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Sustainability survey for fisheries


We use the fisheries sustainability survey to track the performance of the fisheries we manage. This survey includes 199 fish stocks, which are just a portion of all the stocks we manage. We select certain stocks to survey based on their importance to:

The majority of the landings from fisheries we manage come from these fish stocks.

The survey reports on our progress in implementing our Sustainable Fisheries Framework policies.

Fish stocks reported on by the survey: 2023 results

Fish stocks reported on by the survey: 2023 results
Fish stock DFO Region Current status zone for stock
Arctic Char - Cambridge Bay Arctic Healthy Zone
Arctic Char - Cumberland Sound Arctic Uncertain
Atlantic Walrus - Baffin Bay (High Arctic) Arctic Uncertain
Atlantic Walrus - Foxe Basin (Central Arctic) Arctic Uncertain
Atlantic Walrus - Hudson Bay-Davis Strait (Central Arctic) Arctic Uncertain
Atlantic Walrus - Penny Strait-Lancaster Sound (High Arctic) Arctic Uncertain
Atlantic Walrus - South and East Hudson Bay Arctic Uncertain
Atlantic Walrus - West Jones Sound (High Arctic) Arctic Uncertain
Beluga - Cumberland Sound Arctic Uncertain
Bowhead - Eastern Canada - West Greenland (ECWG) Arctic Uncertain
Greenland Halibut - Cumberland Sound Arctic Uncertain
Greenland Halibut - NAFO 0A and 0B Arctic Healthy Zone
Lake Trout - Great Slave Lake Arctic Uncertain
Lake Whitefish - Great Slave Lake Arctic Uncertain
Narwhal - Admiralty Inlet (Eastern High Arctic-Baffin Bay) Arctic Uncertain
Narwhal - East Baffin Arctic Uncertain
Narwhal - Eclipse Sound Arctic Uncertain
Narwhal - Northern Hudson Bay Arctic Uncertain
Narwhal - Smith/Jones/Parry Arctic Uncertain
Narwhal - Somerset Arctic Uncertain
North Slope Dolly Varden - Big Fish, Rat, Firth, Babbage, Vittrekwa Arctic Cautious Zone
American Plaice - NAFO 4T Gulf Critical Zone
Atlantic Cod - NAFO 4TVn Gulf Critical Zone
Atlantic Herring - NAFO 4T (Fall Spawner) Gulf Cautious Zone
Atlantic Herring - NAFO 4T (Spring Spawner) Gulf Critical Zone
Atlantic Salmon - Gulf Gulf Critical Zone
Lobster - Southern Gulf (LFA 23, 24, 25, 26A, 26B) Gulf Healthy Zone
Rock Crab - LFA 23, 24, 25, 26A, 26B Gulf Uncertain
Scallop - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (SFA 21a, b, c, 22, 23, 24) Gulf Critical Zone
Snow Crab - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Gulf Healthy Zone
White Hake - NAFO 4T Gulf Critical Zone
Winter Flounder - NAFO 4T Gulf Critical Zone
Witch Flounder - NAFO 4RST Gulf Cautious Zone
Yellowtail Flounder - NAFO 4T Gulf Critical Zone
Acadian Redfish - Unit 3 Maritimes Cautious Zone
Atlantic Canada Dogfish - NAFO 4VWX5 Maritimes Cautious Zone
Atlantic Cod - NAFO 4X5Y Maritimes Critical Zone
Atlantic Cod - NAFO 5Zjm Maritimes Critical Zone
Atlantic Halibut - NAFO 3NOPs4VWX5Z Maritimes Healthy Zone
Atlantic Herring - Coastal Nova Scotia Maritimes Uncertain
Atlantic Herring - Georges Bank Maritimes Uncertain
Atlantic Herring - Offshore Scotian Shelf Maritimes Uncertain
Atlantic Herring - Southwest New Brunswick (migrant juveniles) Maritimes Critical Zone
Atlantic Herring - Southwest Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy Maritimes Critical Zone
Eel (Large) Maritimes Uncertain
Elvers Maritimes Uncertain
Gaspereau Maritimes Uncertain
Haddock - NAFO 4X5Y Maritimes Uncertain
Haddock - NAFO 5Zjm Maritimes Uncertain
Lobster - Inshore LFA 27 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 28 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 29 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 30 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 31A Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 31B Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 32 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 33 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 34 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 35 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 36 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Inshore LFA 38 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Lobster - Offshore LFA 41 Maritimes Healthy Zone
Pollock - NAFO 4X5 (Western Component) Maritimes Cautious Zone
Sea Scallop - Inshore SFA 28A-D (Bay of Fundy) Maritimes Healthy Zone
Sea Scallop - Inshore SFA 29 West Maritimes Healthy Zone
Sea Scallop - Offshore SFA 26 German, Browns Maritimes Uncertain
Sea Scallop - Offshore SFA 27 Georges Maritimes Healthy Zone
Shrimp - Scotian Shelf (Shrimp Fishing Areas 13-15) Maritimes Cautious Zone
Silver Hake - NAFO 4VWX Maritimes Healthy Zone
Snow Crab - North-Eastern Nova Scotia (N-ENS) Maritimes Healthy Zone
Snow Crab - Scotian Shelf (NAFO 4X) Maritimes Cautious Zone
Snow Crab - South-Eastern Nova Scotia (S-ENS) Maritimes Healthy Zone
Striped Bass - Bay of Fundy Maritimes Uncertain
Surf Clam - Banquereau Maritimes Healthy Zone
Surf Clam - Grand Bank Maritimes Healthy Zone
Swordfish - North Atlantic Maritimes Healthy Zone
Yellowtail Flounder - NAFO 5Z Maritimes Critical Zone
Bluefin Tuna - Western Atlantic National Capital Region Uncertain
Harp Seal - Northwest Atlantic National Capital Region Healthy Zone
Grey Seal National Capital Region Healthy Zone
Atlantic Mackerel National Capital Region Critical Zone
Northern Shrimp - Shrimp Fishing Area 5 National Capital Region Healthy Zone
Northern Shrimp - Shrimp Fishing Area 6 National Capital Region Critical Zone
Northern Shrimp - Shrimp Fishing Area 7 National Capital Region Critical Zone
Northern Shrimp (Borealis) - Eastern Assessment Zone National Capital Region Cautious Zone
Northern Shrimp (Borealis) - SFA 1 National Capital Region Healthy Zone
Northern Shrimp (Borealis) - SFA 4 National Capital Region Healthy Zone
Northern Shrimp (Borealis) - Western Assessment Zone National Capital Region Healthy Zone
Redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) Unit 1 + 2 National Capital Region Uncertain
Redfish (Sebastes mentella) Unit 1 + 2 National Capital Region Healthy Zone
Striped Shrimp (Montagui) – Eastern Assessment Zone National Capital Region Healthy Zone
Striped Shrimp (Montagui) - Shrimp Fishing Area 4 National Capital Region Healthy Zone
Striped Shrimp (Montagui) - Western Assessment Zone National Capital Region Healthy Zone
American Lobster - LFA 3-14c Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Atlantic Cod - NAFO 2J3KL Newfoundland and Labrador Cautious Zone
Atlantic Cod - NAFO 3Ps Newfoundland and Labrador Critical Zone
Atlantic Herring - NAFO 2J3KLPs Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Atlantic Herring - NAFO 4R (Fall Spawner) Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Atlantic Herring - NAFO 4R (Spring Spawner) Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Atlantic Salmon - NL Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Capelin - NAFO 2J3KL Newfoundland and Labrador Critical Zone
Capelin - NAFO 4RST Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Greenland Halibut (Turbot) - NAFO 2 + 3KLMNO Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Redfish - NAFO 3LN Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Redfish - NAFO 3O Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Sea Cucumber - NAFO 3Ps Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Snow Crab – Assessment Division 2HJ Newfoundland and Labrador Cautious Zone
Snow Crab – Assessment Division 3K Newfoundland and Labrador Healthy Zone
Snow Crab – Assessment Division 3Ps Newfoundland and Labrador Healthy Zone
Snow Crab – Assessment Division 4R3Pn Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Snow Crab- Assessment Division 3LNO Newfoundland and Labrador Healthy Zone
Thorny Skate - NAFO 3LNO Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Whelk - NAFO 3PS Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
White Hake - NAFO 3NOPs Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Witch Flounder - NAFO 3NO Newfoundland and Labrador Cautious Zone
Witch Flounder - NAFO 3Ps Newfoundland and Labrador Uncertain
Yellowtail Flounder - NAFO 3LNO Newfoundland and Labrador Healthy Zone
Albacore Tuna - North Pacific Pacific Healthy Zone
Bocaccio Rockfish Pacific Healthy Zone
Canary Rockfish Pacific Healthy Zone
Dogfish - Inside waters Pacific Uncertain
Dogfish - Outside waters Pacific Uncertain
Dungeness Crab Pacific Healthy Zone
Eulachon - Fraser River Pacific Uncertain
Euphausiids Pacific Uncertain
Geoduck Pacific Healthy Zone
Giant Red Sea Cucumber Pacific Healthy Zone
Green Sea Urchin Pacific Healthy Zone
Intertidal Clams - Central Coast Pacific Uncertain
Intertidal Clams - South Coast Pacific Uncertain
Lingcod - Outside waters Pacific Healthy Zone
Longspine Thornyhead Pacific Uncertain
Pacific Hake - Offshore Pacific Healthy Zone
Pacific Halibut Pacific Healthy Zone
Pacific Herring - Central Coast Pacific Cautious Zone
Pacific Herring - Haida Gwaii Pacific Cautious Zone
Chinook Salmon - North Coast Pacific Uncertain
Chinook salmon - Okanagan Pacific Critical Zone
Chinook Salmon - West Coast of Vancouver Island Pacific Critical Zone
Pacific Herring - Prince Rupert District Pacific Cautious Zone
Chinook Salmon - Yukon Pacific Critical Zone
Pacific Herring - Strait of Georgia Pacific Healthy Zone
Pacific Herring - West Coast of Vancouver Island Pacific Cautious Zone
Pacific Ocean Perch - PMFC 3CD-WCVI Pacific Healthy Zone
Coho salmon - Interior Fraser Pacific Cautious Zone
Coho Salmon - North Coast Pacific Uncertain
Pacific Ocean Perch - PMFC 5ABC-QCS Pacific Healthy Zone
Pacific Ocean Perch - PMFC 5DE-HS/DE/WHG Pacific Healthy Zone
Pacific Oyster Pacific Uncertain
Pacific Razor Clam Pacific Critical Zone
Pink and Spiny Scallop Pacific Uncertain
Quillback Rockfish - Inside waters Pacific Cautious Zone
Quillback Rockfish - Outside waters Pacific Cautious Zone
Red Sea Urchin Pacific Healthy Zone
Rougheye Rockfish Pacific Healthy Zone
Fraser Chum Salmon Pacific Cautious Zone
Sablefish Pacific Healthy Zone
Sardine – Pacific Pacific Uncertain
Shrimp Trawl Pacific Healthy Zone
Spot Prawn Pacific Healthy Zone
Yelloweye Rockfish - Inside Waters Pacific Cautious Zone
Yelloweye Rockfish - Outside Waters Pacific Uncertain
Yellowmouth Rockfish Pacific Healthy Zone
Inner South Coast Chum Pacific Cautious Zone
Pink Salmon – Fraser Pacific Healthy Zone
Pink Salmon - Skeena-Nass Pacific Healthy Zone
Sockeye Salmon - Fraser (Early Stuart) Pacific Critical Zone
Sockeye Salmon - Fraser (Early Summer) Pacific Critical Zone
Sockeye Salmon - Fraser (Late) Pacific Critical Zone
Sockeye Salmon - Fraser (Summer) Pacific Critical Zone
Sockeye Salmon - Nass Pacific Healthy Zone
Sockeye Salmon - Skeena Pacific Healthy Zone
Sockeye Salmon - Stikine Pacific Healthy Zone
WCVI Barkley Sockeye Salmon Pacific Uncertain
Snow Crab - Crab Fishing Area 12A Quebec Uncertain
Northern Shrimp - Shrimp Fishing Area 12 Quebec Uncertain
Atlantic Cod - NAFO 3Pn4RS Quebec Critical Zone
Snow Crab - Crab Fishing Area 15 Quebec Uncertain
Atlantic Herring - Herring Fishing Area 15 Quebec Uncertain
Northern Shrimp - Shrimp Fishing Area 9 Quebec Critical Zone
Northern Shrimp - Shrimp Fishing Area 10 Quebec Critical Zone
Snow Crab - Crab Fishing Area 12C Quebec Uncertain
Snow Crab - Crab Fishing Area 16 Quebec Uncertain
Sea Scallop - Scallop Fishing Area 20 Quebec Healthy Zone
Greenland Halibut - NAFO 4RST Quebec Cautious Zone
Stimpson's Surfclam - Stimpson's Surfclam Fishing Areas 1-4 Quebec Uncertain
Snow Crab - Crab Fishing Area 17 Quebec Uncertain
Atlantic Halibut - NAFO 4RST Quebec Healthy Zone
Beluga – Northern Quebec (Nunavik) Quebec Uncertain
Snow Crab - Crab Fishing Area 12B Quebec Uncertain
Lobster - Lobster Fishing Area 22 Quebec Healthy Zone
Snow Crab - Crab Fishing Area 14 Quebec Uncertain
Lobster - Lobster Fishing Area 17 Quebec Uncertain
Northern Shrimp - Shrimp Fishing Area 8 Quebec Critical Zone
Snow Crab - Crab Fishing Area 16A Quebec Uncertain
Lobster - Lobster Fishing Areas 19-21 Quebec Healthy Zone
Icelandic Scallop - Scallop Fishing Sub-areas 16E and 16F Quebec Critical Zone
Snow Crab - Crab Fishing Area 13 Quebec Uncertain
Soft Shell Clam - Soft Shell Clam Fishing Areas 1-3 Quebec Uncertain

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Contact us

Sustainability survey for fisheries
Domestic Fisheries Policy
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200 Kent Street
Ottawa ON  K1A 0E6
Email: DFO.SustainabilitySurveyforFisheries-Enquetesurladurabilite.MPO@DFO-MPO.GC.CA

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