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Fisheries Licensing Policy for Newfoundland and Labrador Region


The fisheries licensing policy provides details on the various licensing policies that govern the commercial fishing industry in the Newfoundland and Labrador Region.

Important notice

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) should be consulted for all purposes of interpreting and applying this document.

DFO’s minister retains complete discretion to make exceptions to policy.

Who this guide is for

This guide is intended for:

  • the general public
  • Indigenous organizations
  • recreational fish harvesters
  • recognized financial institutions
  • commercial licence holders and fish harvesters

In this guide



Part 1 – General Licensing Policy
  1. 1.0 Registration of fish harvester
  2. 2.0 Core enterprise concept
  3. 3.0 Fleet Separation Policy
  4. 4.0 Owner/Operator Policy
  5. 5.0 Licence eligibility
  6. 6.0 Change of homeport or residence
  7. 7.0 Relocating to region
  8. 8.0 Licence issuance
  9. 9.0 Licence renewal
  10. 10.0 Freezing at sea
Part Two – Changing licence/enterprise details
  1. 11.0 Use of substitute operator (designation)
  2. 12.0 Reissuance
  3. 13.0 Death of a licence holder
  4. 14.0 Commercial fishing vessel registration
  5. 15.0 Vessel leasing
  6. 16.0 Buddy up
Part Three – Licence eligibility
  1. 17.0 Species specific
  2. 18.0 Enterprise combining
  3. 19.0 Licence combining
Part Four – Aboriginal
  1. 20.0 Introduction
  2. 21.0 Food, social and ceremonial fisheries and commercial access
  3. 22.0 Aboriginal licences
Part Five – National fisheries policies
  1. 23.0 Issuing licences to companies
  2. 24.0 Bankruptcy and saulnier
  3. 25.0 Emerging fisheries policy
Part Six - Annexes
  1. 26.0 Sector Management Policy for Canada’s Atlantic inshore Groundfish fishery
  2. 27.0 Policy respecting requests by Aboriginal organizations for the issuance of “replacement” licences for “Communal Commercial Licences”

View complete guide

Details and history

Published: April 1, 2021

For assistance

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