Supplementary information tables

Disclosure on transfer payment programs under $5 million

Academic Research Contribution Program

End date: No end date

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to the Department’s Program Alignment Architecture: The Academic Research Contribution Program has been used to support research aligned with the following program areas over the last five years:

  • Integrated Fisheries Management;
  • Sustainable Aquaculture Program;
  • Aquatic Animal Health;
  • Biotechnology and Genomics;
  • Species at Risk;
  • Fisheries Protection; and
  • Ocean Forecasting.

Main objective: The Academic Research Contribution Program (ARCP) provides funding to Canadian universities for research aligned with Fisheries and Oceans Canada's science program areas. The long term outcome of ARCP is a broader pool of scientific knowledge that may be used in support of decision making within Fisheries and Oceans Canada, as well as the development of policies and regulations. Funding for the ARCP is provided from existing Ecosystems and Oceans Science Sector’s program reference levels. As contribution agreements are entered into, they are recorded and reported against relevant programs.

The main objectives are to:

  • enhance the Ecosystems and Oceans Science sector's ability to meet future challenges in areas relevant to Fisheries and Oceans Canada science programs areas; and
  • leverage the Ecosystems and Oceans Science Sector's capacity to contribute to Canada’s full potential in marine, freshwater, fisheries, and aquaculture research through access to academic resources and knowledge.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $1,544,728

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: 2014-15

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2019-20

General targeted recipient groups: Recognized Canadian post-secondary institutions.

Class Contributions Program

End date: No end date

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to the Department’s Program Alignment Architecture: The Class Contributions Program supports all programs on the Department's Program Alignment Architecture.

Main objective: To provide support for safe, healthy and productive waters and aquatic ecosystems, for the benefit of present and future generations. The program provides contributions to support organizations associated with research, development, management, and promotion of fisheries and oceans-related issues.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $485,486

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: 2013-14

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2018-19

General targeted recipient groups: External stakeholders such as organizations both Canadian and International, Indigenous groups, recognized post-secondary institutions; and other levels of government or agencies.

Class Grants Program

End date: No end date

Type of transfer payment: Grant

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to the Department’s Program Alignment Architecture: The Class Grants program supports all programs on the Department's Program Alignment Architecture.

Main objective: To provide support for safe, healthy, productive waters and aquatic ecosystems, for the benefit of present and future generations. The program provides grants to support organizations associated with research, development, management, and promotion of fisheries and oceans-related issues.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $245,500

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: 2013-14

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2018-19

General targeted recipient groups: External stakeholders such as organizations both Canadian and International, Indigenous groups, recognized post-secondary institutions; and other levels of government or agencies.

Contribution to Support Establishment and Management of Conservation Measures

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to Department's Program: Oceans Management

Main objective: To support the development and implementation of ocean conservation and management activities in Canada.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $495,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: Not applicable (new program)

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2021-22

General targeted recipient groups: Indigenous groups, non-profit organizations including environmental non-governmental organizations and stewardship bodies, industry groups and associations, academic researchers across the country and Provincial, territorial and/or regional government organization.

Grants for the Disposal of Surplus Lighthouses

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grant

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to the Department’s Program Alignment Architecture: Internal Services

Main objective: To facilitate the sale or transfer of surplus lighthouses to non-profit organizations and municipalities.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $500,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: 2015-16

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2020-21

General targeted recipient groups: Municipalities, non-profit organizations, and provinces.

Grant to Support Indigenous Groups in Negotiations of Conservations Measures

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grant

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to Department's Program: Oceans Management

Main objective: To support the development and implementation of oceans conservation and management activities in areas where management of marine resources or proposed marine conservation measures overlap with traditional territories or domestic fishing areas established under Modern Treaties.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $100,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: Not applicable (new program)

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2020-21

General targeted recipient groups: Indigenous Groups

Indigenous Community – Boat Volunteer Program

End date: March 31, 2021

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to Department's Program: Search and Rescue Services; Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary

Main objective: Provide funding to strengthen the capacity of coastal Indigenous communities to participate in maritime search and rescue response activities within their communities as members of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary.

The expected results of this program are:

Immediate results:

  • Successful Indigenous communities will be equipped to become eligible for membership to the CCGA. (Training, insurance coverage and all other requirements for membership will be addressed through increased capacity under the existing CCGA Contribution program).

Intermediate results:

  • Successful Indigenous communities are active members of the CCGA and are prepared and available to respond to local marine emergency response incidents.

Ultimate results:

  • Increased Indigenous participation in the federal Search and Rescue (SAR) system.
  • indicators for these expected results include:
    • number of Indigenous communities participating in this program, that is, number of individuals trained in SAR and participating as members of the CCGA;
    • number of Indigenous CCGA members responding to SAR incidents; and,
    • percentage of maritime SAR responses by CCGA relative to the total number of maritime SAR incidents.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $750,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: Not applicable (new program)

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2021-22

General targeted recipient groups: Coastal Indigenous (First Nations/Innu/Inuit/Inuvialuit/Métis) Eligible communities:

  • Bands/Settlements (land, reserves, trusts);
  • First Nations/Innu/Inuit/ Inuvialuit governments referred to in a Self-Government or land claims Agreement;
  • Metis/Innu/Inuit/ Inuvialuit communities or groups;
  • District Councils/Chief Councils;
  • Tribal Councils;
  • Organizations;
  • Societies (e.g., First Nation Emergency Services Society);
  • Associations;
  • Institutions; and
  • Corporations (major shareholder is Indigenous).

Pacific Salmon Foundation

End Date: No end date

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to the Department’s Program Alignment Architecture: Salmonid Enhancement program

Main objective: To engage the public, First Nations, businesses and the not-for-profit sector broadly in a culture of salmon stewardship through the funding of community based projects that support salmon and their habitat.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $962,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: 2014-15

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2019-20

General targeted recipient groups: Pacific Salmon Foundation and the T. Buck Suzuki Foundation.

Participant Funding Program for Reviews related to Fish, Fish Habitat and Navigation

End date: March 31, 2018

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to Department's Program: Fisheries Protection program

Main objective: The program supports the participation of Indigenous groups in the review of the changes to the Fisheries Act, including the review undertaken by the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, and discussion of proposals for subsequent changes to the Fisheries Act, regulations, policy or program.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $500,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: Not applicable (new program)

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: Not applicable

General targeted recipient groups: Indigenous groups, including national and regional Indigenous organizations, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis who may be affected by fish and fish habitat related proposals by government authorities. These may include Communities, Bands, Settlements, District Councils, Chiefs’ Councils, Tribal Councils, Indigenous Associations, Organizations, Societies, Indigenous Fisheries Commissions, Councils, Authorities, Boards, Indigenous Economic Institutions, Organizations, Corporations, Co-operatives, Partnerships or aggregations of Indigenous groups.

Small Craft Harbours Class Contribution Program

End date: No end date

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to the Department’s Program Alignment Architecture: Small Craft Harbours

Main objective: To support fishing industry infrastructure, Harbour Authorities and Harbour Authority support organizations. As a result of focusing resources on the maintenance and repair of harbours and the management of harbours by Harbour Authorities, Small Craft Harbours is able to provide a network of safe and accessible harbours that contribute to the commercial fishing industry.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $500,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: 2012-13

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2018-19

General targeted recipient groups: Harbour Authorities, Harbour Authority support organizations, and organizations that manage harbours under the purview of the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act (non-profit organizations, industry-related).

Small Craft Harbours Divestiture Class Grant Program

End date: No end date

Type of transfer payment: Grant

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to the Department’s Program Alignment Architecture: Small Craft Harbours

Main objective: To assist in achieving the 1995 Program Review decision to rationalize all recreational harbours and derelict or inactive and low activity fishing harbours; to provide flexibilities in concluding agreements with other parties to realize the transfer of facilities as quickly as possible; and, to achieve disposals at the lowest overall cost for the federal government.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $500,000

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: 2012-13

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2018-19

General targeted recipient groups: Provincial or municipal government or agency thereof, local non-profit organizations, local development associations, First Nations and First Nations owned corporations (for profit and non-profit), or an amalgamation of such interested parties.

Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee

End date: No end date

Type of transfer payment: Contribution

Type of appropriation: Estimates

Link to Department's Program: Aboriginal Strategies and Governance

Main objective: The mandate of the Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee is to make recommendations to the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard and to Yukon First Nations on all matters related to salmon allocations, salmon management, and salmon habitats in the Yukon, including legislation, research, policies and programs.

Planned spending in 2017-18: $261,500

* Please note that the current multi-year contribution agreement with the Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee is in place until the end of 2019-20.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: 2013-14

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2018-19

General targeted recipient groups: Yukon First Nations

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