludes Grenville Channel and Promise Island.
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: N/A
Winter Window: November 30 – February 15
Area 7 – Bella Bella
This area includes the coast of B.C. from Leckie Bay (partially included, approximately halfway across the bay) to Catala Passage (excluded) and all islands between these points. It also includes the Johnson, Finlayson, Mathieson, and Spiller Channels and all inland bodies of water resulting from these channels (i.e. inlets, bays). The area excludes the Tolmie Channel, and all resulting bodies of water.
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: N/A
Winter Window: July 1 – February 28
Area 8 – Bella Coola
This area includes the coast of B.C. from Fish Egg Inlet (excluded) to Leckie Bay (partially included, approximately halfway across the bay) and all islands between these points. It also includes portion of Culvert Island north of Truman Point and King Island. The area also includes the Burke, Fisher, and Dean Channels and all inland bodies of water (i.e. inlets, bays) resulting from these channels. The area excludes the Johnson Channel and all resulting bodies of water.
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: N/A
Winter Window: July 1 – February 28
Area 9 – Rivers Inlet
This area includes the coast of B.C. from Kelp Head (excluded) to Fish Egg Inlet (included) and all islands between these points. It also includes the portion of Culvert Island south of Truman Point.
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: N/A
Winter Window: July 1 – February 28
Area 10 – Smith Inlet
This area includes the coast of B.C. from Silvester Bay (south of Cape Caution, included) to Kelp Head (included) and all islands between these points.
The following are time periods when the timing windows of least risk are open.
Summer Window: N/A
Winter Window: July 1 – February 28
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